June 7, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

June 7th, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :    President ~ Bruce Harris, Secretary/Treasurer ~ Landis Bohn, VP ~ Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present: Dan Bannier from RCAC, Mark Peterson legal counsel

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Cleve Borth, Sharon George, Jim and Julie Ratley


President Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m., and recognized a quorum.

Meeting opened with discussion of survey stakes being pulled up around the Lester Addition. Bruce will follow up with RH2 and Shawn at Fitzpatrick Surveying.

Mt. Park Well

Bruce relates our best hope is to combine two wells. If that doesn’t work, LWWD will consider contacting the Georges to discuss a drilling site. Sharon George says Steve, her son, would be willing to talk to LWWD about this.

Brown Road Well

There was much discussion of how to value the Burgess well and therefore come up with an offer.  Mark Peterson says the District should consider the percentage value of the property being compromised. How much impact would the well easement have on the property? VP Klasell will contact Jeff Burgess to open negotiations. President Harris motions to authorize Klasell to offer Burgess $15K. Lan 2nd. Unanimously passed.

FS Permit

President Harris has been communicating with Amelia at the Forest Service about starting earlier on some of the permit work. However, Harris now recommends waiting until RH2 has all the plans completed before starting with the FS. Cleve Borth wanted to be sure the LWWU permit gets renewed with all the other LWWD permits. Harris is working on it with all the other FS permits such as the spring site.

Commissioners agree to do the whole project at once in order to save $ and stream line the process. They hope to be ready by mid-August.


Discussion of insurance costs. CIAW quote is too high. Dwight Burke is negotiating this for the District. Jim Ratley wanted info on how WPWU can cancel their current policy. Harris said all the Association heads should keep an eye on their policy issues before cancelling. Dwight will be back in 3 weeks and will answer questions then. In the meanwhile, the District will not formally withdraw from CIAW.

Operator Contract

Discussion of cost/benefit of various services needed by the District. Daily chlorination? Service 3 days a week or only 2? Do our own testing or hire it out? Commissioner Klasell suggests the contract be minimal and then the District will pay extra for extra services when needed. Jim Ratley asked that the contract be clearly detailed as to exactly what services would be performed. Cleve Borth suggests the flushing for LWWU be “as requested by District”. There was discussion of the timing of invoices and pay. Dan Bannier points out the Operator would need to attend Commissioner meetings, perhaps quarterly. Also, the Operator needs to comply with D.O.E. and D.O.H. requirements. Perhaps these things should go in the standard operating procedure? Jim Ratley reminds the Commissioners they need to coordinate w/ Operator on meter reading. Bonnie suggest the Operator do most of his reporting on line.

President Harris will make changes in the Operator contract, and then cc the other Commissioners for approval.

Procedure Manual

Commissioner Bohn is working on this with Cleve Borth. Harris says we should keep the operations manual updated on the District computer.

Rate Review Process

Mark Peterson says there is no legal requirement for a comment period. Dan Bannier gives a detailed presentation of the budget work sheet. Variables may change, but currently we are at around $39./mo flat rate.

Transfer Docs

Mark Peterson has the initial transfer document for LWWU drafted and is working on the rest. The LWWU and BRWU are the most challenging as they have agreements which must be honored in the new contract.  There was discussion of the Dickinson and the West obligations which go forward in perpetuity. Mark also says that although the District would be better off owning the water rights outright, it’s OK for the District if it doesn’t. Jim Ratley is concerned about other entities retaining any water rights. Peterson assures group that the rights being transferred are adequate.

Mark Peterson has been communicating with the president of BRWU, Irene Miller, regarding easements for new pipes. Commissioner Klasell asks Mark Peterson about the sequence and timing of water association take-overs (managerially) and the actual signing of the transfer documents (legally). Peterson says it’s not that delicate; it doesn’t have to happen all on the same day. Clerk Dickinson received a copy of the transfer documents for LWWU to hold while we wait for agreements to be drafted for BRWU and WPWU.

Discussion of transfer date. Is August 1 still realistic? It was the general opinion to move ahead. Jim Ratley points out that either the District or the Associations can work on easements. The easement paperwork needn’t hold up the transfer.

Clerk Dickinson resigns

Dickinson presented her resignation along with her regrets and a commitment to stay involved in the District formation, but not as the clerk.

Continuation of Meeting

Commissioner Klasell motioned to continue the meeting to 9:00am, June 14th, at Commissioner Harris’s house. There will also be an Executive Session that morning to discuss staffing and property acquisitions. Harris 2nd. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1:15pm.



June 14th, 9:00am, Bruce and Bonnie Harris’s House

Commissioners  Present :    President ~ Bruce Harris, Secretary/Treasurer ~ Landis Bohn, VP ~ Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Guests Present:  Jim and Julie Ratley, Barbara Harris
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President Harris re-opened the meeting at 9:00, acknowledged a quorum, and presented the agenda.

Burgess Well

Commissioner Klasell related that Jeff Burgess declined the District’s offer, and that the negotiations had not gone well. Commissioner Bohn said he had also talked to Jeff Burgess and felt there were grounds to continue the negotiations.

Discussion of the costs of other options such as the Werth/Janes well and drilling a new well. Commissioner Klasell moved to have Commissioner Bohn set up a meeting with Jeff Burgess and Commissioners Harris and Bohn to continue negotiations. Bohn 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.

(10:00am ~ Clerk Dickinson left meeting and Commissioner Klasell took over minutes.)


Mountain Park Well

Discussion continues on how to approach getting a viable water source for Mountain Park Well.  Commissioner Klasell motioned that Commissioner Harris re-contact property owner Tabor and offer him a specific sum of money, no LID participation, minimal water usage fee, for easement on his well, contingent on well test and setback variance from DOH.  Commissioner Bohn seconded, motion passed.


In addition, Commissioner Harris will contact Sharon George and walk her son’s property to determine if a well could be drilled.   If Tabor refuses our offer, we will need to pursue that option.  We will discuss that at the next commissioners meeting.



We are still waiting for surveyor to finish with BRWU Barnard Creek easement so we can see which parcels it crosses through so we know which property owners we need to contact to ask for the additional 10-12” feet of easement.   And perhaps the BRWU pipe could be sleeved to share a smaller easement.  In addition, BRWU will have to be contacted to get an easement for a pump station on their property their tank is on.  Commissioners Klasell has excused herself from those negotiations, as she is a BRWU board member.  Commissioner Harris and Bohn will try and meet with BRWU President Irene Miller prior to the next commissioner’s meeting.


Lester Addition – Commissioner Harris has contacted each of the parcel owners except for one and was well received.  Our hope is that property owners will donate the easements to the system, but the reality is that most will want some sort of compensation.


Commissioner Harris motioned that we offer individual property owners cash, 50% of assessed value of square footage (from assessors office), as recommended per LWWD counsel, instead of credits to the LID.   Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.


