Minutes, October 14, 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting

October 14, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris, Helen Deems

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper; Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests Present: Barb Harris,

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:05am

Commissioner Guimond motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for September 9, 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Deems seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: None


Mtn Park Wellhead Leak – there is a significant leak at the wellhead. Charlie thought that Tumwater Drilling would be able to fix on 10/14/21, but it was discovered that a galvanized joint, inside the well, is leaking. That has to be repaired before Tumwater Drilling can proceed. He has contacted Mike Dickinson to do emergency repairs on the joint, and then will have Tumwater back to finish the repairs. This hopefully will all be resolved in the next 1-2 weeks.

Wellhead Protection Mtn Park – no additional information has been gathered since the last meeting, so the decision was made that updating our emergency plan is the course of action at this time.

Hydrants – North Shore Drive – Commissioner Guimond spoke with Bob Plumb and his assistant about the requirement for sprinkler system on construction over 3,500sq feet or a hydrant within 500 feet, this is non-negotiable. A customer contacted us about installing a sprinkler system as a result of their addition/remodel triggering this requirement. Charlie will contact RH2 to determine if we are capable of providing enough water and pressure for a sprinkler system with the current meter installation. Charlie will report back at the next meeting and the Commissioners will discuss policy at this time, based upon this information.

Generator Install updates – A new front control panel circuit board was purchased and replaced by First Choice Electric prior to the Power Systems West technician conducting the initial startup and training on September 20th. Unfortunately, the generator was unable to be started prompting a Kohler diagnostic analysis being recommended. That was conducted on October 13th Power Systems West is now attempting to locate other replacement parts that might have been damaged when the original front panel control board was damaged. We do not have a date yet as to when the Power Systems West technician will return to install these parts and get the generator operational. All other work on the generator site and installation has been completed.

New Connections – we received an application from parcel # 271718665000 along with the connection fee and deposit for the meter/vault installation.

Commissioner Harris moved to accept this application, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

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Commissioner Harris moved to order six (6) meters, two (2) single vaults and one (1) double vault to have in reserve for potential future connections; Commissioner Deems seconded; motion passed.

Snowplow Contract 2022-2023 – Commissioner Harris motioned to send bid requests out to operators on our small works roster for 2021-2024 seasons; Commissioner Deems seconded; motion passed. Bonnie will send out today.

Other System updates from Charlie – nothing new to report.


Policy Updates – annual discussion of possible needs for policy updates; the decision was that our emergency plan needs updating. Commissioner Deems will work with Charlie and submit proposed changes at the next meeting.

Water Availability Certificates Issued – None issued

Customer A/R issues: All past due customers have been contacted. Our one seriously past due customer mailed her payment on 10/12/21, but wasn’t at PO Box when bookkeeper went on 10/13/21. I

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the Sept 2021 financial data as listed below.

Accounts Receivable 9/1/21: $8400.50 over 90 days past due, nothing over 60 days past due.

Treasurers Report: We have $31,527.09 in the general fund (account 682.701), and 81,414.45 in the reserve fund 112,941.54). Imprest balance is $993.40; $5.50 was paid for 811 referrals.

Commissioner Deems motioned to approve the Sept 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Deems motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $5,479.36 and the CPF warrant for $4,257.99 ($9,737.35 total) Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Deems motioned to sign the Sept payroll warrant for $512.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Other comments: Bonnie mentioned she’s in the process of closing her business and will be retiring in the spring. She will send out her job responsibilities to the commissioners so they can determine how to fill the clerk/bookkeeper position.

Commissioner Deems and Guimond would like a tour of the facilities and will contact Charlie to arrange a time.

Meeting adjourned at 1pm

Next meeting: November 11, 2021

Minutes, September 9, 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting

September 9, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris, Helen Deems

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Ann Johnson, Steven Booher

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:05am

Commissioner Guimond motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for August 12 , 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Deems seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: None


Generator: Very close to full completion, fence has been installed around the propane tank per homeowner’s instructions. Electrical has been installed and Power Systems West will come on September 20, 2021 for setup and training. There is an issue with the circuit board that requires replacement. First Choice Electrical and Power Systems West are coordinating on this as it’s either a warranty issue or the fault of the electrical installation.

