Minutes, January 9, 2025

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2025

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank-Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris,

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30am

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the December 14, 2024 minutes as written, Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.


Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $5,396.30. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,515.00. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve Commissioner Guimond remain President for 2025, Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve Commissioner Colvard remain Secretary for 2025. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the resolution for the pay increase for Clerk and Secretary. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed. Resolution was signed.

Meter Reading

Meters were read on January 2, 2025. The water usage report was emailed to the commissioners on January 3, 2025.

7 meters registered leaks. All 7 were contacted.

8 meters did not register data, either because of snow, water, freezing temperatures or failed batteries. If the same meters continue to fail, the MIU’s containing the batteries will be replaced in the spring.

Public Utility Tax

Bookkeeper continues to work with Dept of Revenue to determine process and frequency of submitting the tax. It was suggested that the LWWD Imprest account be used for payment. If this account is used, the current approved balance limit will need to be increased for the payments.


The new shed at the pump house is complete. The valve repairs will be completed by April 30, 2025.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:30 am

Next meeting – Thursday, February 13, 2025

9:30-11:30 am

Minutes, December 12, 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2024

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Ryan Peterson-RH2 Engineering

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30am

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the November 14, 2024 minutes as written, Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.


Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $20,395.56. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,812.00. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Meter Reading

Meters will be read during the winter when leaks are evident or after heavy freezing/ thawing conditions or as needed.

Customer Status Report

Customer requested advice on leak intervention devices. LWWD does not make recommendations on these devices.

Commissioner Guimond has contacted the STR agency that manages the Davison property. They have found no leaks. Commissioner Guimond will recontact them to recommend that they turn off all water and check the meter star dial for water movement.

Another customer requested information on pressure reducing valves. Clerk Harris will verify pressure at his location and refer him to LWWD policy regarding pressure reducing valves. Engineering has recommended that pressure reducing valves should not be installed on services connections under 80 pounds per square inch (psi). LWWD pressure zones have been designed in the reconstruction of the system to be under 80 psi at any point along the water mains within each zone.

A partial payment was made by a customer with a large past due bill.

2025 Budget

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the 2025 budget. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed. Resolution was signed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to increase the hourly rate for operator to $50.00 effective, November 1, 2024. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed. Resolution was signed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to increase the hourly rate for the clerk and secretary to $36.00 effective January 1, 2025. Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed. Resolution will be signed at January 2025 meeting.

Public Utility Tax

Completed account ownership changes and discussed filing the DOR excise tax with the bookkeeper. She linked DOR accounts but could not create tax filing account (said already exists). She will work with DOR to resolve the problem.


Ryan Peterson discussed how the benefits realized in the LWW well reconditioning process might also be achieved when applied to the Brown Road well since its age was similar. Commissioner Colvard will be referencing some of the project results on his drought grant application for reconditioning the other two LWWD wells.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:40 am

Next meeting – Thursday, January 09, 2025

9:30-11:30 am

Minutes, November 14, 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2024

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank-Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:42am

Commissioner Colwell moved to accept the October 10, 2024, minutes as written, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.


Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $17,408.12. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,845.00. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Customer Status Report

Customers with leaks have been notified.

Commissioner Guimond will contact the STR agency that manages the Davison property.

The Ogle vault leak has been repaired by the district and will be carefully monitored for the next month for any leak recurrence.

Customer #1065 requested a reduction on his November 2024 bill which was caused by a large leak. Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve a one-time adjustment to his bill with a reminder that irrigation systems are the responsibility of the property owner. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

2025 Budget

The water rates will remain the same as 2024 with new budget updates for necessary upcoming expenditures. The new budget will be presented at the Dec 2024 commissioners meeting for approval.

Public Utility Tax

Completed account ownership changes and discussed filing the DOR excise tax with the bookkeeper. She will link DOR accounts to file at DOR recommended schedule. Currently working with DOR. Asked to have first filed excise tax cc’d to commissioners and clerk.


LWW pump house valve repairs will be completed soon.

The operator was having difficulty obtaining additional water line freeze packs to install the new vault for account #1172 in Mt Park. It was decided to wait until spring since the current meter will work until the water line freeze pack becomes available.

PRV maintenance rebuilds are complete and new settings for water circulation improvement to WPWUA reservoir will be tried over winter.