Clerk replacement

A lengthy discussion ensued as to whether or not we should hire another employee to replace the position vacated by clerk Dickinson, or to hire an independent contract bookkeeper.  Commissioner Bohn and Harris feel it’s important to have someone local but it’s not essential.  Commissioner Klasell feels hiring a professional bookkeeper with water district experience would make for a more seamless transition.


Commissioner Klasell would like to be appointed secretary, and is willing to keep the meeting minutes, read meters, handle the billing/receivables, and have the district hire a bookkeeper for payables.  She will contact Mark Peterson to see if this is a viable option.

Commissioner Bohn left the meeting at 11am and no final decision was made.


QuikWater Billing System

Jim Ratley, treasurer for WPWUA, gave a presentation on QuikWater software and importing the data from the DMMR meter reading equipment.  Commissioner Klasell will contact QuikWater to verify that LWWD can upgrade to the more advanced system from the software that will be transferred from WPWUA.   Commissioner Harris motioned to buy the upgrade for $1500, if it will fit our needs after her discussion.  Seconded/passed by Commissioner Klasell.

Meeting adjourned at 2:17pm


May 17, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

May 17th, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :    President ~ Bruce Harris, Secretary/Treasurer ~ Landis Bohn, VP ~ Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present: Dan Bannier from RCAC

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Cleve Borth, Sharon George


President Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m., and recognized a quorum.


Burgess Well

President Harris reported the Burgess well tested 40 gpm and that the IOC testing was done and turned into Cascade Analytical lab which will send the results to RH2. Karen K at RH2 says we will need a 24hr draw down test to see if it affects the BRWU well. Karen K will get back to us on that. Clerk Dickinson is instructed to follow up with Tumwater for a new testing date.

Mountain Park

President Harris relates the only well likely to be of use is the Tabor well. Harris and Tabor are in contact and Harris is hoping Tabor might be willing to make some sort of deal with the LWWD. Sharon George opened discussion of other possible sites around Mountain Park. She and her husband Jim own some property that might be suitable if a well must be drilled. Harris prefers to follow up with Tabor first as that would be a proven bird in hand. VP Klasell suggest we have Steve Nelson from RH2 have a look at the Georges’ sites next time Steve is up, thereby avoiding a special trip. President Harris suggests a last option might be to combine Mike Dickinson’s well with another one immediately next to it (17gpm and 11gpm) such that together they might produce enough water


Hashim’s Easement to the Water Tanks

VP Klasell relates John Hashim has tentatively agreed to allow 6 months access for construction in exchange for 2 water connections. Mr. Hashim doesn’t seem willing to entertain anything permanently encumbering his property. President Harris says he will talk to RH2 about the feasibility of moving ahead with just a temporary access for construction, and then a smaller, permanent easement for pipe and maintenance at a different location.
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President Harris made a motion to present Mr. Hashim with a request for

1.)    A permanent 25 foot wide utility easement across the thin strip of land running along the north side of Whispering Pines, between lot numbers 3 and 4, for the purpose of installing pipeline.

2.)    A temporary (6 months?) construction access, allowing for minor land modifications, including the possible addition of gravel. (all funded by LWWD)

In return the LWWD would grant Mr. Hashim the right to connect 2 water connections without a connection fee. These no-fee connection rights would be non-transferable (thus encouraging them to be either exercised or abandoned, but not continue in limbo in perpetuity.)

VP Klasell seconded it and the motion was passed unanimously. VP Klasell will continue to liaison with Mr. Hashim on this matter.

Asset Valuations

RCAC Consultant Dan Bannier presented asset valuations by Association. The spread sheets showed original costs, depreciation, whether LWWD would use the asset in the transition period and whether LWWD would use the asset long term. Each Association was reviewed in turn. Dan Bannier and President Harris agreed to go look at assets immediately following the meeting in order to give them a “condition rating”.

President Harris and Cleve Borth clarified some pipe line drawings on a map provided by RH2. They are looking for pipe that might not need to be replaced in the hopes of saving construction costs.


VP Klasell asked if people are in the LID but not yet hooked up, or are currently disconnected, then do those people pay a user fee in addition to the LID assessment? Dan Bannier answered that, generally, only active service hook-ups are charged a monthly water user fee. President Harris points out that Whispering Pines has charged a monthly fee whether the lot is hooked up or not. Clerk Dickinson pointed out the Whispering Pine lots all had the option of using the water, where-as many of LID inclusions don’t physically have water to their property. Dan Bannier says if there is a service connection to a property, then the Commissioners may decide whether or not to charge a user fee. If there is not a physical connection available, then LWWD really can’t charge a user fee until there is.

So, how do the Commissioners determine rates if they aren’t even sure of how many paying users there are? Dan Bannier encourages caution and suggest a year or so of gathering income and expense data before publishing final rates. In the meanwhile, he suggests LWWD just charge a flat rate.

In any case, LWWD must hold public hearings regarding rates. LWWD needs to snail mail the entire LID regarding rate setting. Dan will come to the next meeting to discuss this further and he and Clerk Dickinson will coordinate to move this hearing requirement along.


VP Klasell moved to focus on finalizing negotiations with Charlie Cruickshank and not interview any other operator applicants until/unless negotiations with Cruickshank fail. President Harris seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.


RH2 has collected and reviewed the Surveyor applications. They felt Fitzpatrick out of Cashmere best met the LWWD needs. RH2 also thought Erlandson would be a good choice. VP Klasell moved to authorize RH2 to send Fitzpatrick the scope of work so Fitzpatrick can send a contract back to LWWD. She also moved to authorize President Harris to conclude negotiations and to sign appropriate contracts. Sec/Treas Bohn seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.

Next Work Session will be at the LWWD office, 9:00a.m., 5/24/12

Meeting adjourned at 1:20p.m.


May 3, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

May 3rd, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :     , President ~ Bruce Harris, VP ~ Bonnie Klasell, Secretary ~ Landis Bohn

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present:  legal counsel ~ Mark Peterson,

Guests Present:  Byron Dickinson, Cleve Borth, Jim Cook, Barbara Harris


Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00and acknowledged a quarum existed.

Commissioners approved the minutes from 4/19/2012

Assessment Roll

            Clerk Dickinson presented a report on the “opt-out” list. As the LID started with 184 parcels, and 18 will not be joining, that leaves 166 parcels being assessed.

Discussion ensued on how ERUs are counted towards talleying water demand.

VP Klasell moved, Commissioner Harris seconded, and it was passed unanimously, that Morse and Kropi, two property owners who have indicated they wanted to use their own wells, but have not yet returned their notorized letters to that effect, be sent new certified letters giving them 2 days to return their paperwork or else be included in the District.

