January 9, 2014 minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                           Commissioners Meeting

                                                               January 09, 2014

                                                            at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell

Commissioner Landis Bohn Absent

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Elaine Kinney

Guests:  Barb Harris, Jim Ratley (via Skype)

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:02 am, acknowledged a quorum and announced those present.

Commissioner Harris and Commissioner Klasell were sworn into office by the Clerk, Elaine Kinney

Commissioner Klasell motioned to appoint Commissioner Harris as President, Commissioner Harris accepted, passed

Commissioner Harris motioned to appoint Commissioner Klasell as Secretary, Commissioner Klasell accepted,  passed.

Commissioners Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes and accept and sign as written the December 12, 2013 minutes, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Project Issues

USFS permit update: The forest service has indicated that in two weeks we should have the permit.


Construction Schedule Split 2014/2015

  • Construction split: Karen has not given us the final budget numbers but they are expected soon.
  • Impact on Hashim MOU:  Commissioner Harris pointed out that if we are not finished with the Hashim property we will have to obtain an extension from Hashim or if Commissioner Bohn has been authorized to make the decision, he will need a power of attorney for this one decision.
  • RH2 change approval: After discussion the Commissioners decided that we should propose to RH2 to keep their current rate.

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Project Status Update letter

  • The Commissioners reviewed and approved the letter to be sent to all customers along with the WUE hearing announcement.
  • The Commissioners reviewed the Water Use Efficiency (WUE) goals and decided on the district’s measurable goals for WUE.   These goals will be discussed at the January 23rd Commissioners meeting with the public.  The announcement for the meeting will be published in the Wenatchee World on Sunday the 12th of January, mailed to each customer, and posted on the District mailbox.



Commissioner Klasell motioned that from this day forward, any document attachments should be printed out by each Commissioner and the clerk, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.  


Commissioner Klasell distributed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for December 2013; as of 1/7/14 our funds are $27,025.40 at the County; Imprest balance is $499.50.  Past due accounts amount to $679.39


Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,860.69.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris. Warrant includes $296.27 for the Imprest account to pay USFS permit and iPage fees that are due ASAP.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for December in the amount of $872.00  Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated DWSRF budget status as of 12/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #23 for $6,941.71 and supporting CPF warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the recommended O&M budget for 2014; commissioners and well operator are to review and submit changes prior to next meeting.  Budget will be approved then.

Other Issues

Karen Dickinson split a piece of property into 3 lots.  The Commissioners discussed sending a letter inviting the owners of the three properties to join the LID and get water.  The Commissioners will prepare a letter to be sent. The issue will be decided at the next meeting when our attorney is present.

Servicing Mt. Park in ditch under Lake Wenatchee Hwy:  Charlie reported that he feels with the spring drainage, the insulation that he installed will allow runoff flow.

Landis Bohn request for variance of meter change on lot #5 and a credit and relief of charges for same lot:

Commissioner Harris informed the board that after conferring with our attorney, Marc Marquis, LWWD is required to honor all prior debts, errors, omissions and obligations of the associations that transferred into the district on August 1, 2012.  Whispering Pines Water System Association’s (WPWUA) meter configuration was defined that all parcels within WPWUA, both vacant and occupied, will receive water vaults and meters.  Because the upper system meters are being relocated to easements by LWWD, a new vault and meter will be installed for parcel 271718925030 on Lakeview Drive at no additional installation or material cost to the owner.

Commissioner Harris moved that the request from Mr. Bohn for a refund of $390 in past payments on parcel # 271718925030 and relief from future water meter charges be denied, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

The Clerk will mail him his two bills for 1005 & 1006, along with a collection letter, a letter stating the Commissioners response to his request and a list of District policies.  The collection letter will give him until Feb. 15, 2014 to pay his balance without any further late fees.

The clerk reported that there is another customer requesting that the late fee be credited because they did not receive a bill on November first for Sept. and Oct.  The Commissioners decided that we can grant this one-time credit for the customer who called and allow all customers the same privilege.

Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 1:00 pm and announced that the next meeting is January 23, 2014, Commissioner Klasell seconded.

December 12, 2013 Minutes

                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                           Commissioners Meeting

                                                               December 12, 2013

                                                            at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Elaine Kinney

Professional:  Karen Kornher-RH2, Dan Bannier-RCAC, Cathy Brockman- Dept. of Commerce, Karen Klocke- DOH

Guests: Barb Harris, Jim Ratley (via Skype), Cleve Borth

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:02 am, acknowledged a quorum and announced those present.