Hydrant Install – North Shore Drive: Steve Booher (architect) presented a request to install a hydrant near a property remodel to assist in fire suppression. Charlie explained that our system is not designed for fire flow and that the hydrants currently in place on the road are flushing / sampling stations located at the end of the water mains. We don’t have the size piping and pressure required to meet flow requirements throughout the system. LWWD would need to require the developer to potentially install a minimum of 900ft of new piping replacing older under-capacity water mains. Otherwise, damage could occur to this existing smaller piping that was not replaced in the 2015 upgrade. Homeowner inquired if our system would handle an internal sprinkler system. Charlie said it would, but a larger meter and service line would need to be installed. Commissioner Guimond told Mr. Booher that he would do more research and will hopefully have new information to make a decision at the next public meeting.

Wellhead Protection – Mt. Park: Commissioner Deems spoke with 2 people at PUD to find out what systems they have in place if there is a power outage and the holding tank overflows. The response was that PUD does have a tank on a trailer to put in place if necessary, but that it’s ultimately the homeowner’s responsibility. Discussion on options to protect wellhead, including expanding our emergency management plan to including a process with the PUD. Commissioner Deems suggested that the discussion to be tabled until the next meeting, all Commissioners agreed. .

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Other System updates from Charlie – Commissioner Harris asked Charlie about air bubbles in the water (well cavitation) as a few customers have mentioned it. Charlie feels it’s just typically summer demand and he’s adjusted the wells accordingly but will look into it and get back to the commissioners.


Water Availability Certificates Issued – None issued

Customer A/R issues: All customers have been notified via mail and email that as of 9/30/21 all services fees and disconnect fees will be reinstated. .

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the August 2021 financial data as listed below.

Accounts Receivable 9/1/21: $8104.50 is over 90 days past due, $1252.98 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report: as of 9/1/21: We have $39,367.89 in the general fund (account 682.701), and $68,090.66 in the reserve fund ($107,458.55 total). Bonnie will move $15,000 from the general fund to the reserve fund as we are only required to keep a $25,000 balance. Imprest balance is $998.20, $1.10 was paid for 811 referrals.

LID #1:  We received $29,314.77 in payments, LID balance is now $712,902.99. LGIF interest income for July was $80.52. The DWSRF loan payments will be made on 10/1/21 via Chelan County Treasurer.

Commissioner Deems motioned to approve the August 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner  Deems motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,511.50 and the CPF warrant for $4,134.34 (total $7,645.84); Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Deems motioned to sign the August payroll warrant for $640.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1:07pm

Next meeting: October 14, 2021

Minutes, August 12, 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting

August 12, 2021

Location: Lake Wenatchee Fire Station #91

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris, Helen Deems

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper; Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests Present: None

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:05am

Commissioner Deems motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for July 8 , 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: None


Generator: All construction is complete, roofing is finished. Propane tank has been installed; propane fuel will be delivered next week. Charlie is researching possibility of locking the propane tank to avoid being turned off/on inadvertently. Charlie will also verify with owner her expectation of fencing around the propane tank. He will also determine what would be the best time for monthly maintenance machine operation, as to not affect her business. Bruce has spoken with electrician; he’s applied for the permit and should be able to begin work soon.

MIU: 5 MIUs were purchased, picked up and activated by Bruce for Charlie’s installation prior to 8/25/21 when meters are read next.

811 calls: We received an invoice for one (1) call – paid with debit card as it was only $1.10

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Water Availability Certificates Issued – None issued

Audit: Audit for 2019/2020 was completed last month by WA State Auditor’s Office. Findings are now published on their website, there were no issues.

Customer A/R issues: Customer #1150 did make a partial payment, but is still past due. All other past due accounts from last meeting are now paid in full.

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the July 2021 financial data as listed below.

Accounts Receivable 8/1/21: $7,490.80 is over 90 days past due, $504.00 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report: as of 8/1/21: We have $40,199.94 in the general fund, and $66,619.48 in the reserve fund ($106,819.42 total). Bonnie will move $15,000 from the general fund to the reserve fund as we are only required to keep a $25,000 balance. Imprest balance is $1000, no usage in July.

LID #1:  We received $12,381.96 in payments, LID balance is now $683,588.22. LGIF interest income for June was $30.05.