Jim Cook asked what happens to folks who want to hook up later? Do they pay past use fees in addition to connection charges. There was discussion of how that might work. Legal Counsel Mark Peterson pointed out that it wouldn’t be in the District’s best interest to create a dis-incentive to hook ups. The cost of a new connection must always be a competitive market option, or else no one will do it. President Harris suggested deferring further discussion for another time so the meeting could continue on it’s agenda items.

Transfer Process

            President Harris asked Counsel Peterson what was next in the transfer document process.

Peterson answered 1.)  Water Rights/Deeds and 2.) Easements.

President Harris asked about asset transfer valuations. Dan Bannier (from RCAC) will go over asset transfer valuations at the May 17th meeting.

VP Klasell asked if the LID assessment could be higher if needed. Counsel Peterson said yes, but it would require sending out a notice to everyone in the LID.

President Harris asked what to do about easements that are missing, for example, around Mountain Park. There was discussion of various easement issues. Cleve Borth suggests the District ask the FS for a copy of the FS lease along North Shore. Lake Wenatchee Water Users has been paying a lease, so we know one exists.

President Harris asked how vague or new easements affect the transfer process. Counsel Peterson said he will push ahead with what is in hand, but that more documentation is better.

VP Klasell presented an Amendment to the MOU between Brown Road Water Users and LWWD. (see attached) Everyone agreed it looked good, but that the President of BRWU, Irene Miller, would need to review and sign.

Cleve Borth asked about trying to transfer water rights. (There is some work being done on some of the water rights.) Cousel Peterson said LWWD can proceed with the transfer even  though some water rights are being amended.

VP Klasell asked how do we deal with FS parcels in LWWU. Cleve Borth answered that Randy from RH2 told Cleve these would need to be charged a fee outside the LID. Counsel Peterson suggested the cost of the LID just be imbedded in their user fees.

VP Klasell asked how many meters were installed in LWWU. Cleve Borth answered that there are 7.

Clerk Dickinson asked for a clarification of LWWU commitments to property owners who provided the water rights and the infrastructure LWWU is using and will be transferring to the District. Cleve Borth and Byron Dickinsons outlined the following (in layman’s terms so we didn’t have to review the inch think contracts on the table)
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LWWU has 44 hook-ups. Of these, Bob West has two hookups and Byron Dickinson has two hookups which will not be charged LID assessment or water usage, in perpetuity.

Well Testing

Clerk Dickinson reports that the owners of both the Werth/Janes well and the Burgess well have agreed to have their wells tested. As at least one of the wells will need a pump, and Steve Nelson from RH2 doesn’t have that equipment, Tumwater drilling is going to perform the test. Lance, from Tumwater, has given LWWD a tentative date of Tuesday, May 15th to perform the tests.

Much discussion ensured as to how to value a well, and therefore what to offer well owners. Counsel Peterson suggests up front compensation, i.e. just pay them for their wells and be done. President Harris asked if we even need another well right now. Discussion turned back to ERUs. VP Klasell said we need to come up with some starting point for well negotiations. Byron Dickinsons reminded the group that he has permission from D.O.E. to drill another well in an area likely to hit good water… just something to keep in mind should negotiations to buy an exisiting well become too expensive.

Mt Park Well Testing

            President Harris says he has gotten no response from anyone in the Mountain Park area regarding the letter he sent out seeking wells or land. VP Klasell asked about the FS well. Byron Dickinson gave short history of the FS well. Counsel Peterson suggested the District might work out something with the FS to operate their well in return for water… perhaps some sort of lease agreement.

There was much frustrated discussion concerneing what to do about the seeming impossibility of coming up with a usable well in the Mountain Park area. Can we drop Mountain Park? Can we condemn a well? Can we get the FS to grant a drilling spot, whether license or easement? Can we case the Mt Park well such that it’s higher above the water line? Maybe drill it deeper? President Harris said he would talk to Karen K at RH2 about options.

Forest Service Permit and Access

            VP Klasell reported she spoke to John Hashim who owns the property best suited to provide access to the upper tanks. Hashim says he might grant the access in return for water. President Harris and VP Klasell with work together to draft a proposal, and will include Counsel Peterson in the process.


Clerk Dickinson will check with our insurance company about our cancellation policy. In another words, is LWWD free to shop our insurance needs around? Counsel Peterson said several local water districts are getting good service from Gellatly Agency in Wenatchee.

(President Harris recessed the meeting for lunch at 12:30, with instructions that the meeting would reconvene at his residence and all were welcome to meet there after lunch. At his residence, President Harris reconvened the meeting at 1:30pm… only President Harris, VP Klasell, Clerk Dickinson and Barbara Harris attending.)

            Clerk Dickinson will shop LWWD insurance needs with CIUW, Gellatly Agency and Mitchell & Reid, all of whom are currently providing some portion to the insurance being purchased by the District or its member Associations.

Forest Service Permit and Access (again)

President Harris reported the FS wants LWWD to get one new permit for everything. This permit will have to wait while LWWD resolves the access issues and creates subsequent engineering plans. Harris and Klasell will work with Counsel Peterson on this.

Alternative Projects Final Update

            President Harris moved to postpone Maple Drive until Phase II. VP Klasell additionally moved that no more work on possible additional projects be considered at this time. Motion passed unanimously.

Services Needed

Clerk Dickinson shared the responses to the Water Operator position and the Surveyor needed ads.  President Harris and VP Klasell will meet with Karen K of RH2 to look over Surveyor information. There was much discussion of the Water Operator position. After reviewing responses, the Commissioners decided to interview Charlie Cruikshank. Clerk Dickinson will inform Commissioners if any new applications arrive.

Operational Policies

            President Harris says LWWD needs to get operational policies spelled out. He hopes to persuade Jim Ratley to head a committee. VP Klasell said she will email Jim with that request.

Task List

            President Harris presented a “LWWD Commissioner/Staff Task List, (see attached) a working document to help LWWD keep on task. It was unanimously agreed the sheet would be useful in tracking progress and staying focused on priorities.

Work Sessions

            After reviewing the task list, the Commissioners agreed to meet at 10:00am, Thursday morning when there isn’t a Commissioners meeting, for work sessions. All decisions will be made at official Commissioner meetings, but as the supporting work takes too much time to accomplish the Commissioners need  more hours. The next  work session is May 10th. 10:00am at the District office.

Meeting adjourned at 4:30

April 19, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

April 19, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House



Present:  Bruce Harris, Commissioner

Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner-Elect

Absent:  Landis Bohn, Karen Dickinson (clerk)


Also present:  Joanne Fountain, Rod Fountain, Barb Harris, John Klasell, Karen Kornher, RH2


Meeting was called to order at 10am by Commissioner Harris


Swearing in of Commissioner

Bonnie Klasell was sworn in as Commissioner #2, to replace position vacated by Paul Shielke.  Supporting documents signed.