Commissioners Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes and accept and sign as written the November 14, 2013 minutes, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Project Issues

John Hashim MOU modification:  Commissioner Bohn reported that John Hashim indicated to him that if there was a cost saving to delay the project until 2015, he will grant a one year extension. There was much discussion regarding splitting the project into two years or delaying all the construction until 2015.

Asset valuation: RCAC prepared a comprehensive evaluation regarding the credit for assets brought into the consolidation of the 5 associations. This was sent to the Commissioners before the meeting for their review. This evaluation will be used in the final LID assessment computation. 

Commissioner Harris motioned to accept the evaluation prepared by RCAC, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Karen Kornher indicated that they have briefly looked at the feasibility of splitting the project verses delaying the construction until 2015.  Karen indicated that they (RH2) recommend delaying the project until 2015.  If we split the project, there will be some duplicate costs for the bidding process as well as additional engineering work to split the project.  On a positive note, if we split the project into two years, the piping which would be in the second year, would be opened up to local contractors who could then qualify for the bonding.  Otherwise, bonding for the whole project would be beyond their means. Karen pointed out that the first years construction would include all the facility work including telemetry, electrical and mechanical components and limited piping between the reservoir  and well.  Therefore we would have a new water source working in the fall of 2014.  There was much discussion on the matter.

SRF Cost concerns: Cathy Brockman, Department of Commerce (DOC) responsible for the LWWD project loan,  voiced her concerns.  Karen Kornher and Cathy have discussed the issue of excessive spending against the loan  given the progress of the project to date.  After she was made aware of the reasons behind the additional legal, engineering, survey and easement costs that the District incurred, she was more confident that the project is on track.  Karen Klocke recommends that when we receive the additional funding, we would create a contract that combines with the current contract.  The scope of work would remain the same with the exception of adding the demolition and removal of the concrete pads and tanks in Whispering Pines. These are not included in the current contract.

Cathy Brockman informed the commissioners that if there is going to be a large project shift to notify her.

Cathy and Karen Klocke pointed out that 10% of each contract will be held until the project is completed and signed off.  This will possibly result in occurring some short term financing for the district until the 10% is received. It was also pointed out that if both contracts are identical (have the same scope) and are extended to the same end date, we might be able to use money from either loan to handle timing issues with payments 

Karen Klocke is pretty confident that the funding from the DOH water fund will be available for 2014.  Based on our previous rating she feels that we will be eligible for a 1% loan with along with 50% forgiveness. 

Treatment of Late comers into the District:  Karen Klocke said that typically the cost should be at least the same as the LID assessment for each member in the district. 

Karen (from RH2) indicated that now the DOH is now requiring a concrete barrier when a water line is close to a sewer line.  Previously the engineers were using CDS which the DOH is no longer accepting. She pointed out that it will cost more and is harder to dig up if needed for repairs. The other option is adding a pipe over the water pipe as a sleeve.  This option is very expensive.

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Based on the specs and additional costs involved, the commissioners will take a final vote on January 9, 2014 on how to proceed.

USFS permit:  The notice was published on December 5th.  Karen feels that if there are no comments we could have our permit by the middle of January.  If all goes well, we will go to bid in February. 

Commissioner Harris motioned to authorize RH2 to provide bid specs for phase one construction which would include, mechanical, electrical, telemetry and some piping, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.


Water use efficiency (WUE):  Discussion occurred next on the how to approach the topic of the district WUE program.  Commissioner Harris will draft a customer letter identifying the goals that the district wants to establish.  In addition to the WUE goals, the project status will be summarized for costs and schedule changes since the last update February 2012.  The letter will be reviewed at the Jan 9, 2014 commissioners meeting and immediately be mailed to the customers in order to meet the time flow requirements stated in the Washington Revised Code for hearings.  ‘The clerk will publish the notice of the WUE hearing that will be held on January 24, 2014, 10am to discuss the goals and take public input.


Commissioner Klasell distributed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for November 2013; as of 12/9/13 our funds are $27,916.64 at the County; Imprest balance is $361.25.  Past due accounts amount to $2,626.88.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated O&M budget status as of 11/30/13.  There is no budget in place yet for 2014.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $1,963.02.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn Warrant includes $138.25 reimbursement to the Imprest account to bring account to $500.00.  Last month we spent $27.75 from Imprest for mileage.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for November in the amount of $912.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated DWSRF budget status as of 11/30/13

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #22 for $7,805.09 and supporting CPF warrant. Motion seconded Commissioner Bohn.


Other Issues

Barry Jones Payment Issue:  The issue of his undelivered bill and subsequent dropping of the late payment has been resolved.

Landis Bohn Request for Meter change on Lot 5 of his property:  He presented his issue and the Commissioners will discuss and investigate it further.