Operator Cruickshank showed video of the inside of the LWW well casing done by Clark Surveying. Since the well pump has been removed and the 2” pipe shows signs of corrosion with some pinholes, he and Tumwater Drilling are recommending replacement of the 2” pipes and a scouring of the inside of the well casing. He will get an estimate from Tumwater Drilling to perform this task.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to spend up to $8,000.00 for the re-energizing of the LWW well. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:00 am

Next meeting – Thursday, December 12, 2024

9:30-11:30 am

Minutes, October 10, 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2024

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank-Operator

Guests Present: none

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30am

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the Sep 12, 2024, minutes as written, Commissioner Colvard moved to second, motion passed.


Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $4,901.78. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,686.00, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Customer Status Report

Darshan Naik was approved for installation of a new connection. A double vault will replace the single vault as soon as a contractor and equipment can be scheduled. This is number 14 of the 14 allowed connections in Mountain Park.

Sulfur Smell in the water

Operator Cruickshank commented that the sulfur smell has partially subsided with the replacement of the transducer that measures and transmits the water level in the Whispering Pines reservoir to the pumphouse controller software. It has not eliminated the infusion of sulfur into the water, so further research is being done to improve the cycling of the water between the pressure zones to reduce stagnation or layering of the water in the reservoir tank.

Large pressure reduction valves (PRV)

PRV maintenance, which is recommended every three to four years, is overdue and needs to be started. Because the cost of this required maintenance has increased 30-40% over last year’s budgeted amount, the operator felt it was important that the commissioners were aware of the estimated increase and that we should proceed as soon as possible to schedule the task. RH2 Engineering has recommended that modifying the settings of the PRV’s could be used as a tool to increase the mixing of the water between the pressure zones and possibly reduce the sulfur impact.

Commissioner Guimond motioned for Operator Cruickshank to immediately schedule the PRV maintenance at the estimated cost of approximately $7300; Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed. Commissioner Colvard opposed it due to cost. After further discussion, it was agreed that the operator will check for a lower cost alternate maintenance service contractor before proceeding with the current estimate. The manufacturer of the four PRVs used in our water system, Cla-Val, requires only contractors certified to work on their valves be authorized, which will limit alternatives.

Snow clearing bid for 2024/2025 season

There were no responses to the three bid letters sent out for the next snow clearing season. Individual contractors will be contacted as a substitute.

DOH Get the Lead Out Campaign

Operator Cruickshank reports that his survey of potential lead impact in our system is almost complete and will be submitted on time to DOH.

LWWD/RH2 GSA Maintenance Contract

The current contract between the district and RH2 is 8 years old. RH2 submitted, for our approval and signature, a 2024 updated general service maintenance contract with the latest RH2 labor rates which the commissioner reviewed. Commissioner Guimond signed for the district. There were few changes to the original 2019 contract other than labor rate updates.

Budget review for 2025

The commissioners agreed to meet an hour prior to the next commissioners meeting to discuss budget revisions and capital planning for 2025.

Public Utility Tax

The application to the Dept of Revenue (DOR) was just completed to change the business owner from Charles Ferrel to Commissioner Colvard. Clerk Harris will work with the bookkeeper to finish adding DVM Solutions as an authorized agent to provide excise tax filing to the Washington DOR for Lake Wenatchee Water District.


Operator Cruickshank has some remaining LWW pump house pipe repairs to complete before winter 2024. These repairs do not impact the daily operation of the system.

The priority of the construction of the approved lean-to addition to the pump house for storage of meter vaults and equipment has been lowered because of other pre-winter activity the needs to be done. It will be done this fall if time and weather allow.

Re-energizing wells

Commissioner Colvard reviewed the letter received from the DOE/DOH requesting more proof surrounding well capacity reduction. Many issues drove the decision to limit data gathering supporting the grant to the LWW well since it has always been the one with the most reduction of pumping capacity.

There’s concern that LWWD could be spending more on contracting for data gathering than the potential grant offers. The commissioners agreed to limit the documentation to measurement analysis of well-depth under various pumping scenarios. Commissioner Colvard would ask RH2 to advise what testing schedule would be best to provide those results. RH2 would also provide the data analysis. The work would be done by our operator who has the equipment and experience. In addition, the operator will contact the well photographic service recommended by RH2 for an estimate to photograph the screen and well condition at the LWW pumphouse.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:25 am

Next meeting – Thursday, November 14, 2024

9:30-11:30 am

Minutes, September 12, 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2024

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank-Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30am

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the August 08, 2024, minutes as written, Commissioner Colvard moved to second, motion passed.



Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $7,059.10. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $2,220.00, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Customer Status Report

Customers with leaks identified in the latest meter read have been notified.

Billing Issue

The bookkeeper mailed the September bills with incorrect information on them. The water usage figures were omitted, and customers were not billed for their water use over 8000 gallons. She is reprinting and remailing the corrected bills. An email will be sent to all customers asking them to ignore the first bill and wait for the corrected bill. The due date has been revised to October 15, 2024. Letters will be sent by USPS to customers without email.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to send email and letters to notify the customers; Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Whispering Pines Sulfur Smell

Clerk Harris has been in contact with customers on Lakeview Drive, Fir Drive and Brown Road in Whispering Pines who are experiencing sulfur smell in their water. Operator Cruickshank said that as the aquifer level drops, there is more of a sulfur smell present in the water. Additionally, Operator Cruickshank discovered a malfunctioning transducer that controls the reservoir filling process. The new transducer has arrived and will be installed today.

Commissioner Colwell motioned for Operator Cruikshank to purchase a second transducer for back-up; Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell made a motion for Operator Cruickshank to contact RH2 Engineering to develop a solution to the increasing sulfur smell. Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Options for Customer Payments/ Change of Due Date

Customer requested a portal for credit card payments. It would involve added costs for additional bookkeeping time, processing fees and software costs. Commissioner Colvard motioned to not accept credit card payments; Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed. Customers are encouraged to use electronic payments through their bank if they don’t want to mail a check for payment. The due date on bills will be extended to the 15th of the following month after the bills are mailed. The two-week extension allows more time for USPS mail delivery and the customer additional time to make payments on time.

Ops and Directives Policy Update

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the changes to reflect ADU clarification; Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

DOH Get the Lead Out Campaign

Operator Cruickshank reports that his survey of potential lead impact in our system is nearly complete.

Public Utility Tax

Clerk Harris reported that the utility tax calculation was included in the September bills in anticipation of having to initiate the payment. The application has been sent to the Dept of Revenue to change the business owner from Charles Ferrel to Commissioner Colvard. Clerk Harris will add his name and the bookkeeper’s name for updates and payment processing.

New Connection Status

D&D Realty – Their application from 2021 has expired. Clerk Harris will contact owner to let him know of requirements for proceeding with water service.



Operator Cruickshank will repair the water level gauge at Lake Wenatchee reservoir after the repairs at the pump house have been completed.

Operator Cruickshank will contact RH2 Engineering to add a power outage/temperature senser to the Lake Wenatchee Wellhouse for interface to SCADA to help prevent freeze damage.

Commissioner Colvard reported that the DOE is requesting more information on the grant request for re-energizing the Lake Wenatchee well. Operator Cruikshank will contact RH2 Engineering for a letter explaining the viability of the process.

Large pressure reduction valves (PRV)

Maintenance is recommended every three to four years.

Commissioner Colwell motioned for Operator Cruickshank to schedule PRV maintenance; Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:10 am

Next meeting – Thursday, October 10, 2024

9:30-11:30 am

Minutes, August 8, 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

August 8, 2024

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank-Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:25am

Commissioner Colwell moved to accept the July 11, 2024, minutes as written, Commissioner Colvard moved to second, motion passed.


Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $15,277.25. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,219.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Customer Status Report

No new information

New Connection Status

Customer Barr is having vault and meter installed on his property currently. Monthly billing will begin. Clerk Harris will notify the bookkeeper when his meter MIU number is identified.

OPS and Directives

Commissioners requested that late fees be added to customer bills following the process previously used prior to the Covid-19 period. Late fees have been suspended since the beginning of 2020. Clerk Harris will send a notice to customers notifying them of the resumption of late payment fees.

Commissioners are requested to submit their recommendations for any changes to the Ops and Directives in writing at the September 12, 2024 meeting.