Commissioner Deems motioned to approve the July 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Guimon seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner  Deems motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,999.91 and the CPF warrant for $1,028.82 (total $4,028.73); Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the July payroll warrant for $256.00; Commissioner Deems seconded, motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 12:30pm

Next meeting: September 9, 2021

Minutes, July 8 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting

July 8, 2021

Hybrid Meeting

Location: Lake Wenatchee Fire Station #91 and Zoom

Commissioners Present Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris (Zoom)

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper

Guests Present: Barb Harris (Zoom)

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:00am

Commissioner Guimond motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for June 10, 2021and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: None


Generator: Commissioner Harris informed that the roof install is almost complete, verified that the generator will not have to be moved 3” and that the current location should comply with the electrical code according to feedback from the generator electrical installer. The propane vendor has been contacted for a site evaluation. First Choice Electric will hopefully complete work by the end of July but has not committed to a completion date. Financially we have approximately $2500 left of the grant money. Commissioner Harris will submit final invoices from electrician and other trades accordingly to receive as much of the grant money that the district qualifies for. The FEMA grant rules limits how the money can be spent.

New Connections: We received a deposit from the owner of parcel #271718340575 who has been paying into the LID to install a meter/vault. The owner of parcels 271718665100 &271718665110 who is not in the LID contacted us to discuss location of meters/vaults but we have not received an application with the connection fees.

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Other System updates from Charlie – none (Charlie not at meeting) However, Commissioner Guimond reported there was a leak on Northshore and Mike Dickinson fixed it.


Water Availability Certificates Issued – None issued

Customer A/R issues: Customer #1150 seriously past due, non-responsive to phone call letters, emails and texts. Commissioner Guimond will attempt to reach her at her service address. Also Customers #1069 and #1130 are more than 60 days past due, Commissioner Guimond will attempt to visit them at their homes too.

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the June 2021 financial data as listed below.

Accounts Receivable 7/1/21: $8,220.30 is over 90 days past due, $2004.00 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report: as of 7/1/21: We have $98,671.56 at the county; $811.22 in Imprest. Imprest charges in June were $146.00 for PO Box rental, and $32 to refund escrow overpayment to a customer. .

LID #1:  We received $19,929.66 in payments, LID balance is now $651,246.55. LGIF interest income has not been reported yet

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the June 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $4,022.58 and the CPF warrant for $431.95 (total $4,454.53); Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to sign the June payroll warrant for $384.00; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30pm.

Next meeting: August 12, 2021.

Minutes, June 10, 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Virtual Meeting

Lake Wenatchee Water District

June 10, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Helen Deems

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:15am

Commissioner Guimond motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for May 13 and Continued May 27, 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: None

Appointed Commissioner to replace Jim Cook who resigned May 31, 2021:

Commissioner Guimond motioned to appoint Helen Deems to fill vacancy for Position #1; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed. Oath of Office was administered.


CCR: Commissioners reviewed and approved CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) from Charlie to be sent to all customers by July 1, 2021.

Generator: Commissioner Harris verified that the generator will not have to be moved 3” and that the current location should comply with the electrical code according to feedback from the generator electrical installer. He has instructed Charlie to order and install propane. First Choice Electric will do electrical work by end of July. Charlie has completed most of the roof construction.

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Other System updates from Charlie – none (Charlie not at meeting)


Water Availability Certificates Issued – one issued for parcel 271718925055 for a septic permit.

Customer Refund: Escrow overpaid one customer’s closing statement. Commissioners approved refund payment of $32.00 from Imprest.

Customer A/R issues: Customer #1150 seriously past due, non-responsive to phone call letters, emails and texts. Commissioner Guimond will attempt to reach her at her service address.

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the May 2021 financial data as listed below.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the May 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Accounts Receivable 6/1/21: $8,304.30 is over 90 days past due, $0.00 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report: as of 6/1/21: We have $85,327.82 at the county; $989.22 in Imprest. Imprest charges in May were $10.78 for ipage mailbox storage.

LID #1:  We received $69,989.28 in payments, LID balance is now $651,246.55. LGIF interest income was $31.78.