Charlie, the operator reported that during the past freeze we did not experience any freezing issues.  Bruce requested that he drain one of the upper tanks to avoid any further freezing concerns.

Commissioner noted that the December 26th meeting had been cancelled and the clerk will post a notice on the fire station door.

Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 1:05 pm, Commissioner Klasell seconded, meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be held on January 9, 2014 at the Fire Station at 10:00 am.


November 14, 2013 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

November 14, 2013

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Darwin Parker, Banner Bank; Karen Kornher, RH2

Guests: Barb Harris (via Skype), John Klasell


Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, acknowledged a quorum and announced those present.

Commissioners Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the minutes and accept as written the October 24, 2013 minutes, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Project Issues

DWSRF/Banner Bank Financing

Darwin Parker presented a new proposal for the additional financing. Significant changes were to make the 24 month draw down period and consecutive 20 year bond fixed interest rates, instead of adjustable rates. In addition, there would be no penalty if loan is paid off at the time of the closing of the assessment roll.

Bruce summarized the conference call with Karen Klocke at DOH regarding the potential for additional financing from DWSRF at the end of 2014, or beginning of 2015 which would be at 1%, with 50% of the total loaned forgiven. We would apply for this financing in Sept 2014, and would require we split the project because of some conditions in temporary construction easements that end December 2014. We would more than likely not qualify for funding with the 50% forgiveness to repay the Banner Bank loan if the commissioners decide to proceed with 100% construction this summer via funds with Banner Bank.

Karen Kornher presented a rough estimate of costs if we split the project. The tank and Homestead well/facility building, Mountain Park electrical panel, and all telemetry would be built summer of 2014; the balance of the project (line work) would be built summer of 2015. By the end of the first construction season it is anticipated that the Whispering Pines and Brown Road communities would be on the new well water source using mostly the old piping infrastructure. This cannot be confirmed until the engineering modifications for the split in construction have been made. There will be increased costs since there would be additional engineering involved to split the design, plus preparation of two separate bids.

The commissioners requested that Karen Kornher try to give a more accurate cost estimate if the split is truly possible and how much more it would cost. In addition, Commissioner Bohn will try to contact the parties with temporary construction easements that expire in 2014 to see if they would extend to 2015 so the entire project can be built at one time. The commissioners will discuss in more detail at the next meeting and invite Karen Klocke to attend meeting either in person or via telephone conference if she has more information on the DWSRF loan to present to us.

Meter Map Revisions

Commissioners presented Karen Kornher revisions on the map from RH2 to insure all parcels that are getting correctly assessed for meter installations or stub-out connections. A discussion ensued about parcels that were short platted after the LID was formed, whether or not we should give them the option to opt-out as they are probably unaware that they are even part of the LID. Discussion was tabled to research more on the legalities and procedures of adding parcels to the LID because of a short plat. Commissioner Bohn brought up that the meter for his 2nd parcel does not actually serve that parcel and therefore does not want one installed when the new connection is created that will serve the parcel after construction. As our current policies do not allow for meters to be removed, Commissioner Klasell asked that he present a request for variance at the next meeting for a vote.
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USFS Update

Karen Kornher advised she’s been in contact with Rick Pringle, Leavenworth USFS and he told her he drafted the new documents without the debris flow conditions they had been wanting and sent off for review with their NEPA staff for review on Friday, 11/8/13. He is hoping to hear back soon about the public notice advertisement date.

System Issues

Water Use Efficiency

Commissioner Klasell reminded the commissioners that we haven’t established any Water Use Efficiency goals (WUE) for 2013. The RCW requires that we hold a public hearing to set these goals, but Karen Korhner feels it’s impossible to set goals since we aren’t 100% metered. Commissioner Klasell will check the DOH website to see what goals they will accept for a non-fully metered system and will present those options at the next meeting. Once construction is complete and we are 100% metered, we will then hold our public hearing to establish our WUE goals for the following 6 years.

DOE/WPWUA Water Usage

We received a letter from Dept. of Ecology addressed to Whispering Pines Water Users Group stating they had not received water usage reports from 2010, 2011, and 2012. Charlie was unaware this was something that was required. He will contact the person at DOE who sent the letter to advise that WPWUA no longer exists, and that the spring will be taken offline at the end of the project.


Commissioner Klasell distributed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for October 2013; as of 10/31/13 our funds are $23,229.92 at the County; Imprest balance is $483.40; past due accounts amount to $678.39

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated O&M budget status as of 10/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,771.89. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed. Warrant includes $16.60 reimbursement to the Imprest account to bring account to $500.00. Last month we spent $79.00 from Imprest for postage.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for October in the amount of $1,361.50. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated DWSRF budget status as of 10/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the A19 voucher #21 for $8,439.10 and supporting CPF warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.