Engineering Review – Karen Korhner

Contract Amendments – as work progresses, we will continue to receive amendments to cover work for projects/expenditures, all that fall within the DWSRF funding. Contract Amendment #1 is partially completed, there is about $16,000 left to do (Mountain Park Well/Testing, Tank Site Selection).  Any money not spent reverts back to budget to be spent on other projects. Contract Amendment #2 is for Tank Site location/development, 4th well testing/development on Brown Road, and some survey cost for $68,989.  Contract was accepted and signed.


ERUs – we need an absolute number of actual households drawing water in the system, and a final list of the parcels that have opted out of the LID.  This number is crucial for establishing capacity of our system, and will determine the need for the 4th well.  Karen K. believes, based on our conversation, if our ERUs are over 129, we will need the 4th well.


Brown Road Well/Mountain Park Well – Commissioner Klasell stated that she had a conversation with Karen D. that there might be owners outside the LID on Brown Road receptive to allowing LWWD to use their well.  Discussion on how to approach the owners and what is reasonable to offer.  Mark Peterson (LWWD counsel) has advised the commissioners that it’s better to give owners payment, rather than credit.  Discussion continued as to how to pay for it. The DWSRF scope of work includes development of 2 additional wells, but the budget doesn’t show an amount for that.  Karen K. feels it will have to come out of the construction portion of the budget or the contingency portion. The decision was made for Karen D and/or Commissioner Klasell to approach the Brown Road owners next week, and if they are interested, then test their wells by May 1st – Karen K. needs a firm commitment by May 15th in order to start the design process.  Commissioner Harris will contact owners in Mountain Park.


Schedule/Alternative Project list – Karen K. really stressed how important our schedule is, and that she will need to push us to stay on track for completion.  The survey needs to be done by end of June; we need to place the ad next week for surveyors.  In addition, we need to make firm decisions on what is to be completed in phase 1 of the project. Karen K. asked if there are areas to avoid replacing pipes to save funds, and move them to phase 2, we would want to do that. WPWUA pipes were installed in the 70s, with glued joints, 4” PVC, not schedule 80 …whereas there are sections of LWWUA that have newly installed pipes (within the past 3-4 years) and perhaps there are areas of pipes that won’t need replacement.  Commissioner Harris will contact Cleve Borth (LWWU president) as to what portion of their system has new pipes and share that information with Karen K.  The commissioners decided that engineering will be done for both phase 1 and phase 2 and if the bids come in under budget, then we will put in the secondary items into phase 1 construction.

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Storage Tank – access for construction and maintenance will be needed; we will need either an easement or permission to cross private property.  Commissioner Klasell motioned that we contact the owner for easement, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed   It was decided that Commissioner Bohn should contact the owner and see if he would be willing to negotiate with us. If he is unable, then Commissioner Klasell will contact the owner. The owner can contact Karen K if he needs specific information on what would be required for this road.  Karen K. said we do have other alternatives; we can try to access though USFS land as they would have to grant us access because it’s a life/safety issue, or we could move the reservoir, or reconfigure the zones, or build a tower – but access through the private property would be the most economical.  Commissioner Harris said currently WPWUA has  access to a road through USFS land under their permit with the forest service, so that it might be possible to expand the use of that road under the new permit.


Easements – other easements will be required on private properties in LWWU for the main pipe, so Commissioner Harris will ask Cleve Borth for assistance with that.


FS Permit Process

Commissioner Harris met with Amelia Anthony of the Leavenworth Forest Service office; we (LWWD) are on their calendar for processing our new (or revised) permit for the new 180K tank. The permit process has been revised since 2003 when WPWU received their permit, and the new permit requirements now include a PUBLIC review and comment period of a minimum of 2 ½ months after initial Forest Service review. We have to make the determination of our tank location and easements prior to completing the permit application. Once they receive our new permit, it should be processed this summer/fall as agreed to via Paul’s meetings. Commissioner Harris has sent her an email to confirm this, but hasn’t heard back yet.


Transfer Documents/Process

Asset Evaluations – Karen K has asked Dan Bannier to review what has been submitted and determine values.  Commissioner Klasell will follow up with him as well.


Transfer Procedure/Deadlines – Ad will be placed next week for a system operator, and once we interview/hire said person, we should be able to take over operations of all systems.  Commissioner Klasell mentioned that we will need to have rates/procedural manual in place prior as well.  We discussed asking each water group for volunteers to form a committee under a specific commissioner to create procedure/policy manual. It would be a tremendous help to the commissioners to share the workload.  As far as the legalities, Mark Peterson, LWWD counsel, has prepared draft transfer agreements for easements and water rights for each user group.  Commissioner Klasell motioned that the draft documents to be sent to each user group prior our next meeting and ask for them to review and contact us with any additions/revisions by May 15th so that they can be executed by June 1st.  Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.  Then once the operator is hired, LWWD would take over operations July 1st for all systems.  We do need confirmation from the LWWUA, BRWUA, and WPWUA systems as to how many connections they will be transferring that do not pay water fees and/or LID assessments, and how many USFS properties they provide water to.  We still need to determine how many parcels we’ll provide water to in Lester Addition and Mountain Park.



Commissioners decided to create an interim budget to run the independent systems for the next 12 months until the new system is completed. Numbers presented still need fine tuning; primarily we need to get a more specific quote for insurance as right now the estimate is between $4K and $9K a year.  And the operator costs are another big unknown. A cost saving measure could be to bill quarterly and read meters monthly for finding leaks.  It might be the best to establish a flat rate for the next 12 months until meters are installed and to develop the billing. Commissioner Klasell will continue to work with Karen D. on budget amounts so we can set rates at meeting on May 3rd.   Ideally, we should be able to notify all residents by June 1st an advance a notice that they will owe 3 months of water by August 1st (billed July 1st) so they won’t be caught unaware.



Clerk – it is important that the clerk needs to submit her time monthly, and separate her time between operations and LID work.  Commissioners reviewed categories for website, and approve as proposed. Website is to be up and running next week.  No vouchers presented for payment.  Small works roster ad is running; the operator and surveyor ads will go in next week in Wenatchee World.


Commissioner Roles – Commissioner Klasell motioned that Commissioner Harris becomes President, with Commissioner Klasell Vice-President, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.  Commissioner Bohn will remain as Secretary.


Remote meeting – Commissioner Harris presented a motion (attached) for remote meetings (including voting) via electronic measures  when commissioners are out of town.  Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.


Meeting adjourned by Commissioner Harris at 1:40pm.

Apr 5, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

April 5th, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :     Secretary ~ Landis Bohn, Commissioner ~ Bruce Harris

Commissioners Absent:      Paul Shielke (resigning)

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present: Steve Nelson from RH2, Dan Bannier from RCAC, legal counsel Mark Peterson,

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Bonnie Klasell, JoAnne Burke, Irene Miller, Dwight Burke, Mike Dickinson


Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 and acknowledged a quarum exists with just the two Commissioners present.