Commissioner  Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,200.42 and the CPF warrant for $3.973.77 (total $7174.19); Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Deems motioned to sign the May payroll warrant for $768.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

In Person Public Meetings: Governor Inslee is expected to remove all Covid restrictions with regards to the OPMA (Open Meetings Act) on June 30, 2021. If this happens, we will hold our next meeting in person at the fire station on July 8. If the proclamation is not rescinded, then our meetings will continue to be virtual via Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 11:40pm.

Next meeting: July 8, 2021.

Minutes May 13 and 27, 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Virtual Meeting

Lake Wenatchee Water District

May 13, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Jim Cook, Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper, Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Karen and Mike Hawkins, Mike (no last name)

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:00am

Commissioner Guimond motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for April 8, 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: Commissioner Harris mentioned that the fire district will be implementing a process over the summer to deal with potential fires from downed power lines. This process will involve power shut downs that potentially could leave us without power for hours or days.


Generator: The generator was received on April 30th. Charlie has built the structure/roof – all that is left to install is the roofing. Next step is to move generator to final location on pad and have electrical work done.

Commissioner Harris moved to submit bids for electrical work to electrical contractors on our small works roster (Leavenwoth Electric and First Choice Electric); Commissioner Cook seconded. Motion passed.

Commissioner Harris will call each of the contractors, email the requirements and ask for a response by May 27th.

Other System updates from Charlie – no issues and no chlorine complaints. He has noticed digging in the area without being called by 811; Bonnie will contact Chelan Douglass UCC to verify we are on the 811 call list. Our annual dues were paid in January.


Commissioner Replacement/Candidate Filing: Online filing opens on May 17th thru May 21st All three commissioner positions are open for election, and Commissioners Cook and Harris have indicated they would do not intent to run. Bonnie will email the link and information out on Friday, May 14th to all customers, and also on May 20th to remind everyone of the May 21st closing date.

Annual Audit: Bonnie presented the annual audit forms to the commissioner for review. Commissioner Guimond motioned to submit them to the State Auditor’s Office; Commissioner Cook seconded. Motion passed.

Water Availability Certificates Issued – one issued for parcel 271718665110

Customer A/R issues: Customer #1150 seriously past due, non-responsive to phone call letters, emails and texts. Bookkeeper will keep trying to collect. Also, customer #1159 closing has been put on hold, so lien has not been satisfied yet.

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the April 2021 financial data as listed below.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the April 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Cook seconded; motion passed.

Accounts Receivable 5/1/21: $7,796.00 is over 90 days past due, $1,012.30 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report: as of 5/1/21: We have $96,303.77 at the county; $1000.00 in Imprest.
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LID #1:  5/1/21 balance is $ 581,225.49. LGIF interest was $40.57

Commissioner  Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,595.56 and the CPF warrant for $18,501.22 (total $21,096.78); Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the April payroll warrant for $512.00; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Meeting is continued to May 27, 2021 at 7:00pm

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Virtual Meeting

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Continued Meeting – May 27, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Jim Cook, Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Helen Deems

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

Public Comments: None


Generator Electrical Bids: Only one was received, from First Choice Electric

Commissioner Harris moved to accept the bid from First Choice Electic ($3,101.84), Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Bruce will sign the bid as accepted and return to First Choice Electric, and will work with Mike Brunelle at First Choice Electric with regards to timeframe for the work.

There is an issue with the generator location, apparently it is 3” too close to the electrical panel and will need to be moved. Bruce has asked Charlie to delay having the propane tank installed until the generator is in its final location.


Jim Cook has announced his intention to resign, and Helen Deems has offered to fill his position. Bonnie will find out from Chelan County Elections office what the procedure is for Jim to officially resign and Helen to be appointed.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:20pm.

Next Meeting is June 10, 2021 at 11:00am

Minutes, April 8, 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

April 8, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Jim Cook, Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond (arrived at 11:30am)

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper, Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 11:01am

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for March 11, 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: None received this month


Generator: Commissioner Harris is still trying to get confirmation of a delivery date, he did contact Kohler directly and learned the current flow time until shipping is 16-17 weeks for the 38KW RCLB-QS9 model. In March, Power Systems West said delivery could possibly May or June, but wasn’t certain. Charlie contacted Mike Dickinson, and he said he would have no issues moving the generator in place. Charlie will look into metal roofing that matches what is on the combined facility and will get some swatches as we were unable to determine what brand of roofing that was installed in 2014. Charlie will work with Commissioner Cook on the design of the shed roof to determine what building materials will be needed.