Other Issues

Commissioner Klasell motioned to cancel the 11/28/13 commissioner’s meeting as it falls on Thanksgiving, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed. The clerk will post notices at the Fire Station and at the District mail box.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:45am, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

The next meeting will be held at December 12 at 10 am.


October 24, 2013 Minutes

                                          Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                              Commissioners Meeting

                                                   October 24, 2013

                                               at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President- Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Marc Marquis, attorney; Darwin Parker, Banner Bank; Cynthia Weed, K & L Gates (via conference phone)

Guests: Barb Harris, Jim Ratley (both via Skype)

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:00 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Project Issues

ULID/LID Issues, Banner Bank Financing;


Cynthia Weed explained the differences between LIDs (Local Improvement Districts) and ULIDs (Utility Local Improvement Districts) and her legal expertise in bond financing.

Darwin Parker presented Banner Bank’s proposal to purchase a $1.5 million revenue bond from the district.  A conversion from our current LID to an ULID is a requirement of the proposal.  Cynthia Weed would assist in this process; her fee would be $11k (flat fee) and paid from bond funds. She also provides bond insurance for this fee. The commissioners then discussed the terms of the proposal with Darwin Parker in detail.

Karen Kornher had sent a brief email to Commissioner Klasell on October 23, 2013 that summarized an additional funding option suggested by Karen Klocke using the State Revolving Funds (SRF) for 2015.  Ms. Klocke mentioned to her when attending the IACC conference, that they could possibly loan us the balance of the projects costs needed post-construction with 50% forgiveness within the next 2 years.  We still need to obtain financing for the interim, and she suggested we look at RCAC as well.  Commissioner Klasell will contact RCAC and present their option at the meeting on November 14, 2013.  Hopefully by then we will have received a firm commitment from SRF so a decision can be made at that meeting whether or not to proceed with Banner Bank or RCAC.

Parcel Sub plats issues regarding LID assessment:

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Water Right Transfers:

We have thus far received approval for the LWWU and the Bob West transfer.  Marc will be resubmitting the other transfer permits to Department of Ecology (DOE) that have been revised based on their suggestions to the Conservancy Board. Ecology then has 90 days before they need to approve or recommend further changes.  Marc is fairly confident that with the revisions that they will be approved.

USFS Permit:

Commissioner Harris spoke with Rick Pringle of the Leavenworth Forest Service Office with this outcome: There was an indication that there may be a delay due to the Okanogan FS requirement for an additional EPA study.  The situation has changed as of late Oct 23.  With the schedule information that Karen Kornher was able to provide, they have backed off on this requirement and we are back on the previous time line.  Apparently there was some concern in the supervisor’s office on how all this impacts the NEPA output.  Rick is preparing the final documentation for the 45 day comment period advertising and if there are no negative comments then the permit will be issued shortly thereafter (probably early January).

System Issues

Snow Removal Bid: We received written bids from Mike Dickinson and Tim Gellatly.  Tim’s was the lowest bid.  Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept Tim Gellatly’s bid, Commissioner Harris seconded passed. Clerk Kinney will notify both bidders.


Mountain Park No Water Emergency:

The check valve in the well failed, so Charlie contacted Tumwater and had if fixed. There was also a hole in the pipe which he fixed. Tumwater also found that two of the three pressure tanks that are being used are bad.  Tumwater is going to provide LWWD with a bid for replacing those tanks.  Charlie will provide the parameters for the work to be done and if there are other contractors on our small works roster that are qualified to do the work, we will ask for their bids as well.

Another issue with the Mountain Park system:

The county was cleaning out culverts on the main highway and broke a water line, which they repaired temporarily, but it needs to be redone and insulated for winter. Commissioner Klasell moved to authorize Charlie to make the necessary repairs to the broken water line, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Charlie also noticed that the Lake Wenatchee Water pump house lock needed some repair.  He took the lock off and had it rekeyed so the key matches the Whispering Pines and Brown Road key.  That way we have a universal key for all pump houses.

Commissioner Klasell moved to waive the reading of the minutes and sign the minutes as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

The next meeting is November 14th, 2013

Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:30 pm, Commissioner Harris seconded, meeting adjourned.

October 10, 2013 Minutes


                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                           Commissioners Meeting

                                                                October 10, 2013

                                                           at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Darwin Parker, Banner Bank

Guests: Barb Harris, Jim Ratley (both via Skype)

Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, acknowledged a quorum and announced those present.