Commissioners signed vouchers, payroll, and the minutes from March 22nd meeting.

Commissioner Vacancy

Commissioner Harris read Paul Shielke’s letter of resignation, dated March 23rd, into the record. (see attached) Commissioner Harris related that emails had gone out to as many members of the District as could be reached, informing them of Paul Shielke’s resignation and the need for a new Commissioner. There were no candidates either volunteering or nominated. Bonnie Klasell is a legal, though part time, resident. Mark Peterson says since she votes here, and her driver’s license is here, that she is qualified to be a candidate for Commissioner. The Commissioners agreed to vote at the end of the meeting.

Spring Source vs. Wells

Commissioner Harris made a motion to approve his written motion (from last meeting) where in the District resolves to abandon attempts to incorporate the spring as a primary water source at this time, and instead to follow the Comp Plan as it was written. Commissioner Bohn seconded it, so it was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Bohn asked Dan Bannier about the odds of getting funding for spring development. Dan was not optimistic given our communities median income levels.

Well Search

Steve Nelson from RH2 passed out maps of wells in the District. He suggests the District contact well owners to assess their willingness to allow the District to use their well. If we get a preliminary OK from a well owner, then RH2 will test the well. Depending on the test findings, the District will then enter into final negotiations with the well owner.

Dan Bannier asked how we test potential wells. Steve gave technical answer involving things like draw down, etc. Then Dan asked how the water rights work, and Mark Peterson said that shouldn’t be a problem since we would just be shifting points of withdrawal within the District boundaries.

Next step: Steve Nelson will create a letter relating the District’s needs, explaining how owner involvement might look, and how testing would happen. The Commissioners will then be in charge of contacting potential well owner(s). Finally, depending on the response from the owners and the subsequent well testing, the Commissioners will be in charge of final negotiations with owner(s).

Bonnie Klasell asked how the Mountain Park well figures in. Steve recommended it be included in the well search process. Commissioner Harris will contact Byron Dickinson for suggestions of wells to consider in the Mountain Park area.

(Steve Nelson departed.)

Water Line Replacement

Commissioner Bohn asked about the Whispering Pines line replacement being in Phase 2, except for Maple Drive. There appears to be a major loss of water that needs addressing. Bonnie Klasell related that Brown Road also has leaks. It was agreed the Commissioners would talk to Karen K. from RH2 at the next meeting.

Transfer Agreements

Commissioner Harris asked legal counsel Mark Peterson about transfer agreements. Mark said we start with the MOUs, and asked that Clerk Dickinson email copies to everyone. We then need to sort out easements, water rights, and wells/pipes/pumps etc.  There ensued much discussion of easements.

Bonnie Klasell and Irene Miller asked if the Brown Road MOU can be amended to specifically return the old pipe line to Brown Road Irrigation. Mark said that shouldn’t be a problem.

Commissioners agreed we need to have an operator, and administrative structures (billing and such) in place and running smoothly before we do the legal transfer.

Bonnie Klasell asked if Brown Road should remove the “opt out” names from their transfer documents. Mark Peterson agreed it would be best to remove the names before the transfer.



Dwight Burke (ex-Commissioner still kindly volunteering his services)  gave a report on LWWD insurance. Currently, LWWD has:

1.)   Director and Officer liability for Commissioners – $10mil w/ $1K deductible

2.)   Computer/records/furniture, etc – $25K

3.)   Employee Dishonestly – $25K

Our renewal is coming up Sept 1st, and the preparation packet needs to go out by April 15th. (Dwight prepared the packet and gave it to Clerk for copies and mailing.) We are working with a Managing General Agreement with Cities Insurance. They need time to shop our requirements. Kim Stevens is our underwriter at Cities Insurance. Her rough guess on what our insurance will run is somewhere between $4K to $9K a year.

Another insurance point is that we need to get certificates of insurance from all our vendors. Ideally, we are named as an additional insured.

As we move towards official transfers from the Associations, we need to gather their insurance policies to see what they include.

There ensued much discussion of insurance costs vs. LWWD risks. Dwight recommend buying as much insurance as LWWD can afford. Commissioner Harris is leary of over-insuring. Barbara Harris asked if we would need so much insurance once we’ve completed build out of the new system. Dwight said we have some protection from law suits due to being a non-profit. Clerk Dickinson asked if there isn’t cheaper, industry sponsored insurance. Dan Bannier said he would check with industry associations.

Dwight explained that we need to be careful about “claims made” coverage. As the Associations join the District, either their insurance policies continue to cover claims that might arise from the periods they were insured (“extended reporting endorsement”), or else LWWD needs to make its new policy cover those possible claims.

Dwight agreed to be identified as the official insurance advisor representative.


Commissioner Harris reported on meeting with PUD: PUD and RH2 seem to be good with communicating directly with each other, without LWWD oversight. Depending on what LWWD does with pipe replacement, PUD might drop fiber in the ditches when they are open. They won’t decide until summer, but in the meanwhile, LWWD needs to keep PUD in the loop. RH2 will take care of that.

Forest Service

Clerk Dickinson will contact Paul Shielke to pick up any LWWD materials he might have, particularly any docs or info related to his contacts with the Forest Service. Commissioner Harris will take over liaison with FS.

Vacant Commissioner Seat

Commissioner Bohn motioned for Bonnie Klasell to be appointed in place of resigning Commissioner Shielke. Commissioner Harris seconded the appointment, and so it was passed unanimously. She will be sworn in at the next meeting.

Time Constraints

Commissioner Harris points out we have to much going on to meet for only two hours twice a month. He suggests expanding the meeting to 1:00 each time. Commissioner-elect Klasell agreed. Clerk Dickinson will contact Fire Station for permission to hold longer meetings.


Next Meeting

Postponed due to time constraints:

  • Job advertising (though Clerk Dickinson is instructed to go ahead and post the Small Works Roster ad.)
  • Administrative and budget review

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Meeting adjourned at 12:30

Mar 22, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Special Commissioners Meeting & Continution Minutes

March 22th, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :     President ~ Paul Schielke, Secretary ~ Landis Bohn,

Commissioner ~ Bruce Harris

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present: Karen Korhner & Steve Nelson from RH2

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Bonnie Klasell


Commissioner Shielke called the meeting to order at 10:00am

C. Shielke opened with a report of his meeting with the Forest Service yesterday. LWWD will need to modify the permits to continue use of the tanks and spring source. Also, if we abandon the spring source, we will have to remove the pipe at our own expense. The F.S. wants a proposal to repair the spring. When they get that, they will review the proposal, including financial projections. LWWD will have to fund the F.S. projected costs in advance.

Karen K asked for a time frame for permit. C. Shielke asked the F.S. for a signed decision by Sept 1st. The F.S. said they could probably do that if LWWD got the proposal to them soon.