SCADA upgrade: Clayton and Charlie are installing the software upgrade today.

Other System issues: Dept. of Health has notified us that we are due for another Sanitary Survey, Charlie will schedule that appointment. No other system issues at this time.

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Water Availability Forms Issued: Two issued: one for customer #1035 who needed it for county septic approval, the other for new construction on parcel 271718665100 which was approved at the 3/11/21 meeting.

Customer A/R issues: Customer #1150 seriously past due, non-responsive to phone call letters, emails and texts. Bookkeeper will keep trying to collect. Also, customer # 1159 is selling their property; the payoff amount for their lien ($2,989.85) has been given to the escrow company to be disbursed to us at closing on 4/30/21.

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the March 2021 financial data as listed below.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the March 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Cook seconded; motion passed.

Accounts Receivable 4/1/21: $7,544.00 is over 90 days past due, $252.00 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report: as of 4/1/21: We have $98,044.04 at the county; $1000.00 in Imprest.

LID #1:  4/1/21 balance is $ 554,364.11. One payment was received in February totaling $8,065.93; LGIF interest has not been recorded yet. Bills for 2021 payments will be mailed from County on May 1, 2121

Commissioner  Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2642.80; Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the March payroll warrant for $384.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

2021 Annual Financial Report: Bookkeeper is working on assembling all required data to submit. Bookkeeper will email to all commissioners for review and approval at the May meeting. Report must be submitted by 5/30/21

Commissioner Guimond adjourned the meeting at 11:55pm

Next meeting is Thursday, May 13, 2021.

Meeting Minutes, April 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

April 8, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Jim Cook, Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond (arrived at 11:30am)

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper, Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 11:01am

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for March 11, 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: None received this month


Generator: Commissioner Harris is still trying to get confirmation of a delivery date, he did contact Kohler directly and learned the current flow time until shipping is 16-17 weeks for the 38KW RCLB-QS9 model. In March, Power Systems West said delivery could possibly May or June, but wasn’t certain. Charlie contacted Mike Dickinson, and he said he would have no issues moving the generator in place. Charlie will look into metal roofing that matches what is on the combined facility and will get some swatches as we were unable to determine what brand of roofing that was installed in 2014. Charlie will work with Commissioner Cook on the design of the shed roof to determine what building materials will be needed.

SCADA upgrade: Clayton and Charlie are installing the software upgrade today.

Other System issues: Dept. of Health has notified us that we are due for another Sanitary Survey, Charlie will schedule that appointment. No other system issues at this time.

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Water Availability Forms Issued: Two issued: one for customer #1035 who needed it for county septic approval, the other for new construction on parcel 271718665100 which was approved at the 3/11/21 meeting.

Customer A/R issues: Customer #1150 seriously past due, non-responsive to phone call letters, emails and texts. Bookkeeper will keep trying to collect. Also, customer # 1159 is selling their property; the payoff amount for their lien ($2,989.85) has been given to the escrow company to be disbursed to us at closing on 4/30/21.

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the March 2021 financial data as listed below.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the March 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Cook seconded; motion passed.

Accounts Receivable 4/1/21: $7,544.00 is over 90 days past due, $252.00 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report: as of 4/1/21: We have $98,044.04 at the county; $1000.00 in Imprest.

LID #1:  4/1/21 balance is $ 554,364.11. One payment was received in February totaling $8,065.93; LGIF interest has not been recorded yet. Bills for 2021 payments will be mailed from County on May 1, 2121

Commissioner  Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2642.80; Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the March payroll warrant for $384.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

2021 Annual Financial Report: Bookkeeper is working on assembling all required data to submit. Bookkeeper will email to all commissioners for review and approval at the May meeting. Report must be submitted by 5/30/21

Commissioner Guimond adjourned the meeting at 11:55pm

Next meeting is Thursday, May 13, 2021.

Minutes, March 11, 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

March 11, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Jim Cook, Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:00am

Commissioner Guimond motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for March 11, 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: None received this month


Generator: Bruce contacted Power Systems West, our paperwork had gone into their spam folder so they hadn’t processed the generator yet. The paperwork was resent and verified that it was received. So, it’s now looking at a possible June delivery month, instead of April as quoted. Bruce will follow up to get an exact timeline, if there are issues with delivery then perhaps another make/model will need to be ordered. He will present update/options at the April meeting.