Commissioners Klasell motioned waive the reading of the minutes and accept as written the Sept. 26, 2013 minutes, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Project Issues

Additional Financing Options:

Darwin Parker, representing Banner Bank, presented the bank’s plan for helping the water district to obtain additional financing for the project. He suggested that the District have an ULID vs. a LID.  The Commissioners felt that we have a ULID, but it will be verified. He also presented Banner Banks history of helping entities such as the District as well as his experience as a County officer.

Mr. Parker said they would issue funds as a Revenue Bond.  It would be set up initially as a Bond Anticipation Loan (similar to a line of credit) with an “up-to” limit amount. After project completion, it will convert to an ULID Revenue Bond paid by using the ULID assessments received.  If there is any issue with recovering assessment amounts, the District could use revenues.

The interest rates would reset every 5-7 years.  They would use a formula based on a set percentage with a total cap, using the Federal Home Loan of Seattle as index.

Mr. Parker also pointed out that if a home owner challenged the fact that the total ULID assessment does not increase the property value by the ULID amount, they would have to obtain a professional assessment before and after the completion of the project at the home owner’s expense.  If they could prove the challenge, then the difference would be spread over the rest of the properties.
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Commissioner Klasell presented other revenue avenues from Cashmere Bank, Key Bank and Municipal Bonds. The commissioners then spent quite some time discussing all of the District’s options for procuring the additional funding needed to complete the project.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to pursue financing with Banner Bank, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 


USFS Permit:  As a result of the government shutdown, the project is on hold.

Maria Meyer Letter regarding the LID addition: Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the letter which indicates that she wants to be added to the District which corrects the clerical error omitting her parcel, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.


Commissioner Klasell distributed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for September 2013; as of 9/30/13 our funds are $25,256.56 at the County, Imprest balance is $562.36, past due accounts amount to $1,818.96.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated DWSRF budget as of 9/30/13.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #20 for $17,036.98 and supporting CPF warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.

The payroll voucher did not make it to the meeting therefore Commissioner Bohn moved to authorize Commissioner Klasell to sign the Payroll voucher for September in the amount of $1,426.50. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated O&M budget as of 9/30/13.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $1,942.43 .  Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris,            passed. Imprest account does not need reimbursement as balance is above the $500 min level.  Last month we spent $32.49 from Imprest for a laptop bag.

Bill Burgess shutoff and billing:  Commissioner Klasell motioned to prorate the final payment amount by one month and 7 days, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

System Issues

Operator Cruickshank checked the leak in the Lester Addition.  The water loss has stopped and he no longer hears a leak. The water usage has returned to normal.

Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:00noon, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

The next meeting will be held at October 24th at 10 am.

September 26, 2013 Minutes


                                                     Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                          Commissioners Meeting

                                                              September 26, 2013

                                                            at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via phone), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Charlie Cruickshank

Professional:  Marc Marquis

Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, acknowledged a quorum


Commissioners approved and signed the revised Sept. 12, 2013 minutes

Project Issues

USFS Permit Update:  The Forest service is working on preparing the notice to be published in the paper.  There will be a 30 day response period after it is published which will occur around the end of October. If there are no responses the decision notice and permit can be issued.

Budget Overages/Funding options: Commissioner Klasell presented the Rural Development Funding requirements which are extensive and have to be completed before and application can be submitted.
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She also reported that she talked with Darwin Parker of Banner Bank who indicated that he would rather issue a revenue bond instead of including the loan in the LID. The Commissioners agreed that obtaining private funding is the better way to proceed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to allow the private lenders to contact our attorney Marc Marquis, if they have any questions regarding the LID, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

99% Plan: Following a brief discussion regarding the plan Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the 99% plan so it can be presented to the DOH, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 

Maria Meyer: Marc reported that he had heard from her attorney with a request that the district pursue adding her service to the wetland variance.  The Commissioners agreed that before any more work is done on the issue, that Maria must agreed to be responsible for any costs (Engineer and Attorney) to pursue the matter further.  Marc will inform her attorney.

Bill Burgess Connection: The Commissioners agreed that another letter should be sent to Mr. Burgess regarding either joining the LID or being removed from the system.

DOE/Water Rights Transfer: Marc reported that all the other water rights transfer reports are almost ready to be submitted to the DOE.  He is confident that they will be accepted this time.

System Issues

Registering with 811-Call Before You Dig: Clerk Kinney reported that she had been in contact with Call Before You Dig and they will notify us if there is a planned dig in our area, but we would have to do the locating.  Marc indicated that legally we are required as a District to participate.  The Commissioners felt that Charlie would be the best person to do the locating.  The District will purchase any needed equipment to do this.  Clerk Kinney will obtain the necessary application and get the process started.

Clerk Kinney will send an email to Paul Gray who prompted the issue to let him know that in the future we will be participating and the Charlie will mark his water service.