Steve Nelson, geologist from RH2 then gave a report on potential ground water sources:

Re: Brown Rd well – Steve worked with Charlie (BRWU operator). They pumped the well for 2 hours with a steady draw at first which then stabilized after 15 or 20 minutes. The well rebounded quickly. Seems to be a good aquifer. Can sustain 50gal rate, possibly more. Still, there is uncertainty as to what would happen if the well were pumped at that rate for days or even months. Steve recommended monitoring water levels, starting immediately, to see if the well can produce 50/gal/min over time. Steve guesses there is a moderate risk the well can’t handle harder use. Bonnie Klasell said she would ask Charlie to monitor the water levels. Steve also said the well should be equipped with an automatic pressure transducer data logger. ($500. To $1000.)

So, Brown Road has a good well, but we still need another source, and the Brown Road area is a good place to look. C. Shielke asked how much does it cost to look for wells. Steve answered that a new well with drilling, test screen, testing etc., is around $20K but that to actually develop the well would be substantially more, depending on the work needed. Could be as high as $70K.

Re: Lake Wenatchee Water Users well – Steve looked at Tumwater Drilling log – 30gal/min steady. That’s all the well can do. Installation of a well screen (or re-drill well) might get a little more water (maybe 40gal/min?) but probably not worth doing. We should use 30gal/min for planning purposes.

Re: Mountain Park – Steve has no data on that well. It’s on the shoreline so DOH will want treatment. Will probably need a new well drilled. Current well goes under water regularly. Not good. There may be another well that can be used up higher, away from Lake. There are rights of way that may be used, but LWWD would have to look at setbacks, septics, etc. to site new well. C. Harris asked what it would cost to run line from main water of LWWD out to Mountain Park. Karen K replied it would be prohibitively expensive. C. Shielke asked how we can cost these options out. He’d like to avoid the risk of drilling. Steve points out the best way to avoid that risk is to use existing wells. One that might work belongs to John Hashim. C. Bohn is a friend of Mr. Hashim’s and said C. Bohn agreed to would talk to Hashim about it next week while visiting. C. Shielke asked how to proceed with decision making. Steve said he would provide a map with good well sites shown, and then it would be up to Commissioners to decide on an action plan.

Commissioner Shielke then asked Steve about the spring source data Shielke had sent Steve to evaluate. Steve said the data was 12 years old and ambiguous. He couldn’t recommend relying on that data. He could make a better evaluation once the snow melts and he can inspect the spring source. He needs to see how the water comes in and whether it could be protected. He could make a better recommendation after seeing it, but still can’t guarantee the DOH will sign off on it. C. Harris asked if photos would help while waiting for the snow to melt. Steve said no, he can’t use photos for evaluation.

Commissioner Harris expressed concern about the time and $ being spent on exploring both the spring source and the well source development paths. He asked what extra LWWD was spending to keep the spring source in the loop. Karen K. answered that we are supposed to have a project report completed by June. (She reminded Commissioners of the project schedule she provided a few weeks ago.) She needs to start the project report by next week to stay on deadline. It would cost an additional $3-5K to continue including the spring source. She said there are lots of risks with the spring source development. It’s likely to be expensive.

There followed much discussion as to the technical feasibilities. Pressure ratings, pipe size & length, shared ditches, etc.

C. Bohn moved that LWWD just focus on wells at this time.

Bonnie Klasell asked if LWWD could build the new system without a new well at this time. Karen K. answered that LWWD could just barely make it right now with the water already available. However, if there is any increase in demand over the next 20yrs, we’d need a new source, and we are funded to provide water for 20 years. Another down side of not putting in a new well is that we’d have no back up if a well failed. However, if we keep the spring as an emergency source, then perhaps we’d have enough back up. Karen K. strongly recommends keeping the spring source as our emergency back-up.

C. Harris said we need to consider the risk of DOH not signing off on spring source after all the work and $ that would have to risked in development. He agrees with C. Shielke in personally wishing to save spring source, however, he doesn’t think it’s feasible for the District at this time. He introduces a motion in writing to proceed with well source only. (Motion follows here)

LWWD Commissioners:
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In the spirit of cooperation and with the recognition of the tremendous financial risk and schedule delays, I suggest that the LWWD commissioners move ahead with the well source development plan already in place.  The overwhelming potential cost to the district customers if the spring can’t meet DOH approval, without extensive additional investment for filtering, puts too much pressure on the overall success of the district development plan.

Bruce Harris


LWWD Motion

  1. Proceed with the 2011 LWWD Comprehensive Plan as proposed by RH2 to develop well infrastructure.
  2. Develop the spring source as an emergency water source now.
    1. Analyze the spring-site for potential emergency use
    2. Make modifications necessary to meet ‘emergency’ requirement status
    3. Maintain USFS permits as required
    4. Perform minimal water testing as required by the DOH
    5. Maintain the pipeline and pump house to keep source viable
    6. Form a committee that will research the funding methods to develop the WPWUA spring as a viable primarygravity fed water source which could support the future expansion of LWWD.  This committee will report to the LWWD commissioners.
      1. Research and apply for grants/funding for the rehabbing of the spring source.
      2. Develop a project plan and schedule.
      3. Maintain communications with the Washington Department of Health to assure the final approval of the developed spring.


C. Shielke asked that the vote be postponed until the next meeting and the other Commissioners agreed.

It was agreed that Steve Nelson was no longer needed at the meeting, and so he left with the promise of sending the Commissioners a map of promising wells to explore.

C. Shielke asked Karen K. to discuss contract administrator position. Karen K. said there are essentially two main categories of duties involved:

The first category is contract compliance – SRF stuff. RH2 will provide oversight and make sure contact requirements are met. Rh2 will take care of physically inspecting construction and signing off on it. RH2 is in charge of compliance.

The second category of duties would fall to LWWD and involve such things as facilitating the financial transactions… paying invoices after RH2 has signed off on them, requisitioning loan funds, reporting, etc. Also, LWWD would double check compliance with Bacon Davis wage requirements. This would involve job site interviews at least weekly, and could be a duty of the LWWD clerk.

C. Shielke turned the discussion to the small works roster needed by LWWD. Karen K. will send us a list of things to include in the small works roster posting. Karen K. says boiler plate from C. Bohn is fine, but needs a little elaboration as to specific needs such as “well driller” “electrician”, etc. Bonnie Klasell thinks LWWD may be required to advertise quarterly. Karen K thinks annually is OK. In any case, Clerk Dickinson is to bring proposed ad copy to next meeting for Commissioners review.

C. Shielke said the Special meeting is adjourned and now the Commissioners move to Executive Session to discuss Clerk position.

Commissioner returned from Executive Session to offer Clerk Dickinson a pay rate of $20./hr retro to Feb 1st. Dickinson accepted.