SCADA upgrade: Charlie contacted RH2 about a firewall/security protection, they recommend an update and installation of a VPN/security software. Commissioner Harris motioned to accept the quote of $886.81 for the Firefly software, and authorize the 1-2 hours needed for RH2 to install/set up; Commissioner Cook seconded; motion passed.

Other System issues: No major issues, Charlie is still having some trouble fine-tuning chlorine levels to deal with the sulfur. None of the commissioners have mentioned noticing a sulfur smell.
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Water Availability Forms Issued: One issued customer #1061 who needed it for county septic approval. Commissioner Cook motioned that 2 water certificates be issued to the new owner of parcels 271718665100 & 271718665110, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed. Commissioner Cook will forward the application to request a water availability certificate to the new owner and once Bonnie receives the completed form, 2 certificates will be issued.

Customer A/R issues: none

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the February 2021 financial data as listed below.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the February 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Cook seconded; motion passed.

Accounts Receivable 3/1/21: $7,712.20 is over 90 days past due, $701.39 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report: as of 31/21: We have $90084.33 at the county; $710.90 in Imprest.  Imprest expenditures in February were $284.10 to iPage for website.

LID #1:  3/1/21 balance is $ 543,284.18. Two payments were received in February totaling $10,390.13; LGIF interest was $50.32.

Commissioner  Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3852.21; Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the February payroll warrant for $384.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond adjourned the meeting at 12:00pm

Next meeting is Thursday, April 8, 2021.

Minutes, February 11, 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

February 11, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Jim Cook, Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:00am

Commissioner Guimond motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for January 14, 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: None received this month

Commissioner Positions Open for Election November 2021 – All positions are up for election this year. Candidate Filing online is May 17-May 21. Bonnie will email all customers and advise that Bruce and Jim would like to have their positions filled and explain job responsibility so hopefully someone will step up to fill their positions.


Short Plats on Fir Road: 1 parcel has already completed a short plat adding 2 new lots; another has applied to the county to create 3 more lots. There is concern that the mainline might require an engineering review to determine if 5 more connections can safely be added. Per our policy, that owner will be required to pay costs involved with connecting, including engineering.

Generator: Reimbursement check from Invoice #3 submitted Jan 4th wasn’t processed; we should have by the end of February. Before next meeting Bruce will contact Power Systems to check on status of generator and confirm April delivery is possible.

Chlorinator: Both the Combined facility and the Lake Wenatchee Water well facility chlorinators have been purchased and installed.  There will be several more weeks of fine tuning each in order to optimize the chlorine concentration needs for each source.

In any case, is as viable as like its image http://www.slovak-republic.org/phone/ discount levitra proportionate. The product is for men and women of various ages facea great deal of pain viagra no prescription in muscles of the shoulder, back, feet, legs and back. Natural male sexual enhancers like regular exercises, cut on junk food, avoid long working hours and viagra viagra online stress, getting a massage done etc. have also been proved effective for this. Some of cheap levitra professional these medicines are injected into your penis. Other System issues: Recent news of a water system in Florida that was hacked and parameters within the plant were changed has led Charlie to be concerned about our cyber security. He would like to contact RH2 to see what should be done to protect us. Commissioners authorize Charlie to contact Clayton for suggestions to secure our system.


Water Availability Forms Issued: None requested

New meter installs – deposit disbursement: Customer #1068 prepaid $5000 to have 2 meters installed. The bookkeeper tallied up actual costs (meter/vaults/installation) and a refund check of $1,031.75 will be issued.

Customer A/R issues: No issues, past due customer from last month paid in full.

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the January 2021 financial data as listed below.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the January 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Cook seconded; motion passed.

Accounts Receivable 2/1/21: $7,848.70 is over 90 days past due, $0.00 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report: as of 2/1/21: We have $95,724.93 at the county; $903.85 in Imprest.  Imprest expenditures in January were $27.05 to iPage for website.

LID #1:  1/1/21 balance is $ 532,857.70. No payments were received in January; LGIF interest was $57.78.

Commissioner  Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $7112.46; Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the January payroll warrant for $384.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond adjourned the meeting at 11:35pm

Next meeting is Thursday, March 11, 2020.