Snow Plowing:  The three small roster contractors that we contacted for a bid last year will be approached again this year.  The Commissioners agreed that we will require the use of a smaller piece of equipment for the Mountain Park well house. Commissioner Klasell agreed to prepare the letters.

Our operator Charlie passed out water usage reports for review.  I pointed out that there is a significant leak in the Lester Addition.  He investigated the area and located the sound of running water at one residence.  Commissioner Harris agreed to contact the homeowner and report back.

Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 am, Commissioner Bohn seconded, meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will October 10, 2013 at 10:00 am.


September 12, 2013 Minutes


                                                 Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                    Commissioners Meeting

                                                       September 12, 2013

                                                     at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney

Guests:  Barb Harris, Jim Ratley

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:05 am, acknowledged a quorum


Commissioners approved and signed the revised 08/22/13 minutes

Commissioner Klasell distributed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for June 2013; as of 8/31/13 our funds are $20,580.30. Accounts Receivable is $9,700.59, of which $511.80 is past due.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated DWSRF budget as of 8/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #19 for $3,725.00 and supporting CPF warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the Payroll voucher for August in the amount of $,1,322.50. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated O&M budget as of 8/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,697.53 .  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed. Imprest account does not need reimbursement, balance is $594.89.  Last month we spent $406.89 on a new laptop and accessories, and $66.46 for postage from the Imprest account.

Commissioner Harris asked if the other Commissioners had any objections to disposing of the old District laptop.  No one had any objections.  It was decided that the laptop should be recycled at Goodwill where it is free.

Commissioner Harris reported that Richard McCord has decided to wait until construction is complete to hook up to the District water system.

IAAC attendance: There was discussion as to whether to send one of the Commissioners to the conference.  Karen Kornher from RH2 felt that is was necessary, Commissioner Klasell spoke with Cathi Read at Dept. of Commerce about scheduling a tech team meeting at the conference. Cathi felt it was not beneficial since there are no other funding sources available this year that LWWD has not already contacted.  The Commissioners decided to skip attendance at the conference this year.

Project Issues

99% Plan Review: The following items were identified to review with RH2 before signing off on them:

  • The Commissioners felt that the verbiage addressing “fire hydrants” should be changed by removing the word fire.  They felt they can be called “hydrants” but not related to fire.
  • Obtain a list of all the parcels receiving meters from RH2.
  • Address the moving of Landis Bohn’s meter.
  • A clarification of the number of meters we will need to purchase.  It is not clear how they got to the number they reported.

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Meter move from 6 lots from upper system: RH2 has recommended that rather than expend the money to dig up and move the existing vaults and meters to the LWWD easement or the County right away on Lakeview Drive that new meters be installed.  The existing meters can be removed by the district at a later date and used for future installations because they are only 8 years old and in good condition.  The Commissioners felt that we should follow RH2 recommendations.

USFS Permit Update: Commissioner Klasell reported that once the USFS issues the decision notice, there is a 30 day comment period.  If no negative comments are received, the decision memo is issued awarding the permit  If anyone complains, than there will be a 45 day appeal period following the 30 comment period.  The decision notice has not been issued as of this meeting, but is expected to be done soon.

DWSRF funding availability:  Commissioner Klasell reported that there are no available funds from the DOH until 2014.  She will contact Rose at the Rural Development agency to verify the requirements and total funds available per applicant, she will report her findings at the September 26, 2013 meeting.

Other Issues

The situation surrounding next year’s Commissioner position 1 was discussed.  Commissioner Bohn does not want to run for another term.  The time limit has expired to place this position on the ballot for the 2014 thereby losing the opportunity for a write in vote.  Jim Ratley indicated that he will volunteer to assume the position, if Commissioner Bohn will resign his position after 2013. Since Commissioner Bohn would be obligated to remain in position 1 until the next election in two years, he said he would provide the board with a decision on resignation or continuing on as commissioner within the next few meetings.

This issue of two of the three Commissioners residing in Arizona for part of the year was discussed.  It was felt that with use of Skype, the task could be accomplished

Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 am , Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

The next meeting will be held on Sept. 26, 2013 at 10:00 am

August 22, 2013 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting


August 22, 2013

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary-Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney

Professional: Marc Marquis, Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present:  Barb Harris, Jim Ratley, Joanne Burke


Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum.



Commissioner Harris moved to rescind the motion made on August 8th for the continuance of the August 8th meeting to August 12, 2013. This motion is made due to the lack of a quorum on August 12th, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.


Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the regular meeting of August 8, 2013, Commissioner Klasell seconded; passed.


Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 08/08/13


The Commissioners signed letters to Mr. Waltesky, Ms. Dickinson, Mr. Bohn stating terms of their easements with regards to water fees have been implemented.
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Joanne Burke, home owner with the district, requested a water availability form for one of her lots. Clerk Kinney will make sure she gets that.


Commissioner Klasell moved to sign a special warrant for $2500.00 to cover the insurance payment in full for next year which is due September 1, 2013, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.  


Commissioner Klasell moved to reimburse Commissioner Harris for the laptop from the Imprest account for $381.98 that he purchased for the district, Commissioner Bohn seconded.

Project Issues

RH2 Supplement 4 Discussion for the 1:30 pm meeting with them:  The subject was discussed.  Commissioner Harris suggested that one possibility would be to put the pipe replacement on Lake View Drive off for next year.  The other Commissioners felt that it should be done along with the other infrastructure.

Water Right Transfer: Marc submitted some of the changes for the West water right transfer and asked for feedback from the DOE before he makes any other changes to the other water rights.  Mr. Dunbar at the DOE has been on personal leave during the month of August. 

Marie Mayer connection issue:  Marc has not heard anything further from her attorney but will follow up with him.

USFS Permit: Nothing has happened yet.

Future Funding Options: After the meeting with RH2 today, the Commissioners are hoping to have a better idea about how much additional funding we will need to complete Phase 1.  More works needs to be done on this issue. There will be no SRF funding this year. (2013)

Other Issues

Operator Charlie Cruickshank reported that there is increased water usage for the Brown Road system.

Charlie reported that the device used to measure the residual chlorine reading on the Brown Road system has failed to work properly.  He proposed purchasing a new meter like what Whispering Pines and he uses (Hach).

Commissioner Harris motioned to authorize Charlie to purchase a new Hach meter, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 am, Commissioner Bohn seconded, meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be held on September 12, 2013, 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.

August 8, 2013 Minutes


                                         Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                Commissioners Meeting

                                                      August 8, 2013

                                                at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Commissioner Landis Bohn

Absent: Secretary-Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney

Guests Present:  Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum of two


Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 07/25/13

Clerk Kinney distributed Resolution 2013-08-08 to temporarily increase the Imprest account to $1000.00 to purchase a new laptop.  After purchase it will automatically return to $500.  Commissioner Bohn moved to sign Resolution 2013-08-08, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Clerk Kinney distributed the Treasurer’s repost for July 2013; As of 07/31/13 our funds are 23,995.08.  Accounts past due are 951.60.

Clerk Kinney distributed the updated DWSRF budget as of 7/31/13. She also distributed A19 #18 and the supporting CPF warrant.

Commissioner Harris moved to sign the A19 voucher #18 for 27012.40 and supporting CPF warrant, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Clerk Kinney distributed the payroll warrant.

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Clerk Kinney distributed O&M budget as of 07/31/13

Clerk Kinney distributed O&M warrant

Commissioner Harris moved to sign O&M warrant in the amount of $2,715.58 which includes reimbursing the Imprest account $170.99 (Carbonite and mileage), Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed. 

McCord connection: Commissioner Harris motioned to allow Mr. McChord to connect this fall only, with meter and vault.  Commissioner Bohn seconded; motion passed.Commissioner Bohn will contact Mike Dickinson to get a quote on connecting Mr. McCord to the Whispering Pines line at the end of Brown Road including the cost of the vault and meter.  Once the quote is obtained, Commissioner Harris will write a letter letting Mr. McCord how he can connect now and the cost, before the end of the fall. Commissioner Bohn suggested a date of October 20th for the cutoff for connection this year.  If he chooses to not connect this year he will have to wait until construction is completed.

Computer options and meter reading options: Clerk Kinney passed out the HD Fowler quote for the hand held meter reading which is around thirteen thousand.  The Commissioners present decided that buying a new laptop is the way to go for now.  Commissioner Harris presented his research on laptops.  Clerk Kinney will contact Master Read to find out loading the 3G software.  A laptop was chosen and if still available once funds are received for the Imprest account Commissioner Bohn moved to authorize Commissioner Harris to use the District Debit card to purchase the laptop.

Project Issues

USFS Permit:  All indications are that the USFS is working on it, but reality indicates that we will not have it until late October or November.

Water right transfer:  Commissioner Harris reported that Mr. Dunbar from the DOE toured all sites and has a better idea of the issues.

DWSRF funding: After the Webinar, it looks like there will not be any DWSRF funding until fall of 2014.  Commissioner Harris will contact Karen Klocke to get an update.