Meeting adjourned.

Mar 15, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 15th, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :     President ~ Paul Schielke, Secretary ~ Landis Bohn,

Commissioner ~ Bruce Harris

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present: Dan Bannier of RCAC

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Bonnie and John Klasell, JoAnne Burke, Mike Dickinson


Commissioner Shielke called the meeting to order at 10:00am

The agenda was immediately revised due to inclement weather and the subsequent absence of  Steve from RH2, who was to share information on well siting and spring reclamation. Also absent was legal counsel Mark Peterson. It was agreed to continue the meeting next week, March 22nd when the missing parties could attend.

Transfer Documents:

Shielke said there was general agreement amongst the Commissioners that Mark Peterson should handle the creation of all the transfer documents to finalize the transfer of the individual associations to the district. It should be cheaper and more efficient to do them all at once, and then let the associations review the documents with their own counsel, should they wish.

Dan Bannier has a template for merger agreements/transfer documents that he can send as a sample for Mark to follow. It is hoped this might save some legal bills.

Dan Bannier said that Karen K. from RH2 will handle the water rights transfers w/ the DOE in Yakima, and doesn’t believe there will be any problem with the transfers.

LWWD will need some research at Chelan County to find easement records. Commissioners agree to discuss at March 22 special meeting.

Conflict of Interest:

Mark Peterson’s gave an opinion (via email) that the Commissioners were not in a position of conflict as they do not stand to personally gain monetarily from any of the District’s transactions. He also advised that Commissioners be careful to advise the other Commissioners any time there might be an element of personal gain.

WPWU Lots with no Service:

Bruce is working with the DOH on this with the DOH and is waiting for a response from Mike Wilson. Commissioners are optimistic it can be resolved.

Transfer Process:

  1. 1.     LWWD needs to coordinate with PUD. Commissioner Schielke sent Pat @ PUD a map and has started the process.
  2. 2.     LWWD needs to coordinate with Chelan County Public Works. Commissioner Harris has sent Mitch at Public Works a packet of info the get the franchise agreement started up. This agreement says LWWD will comply with Public Works specifications for road construction, etc. As long as it is working on a public right of way or easement, LWWD must adhere to the County guidelines.

Commissioner Shielke asked Dan Bannier if he could assist in negotiating those specifications with Public Works. Commissioner Harris said he will try to get the spec so LWWD & Bannier can review.

Joanne Burke asked how the easement about Whispering Pine will be handled. Commissioners answered they don’t know yet because they haven’t resolved the well vs spring question yet, and other planning all comes from that.

Bruce suggests asking RH2 to give LWWD a report on which assets needing to be transferred from each association will actually be used in the new Comp Plan.

Bonnie Klasell says we need to clarify that the concrete holding tank stays with Brown Road Irrigation. Bonnie says she will present a transfer list for BRWU. Also, she asked if BRWU need to rewrite their MOU since not all of their members are joining the District. Commissioners said no, because it is the District which is allowing those members to withdraw.

Spring vs Well:

Commissioner Schielke says he is determined to preserve the spring source and that he will continue to fight for it. He points out that although the estimates from RH2 to reclaim the spring source are high, that the cost of a well is high when you consider the electricity to pump the well over 20 years.

Commissioner Harris says he has talked at length to Karen K. at RH2 and Bruce now supports the well given the financial data. LWWD needs a third source of water immediately and RH2 can’t move on with the project until the Commissioners make a decision. Since RH2 is already falling behind schedule, Karen K said RH2 could pursue both approached simultaneously. The down side to this is the money the District would have to pay RH2 to do this.

Commissioner Harris also said Mike Wilson from the DOH hasn’t been encouraging regarding the spring. He says LWWD could spend big buck and get nothing. Commissioner Harris related that Karen K from RH2 said the District could keep the spring option open as an emergency water source, and perhaps up grade it to a primary water source in the future.

Commissioner Bohn asked how much money had already been spent in consulting fees regarding the spring source. Clerk Dickinson did not know, but offered to tally it and report back. Commissioner Bohn motioned for no more funds to be expended exploring the spring option at this time. No seconds.

Commissioner Schielke asked to see well costs before making a final decision. He also wants to send Steve, the geologist from RH2, up to see the spring source.

Commissioner Bohn again moved to officially return to the Comp Plan as written, but to not actually drill wells until Steve had a chance to inspect the spring site. No second.

Barbara Harris  points out that the spirit of the WPWUA MOU is honored if the spring source is reserved as a future option.

Commissioner Schielke moved to table the spring vs well discussion until the March 22nd special session. Commissioner Harris seconded, and it was unanimously agreed.

Administrative Business:

Clerk Dickinson reported the office move has been completed. LWWD is now located at 17201 N. Shore Drive, Lake Wenatchee WA 98826.  The office phone # is 509 679-1353.

Commissioner Harris moved to officially change the address. Commissioners unanimously agreed.

Commissioner Harris asked Clerk to continue with the new practice of emailing minutes to the Commissioners as soon after the meetings as possible. Clerk agreed and suggested the minutes should also be forwarded to the Association Head, and all LWWD consultants such as RH2, Peterson and Bannier. Commissioners unanimously agreed. Clerk also suggested posting approved minutes on the web site, but was concerned about Commissioner approval for what should go on the web site. Paul Schielke moved, and it was unanimously agreed that Clerk Dickinsons should just put up a simple web site immediately, using the Whispering Pines site as an example.

Clerk Dickinson then announced the first draw of $31,129.04 from the DWSRF grant/loan is in the LWWD account at Chelan County. Clerk then presented a stack of overdue vouchers to be signed for payment.

This brought up the need to resolve the terms of Clerk Dickinson’s employment with LWWD. As it was the Commissioners’ and the Clerk’s wish to move to an independent contractor relationship, Clerk presented the Commissioners with an invoice for her services for the months of January and February, 2012. (33.5 hours at $25./hour for a total of $837.50) Commissioner Bohn stated that when LWWD pays L&I and other employee costs, the rate of $15./hr remains in place until the position of clerk is changed to a independent contractor position. Commissioner Harris asked Clerk Dickinson to draft a contact, retroactive to March 1st, and present it at the March 22nd meeting.

Commissioner Harris then motioned that potential operators be informed of available positions at the April 5 Commissioners meeting. He also suggested that Clerk Dickinson write up a contract, date it March 1st, and present it at the next meeting, March 22nd.

Dan Bannier then gave advice on managing Independent Contractors and their performance and costs. He is willing to serve as a 3rd party consultant in such matters.