Other Issues

Commissioner Bohn moved to table the cancellation of Nov. 28 and Dec. 26 meetings until later on, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Clerk Kinney presented the issue of how to handle the Waletzky MOU and the K. Dickinson MOU which suspends the base rate for a designated period of time. The Commissioner present felt the best way it to credit them the full amount for the months on the MOU. That way, the District will not have to remember when to turn charging for the base rate back on.  Commissioner Harris will check the MOU’s to see if this action will satisfy the MOU’s. The meeting will be continued to allow Commissioner Bohn and Commissioner Harris to meet via phone to make the appropriate determination. Once that is done, Clerk Kinney will prepare the letters informing the customers of the decision.

Supplement Four from RH2:  Commissioner Klasell would like a meeting with RH2 to discuss the supplement. Commissioners Harris and Bohn feel that we needed specifics if we are to challenge RH2’s supplement 4.  All the commissioners, both present and absent from this meeting, have expressed concerns over the growing cost of the project.  Commissioner Harris will contact RH2 to schedule a meeting time to discuss not only the supplement but possible funding suggestions as well.  Commissioner Bohn moved to authorize Commissioner Harris to sign Supplement 4 from RH2 once the commissioners have had the meeting, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Commissioners Harris motioned to continue the  meeting on Aug 12, 2013, at 9:00 am, at Commissioner Harris’s residence to further discuss Mr. McCord connection options and draft a letter, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

The next meeting will be on August 22, 2013 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station

July 25, 2013 minutes


                                                        Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                             Commissioners Meeting

                                                                     July 25, 2013

                                                              at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Marc Marquis, attorney

Guests:  Barb Harris, Cleve Borth

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:05 am, acknowledged a quorum

Project Issues

Water Right Transfers: Mark Marquis reported that all the applications were reviewed by the DOE for a short period of time.  They provided a laundry list of questions. They requested that the transfers be withdrawn until the questions can be answered. The DOE offered to come out and do a walkthrough of all the sites and the changes. They want to get a visual idea of the changes. Mark Dunbar is the DOE staff person that will be doing the walkthrough. He indicated that he could do it anytime the week of July 29th.  However the Conservancy board member, Don Phelps is only available on Thursday, Aug 1st as is Marc.  Marc requested that one or two Commissioners be present.  Commissioner Harris  and Charlie Cruickshank offered to be available. Cleve Borth of the LWWU offered to be available to address the LWWU transfer issue. Marc contends that when the water rights were transferred from a private party to the LWWU the water right became a Municipal water right which protects them from relinquishment. The DOE contends that it is not.  If not a Municipal, it is still protected by determined future development. Marc feels that he can get the DOE to come around with additional information.  Marc pointed out that a Municipal water right must serve 15 or more connections which the LWWU water right does.

SEPA Addendum: Gwen Clear was informed by her Supervisor in Washington DC that you cannot add anything to the SEPA. Karen had contacted the DOE and did not get a response on how to handle the change.    Gwen was given Karen Kornher’s number to resolve the issue. 

Maria Meyer:  The lawyer thanked us for Marc’s response and he also requested a copy of the wetland permit.  Our wetland permit does not cover her wetland area.  If Maria wants to add an additional pipe she will have to apply for her own wetland permit.

Forest Service Permit:  We have not had a response on the tree harvesting issue.  It is not pertinent for the permit. The cultural report has been submitted to the Colville Indians and they have 30 days to respond. We are still waiting for responses.  Basically we are still in limbo as to the completion.  Prindle of the USFS, Amelia’s replacement, is aware that we need the permit by the middle of August.  Commissioner Klasell is concerned that we will not have the permit until November 2013 which could prevent putting the project out for bid in November.

DWSF Funding:  Karen Klocke said that the announcement should be on the website soon. They have moved the application period to fall.
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Approved and signed July 11, 2013 minutes

Carbonite Renewal:  Bonnie will use the District Debit card to renew.

McCord Connection:  Bruce will contact Mike Wilson of the DOH to find out if we can add another connection. If we get the go ahead, Mr. McCord will be sent a letter stating that he can connect if he pays the cost of connecting and any engineering costs.

Meter Reading Software:  If we do need to get a new laptop, a Master Read employee will help with the transfer of the software.


Other Issues:

Charlie Cruickshank talked about the surplus equipment availability. He did not feel that he had the expertise to evaluate the available equipment.

Charlie talked about the Discharge Monitoring Report required by the DOE. It will probably involve turbidity measuring.  They want a monthly report even though we have not started construction.  More investigation needs to be done on what they want done.  Commissioner Klasell emailed Karen at RH2 to find out what we need to do.


Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Resolution 2013-7-25 to raise the Commissioners Compensation to 114.00 per meeting as directed by Washington State Department of Financial Management affective July 1, 2013, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.


Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:15 am, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.


The next meeting will be Aug. 8, 2013 at 10:00 am.