Clerk Dickinson expressed frustration at the continuing delay on a decision regarding her employment with LWWD, and asked if whatever decision was made at the next meeting would be retroactive to when discussions began in January. Commissioner Bohn said no, you remain a $15./hr employee, but Harris and Shielke began to discuss other options. At that point, Commissioner Bohn left the meeting and did not return. As he was departing, Commissioner Harris called out that the meeting was not over yet, but Bohn did not respond. Commissioner Shielke pointed out that there was still a quorum and suggested they continue.

There followed a discussion of how hard it was to find Commissioners since it’s an entirely volunteer position and takes a lot of work and dedication to be done well. It was suggested LWWD should consider paying Commissioners the small amount allowed by law. Clerk Dickinson said she would look up the regulation and report at the next meeting.

Dan Bannier offered to send over some publications with advice on administering water systems.

There followed a discussion of the apparent absence of by-laws. If they were ever created, no one seems to have a copy any more. Clerk Dickinson said she would check at the Chelan County Auditors, and the Washington State Auditors offices to see if anything was ever recorded.

Clerk Dickinson related a problem at Cashmere Valley Bank where-in none of the current Commissioners nor the current clerk are signers on the Imprest bank account there. This had forced Dickinson to pay for LWWD supplies with her own funds, (for which she will be reimbursed.) Commissioner Schielke motioned for all Commissioner, and Clerk Dickinson to become signers on the account, and for the previous names to be removed as signers. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Harris (& Dan Bannier) asked for Clerk Dickinson to email him a complete list of LWWD constituents. Dickinson agreed.

Next Meeting Agenda:

March 22nd – Commissioner Paul Schielke tabled today’s meeting, and the clerk discussion, until then. After the continuation of the regular Commissioners meeting on March22nd, there will also be a Special Meeting to discuss well vs. spring sources with Steve from RH2, and contractor options with Karen K. from RH2.

April 5th – RFPs from operators. Mark Peterson invited to attend.

Commissioner Shielke adjourned the meeting at 1:45pm.

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Mar 1, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 1st, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :

Secretary ~ Landis Bohn

Commissioner ~ Bruce Harris

Commissioners  Absent :

President ~ Paul Schielke

Staff Present:       

Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson


Also –Barbara Harris, Bonnie & John Klasell, & Gaye Hunter (clerk for Alpine Water)

Secretary Bohn called the meeting to order at 10:00.Clerk Dickinson presented written clarification of her job proposal (see attached) stating that she wished to remain in the position, but was asking for higher pay, and would be willing to work as an independent contractor from her home office.

Commissioner Bohn introduced Gaye, the clerk from Alpine Water District who attended the meeting at his request. Bohn informed the meeting that she was interested in the position of Lake Wenatchee Water District Clerk. Bohn suggested LWWD advertise for a clerk.

Bohn proposed RH2 handle liaisons with surveyors and other such contractors directly. Commissioner Bruce Harris suggested he would confer with RH2 before the Commissioners finalized that decision. Bohn agreed, and Harris said he would talk to RH2.

Clerk Dickinson read minutes. Harris moved to accept, Bohn concurred. Minutes accepted.

Discussion returned to staffing. Bohn suggested we need a more clear description of job duties. Harris offered to create description for contract administrator, and for clerk. Bohn agreed with that and offered to create job description for system operator. Their goal is be able to advertise for all positions in one posting.

Commissioners then reviewed Gaye’s resume and asked her some questions about her background and qualifications. Gaye then left.

Clerk Dickinson gave the treasurer’s report. She asked that treasurer’s report be given on the 3rd Thursday meeting so as to pick up month end financial reports from the County before reporting to the Commissioners. (These reports are rarely posted by the County until after the 1st Thursday meeting.) Commissioners unanimously agreed.

Clerk Dickinson presented the first A-19 requisition form for Commissioners signatures. This is the form sent to the Wa State Public Works in order to initiate a transfer of funds from our grant/loan package to our account at Chelan County. The A-19 itemizes every invoice justifying the funds transfer, and then copies of said invoices are included in the packet. Once the funds are transferred to the County, LWWD will pay bills through the County system just as we have been doing. Commissioners reviewed attached invoices and signed the A-19.

Clerk Dickinson conferred with Commissioner Harris on the paperwork (insurance, district formation, etc) that he needed to get us set up with Chelan County Public Works.  She also gave Commissioner Bohn an old LWWD file with some small works roster examples to aid in Commissioner Bohn’s task of creating a current small works roster for LWWD.

Clerk Dickinson gave a brief report on the return of notorized “opt out” letters. 8 have been returned, so we are about ½ way there.

Clerk Dickinson presented a Project Review Sheet requested by DOH (cultural and environmental review department) for direction on who should be handling this sort of paperwork. It was agreed Clerk Dickinson would confer with RH2 to complete the document and get it back to DOH.

There followed some discussion of agenda for the March 15th meeting.

1.)   Dan Bannier of RCAC will be attending to help form an operational plan for LWWD to move forward.

2.)   RH2 – spring source evaluations. The commissioners would like to keep that option at least open until spring when the snow melts and the hydrologists can test the source.

Clerk Dickinson requested official authorization to purchase a copy of QB for the District and to begin loading financial data. Commissioners unanimously agreed.

Commissioner Bohn adjourned the meeting at 12:00 noon.



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Feb 2, 2012 Minutes

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Jan 5, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Jan 5, 2012

Commissioners  Present :

President ~ Dwight Burke

Secretary ~ Landis Bohn,  

Commissioner ~ Byron Dickinson

Commissioner Elect – Paul Scheilke

Staff Present:       Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Also – legal counsel – Mark Peterson


Commissioner Burke called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

                                                Started w/ swearing in new Commissioner Schielke & reelected Commissioner



Clerk related $ is available from Public works as soon as contract is



Update on exclusions from assessment roll. Byron Dickinson says it’s up to

17 parcels. Gave report on details of each request for exclusion.


Dwight suggest sending letter Paul drafted, certified, and other previous

letter in order to proceed with letting folks requesting exclusion out of

District. Bonnie Harris was concerned with the legality of letting BRWU

members out. Mark says the letters look fine. RH2 to handle mailing and

amend legal description of LID accordingly. (?) Also, we need to get “want

in “ letters from Gilbertson & Dickinson. Randy should run #s again and

get back to Commissioners for final decision. Commissioners unanimously

agreed on this plan.


Clerk presented financial report. Authorized to pay the first 3 bills.


Officer elections:

Schielke –  president

Lahn – sec/treas


Dwight announced his resignation. Proposed Byron Dickinson as a replacement.

Office set up? Free from Two Rivers can’t continue.


Pay Commissioners? Discuss at next meeting


Get new cleck? Operator? Manager?


Shielke  is meeting w/ Randy next Tuesday to discuss timelines, easements,

F.S or Hashim’s right of way, etc. Shielke suggest meeting be more than

once a month. (Must publish details on door and at Leavenworth Echo.) New

schedule: 1st and 3rd Thursdays.

Liability insurance? OK for the moment.

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