Public Utility Tax

Clerk Harris reported that the water district is required to pay Washington State Public Utility Tax. He will contact the bookkeeper to initiate a new Department of Revenue account and track money collected and file the needed forms. The rate is 5.029% and will be added to customer water bills beginning September 1, 2024. A customer notification will be sent regarding the Public Utility Tax being applied starting on the September 1, 2024 bill.


Operator Cruickshank reported that the U.S. Department of Health is requiring that each water system in the country report on the possibility of lead in any parts of their water systems. He will check each connection and record the composition of the connections and send info to Clerk Harris for incorporation into a spreadsheet to be sent to the DOH.

Operator Cruickshank will repair the water level gauge at Lake Wenatchee reservoir after the repair at the pump house has been completed.

After the repair on Maple Drive, the pavement needs to be repaired with asphalt to bring the road back to previous condition.

Operator Cruickshank has received permission from Mike Dickinson to build a lean-to addition at the Lake Wenatchee pump house for storage of meter vaults. Commissioner Colwell motioned for Operator Cruikshank to spend approximately $2000.00 for the construction of the storage lean-to at the Lake Wenatchee pump house. Commissioner Guimond seconded. Motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard reported that the DOE is requesting more information on the grant request for re-energizing the Lake Wenatchee well. Operator Cruikshank will contact RH2 Engineering for a letter explaining the viability of the process.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:45am

Next meeting – Thursday, September 12, 2024

9:30-11:30 am

Minutes, July 11, 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2024

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruikshank-Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30

Commissioner Colvard moved to accept the June 13, 2024, minutes as written, Commissioner Guimond moved to second, motion passed.


Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of March 31, 2024, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $42,408.26 in the general operating fund and $160,547.50 in the reserve fund. The Imprest balance is $973.90.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $10,069.78. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,950.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Customer Status Report

The water usage reports were distributed to the commissioners. Commissioners discussed May-June leak report and excessive water usage customers. Customers who can’t find leaks on their property may need to hire a locater service.

WSRMP Insurance

Commissioner Colvard motioned that the LWWD Board (1) approve the amendments to the Interlocal Agreement of the Water and Sewer Risk Management Pool, which were approved by the Pool’s Board of Directors at its March 21, 2024 meeting; and (2) authorize the LWWD Board President, Commissioner Fred Guimond to sign the Pool’s Amended Interlocal Agreement; Guimond seconded, motion passed. Commissioner Guimond signed the amended interlocal agreement.

New Connection Status

Carney – MOU and deposit have not been returned to the clerk. He asked the clerk via email to extend the 90-day requirement for initiating meter installations. Commissioner Guimond made a motion to extend the 90-day requirement for starting the installation. Commissioner Colvard recused himself and the motion failed. Per LWWD policy, the bi-monthly billing for the basic service will begin 120 days after the ‘Request for Water Service’ was received even though the meters have not been installed. He is still encouraged to complete the installation as soon as possible.

Barr – Clerk will send a letter to request that if the meter/vault is not installed by September 1, 2024, it should be returned to the district for safe storage until installation can be assured.

Utility Tax

Clerk Harris is researching the requirements for the amended public utility tax that was updated in 2024 WA legislative session. Clerk Harris contacted MRSC for directions and will send those communications to Commissioner Colvard. Impact on the application of the tax will be reviewed and communicated to our customers once the requirements have been verified.


Operator Cruikshank will repair the water level gauge at Lake Wenatchee reservoir after the repair at the pump house has been completed.

A leak on Maple Drive was repaired. The pavement needs to be repaired.

Operator Cruikshank requested permission to contact Mike Dickinson about building a lean-to at the Lake Wenatchee pump house for storage of vaults.

Operator Cruikshank reported that there is a leak at the valve on North Shore across from Pat Dickinson’s house. He will find the cost of a new gate valve.

Commissioner Colvard reported that the DOE is requesting more information on the grant request for re-energizing the Lake Wenatchee well. The operator is going to verify with the contractor that provided the estimate on the level of improved efficiency that can be expected.

Clerk Harris reported on the water rights for capacity and growth from the 2020 Comp Plan and gave a printed report to the commissioners for their review.

Next meeting – Thursday, August 08, 2024

9:30-11:30 am

Minutes, June 13, 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2024

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy


Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank (via phone)

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30

Commissioner Colwell moved to accept the May 09, 2024 minutes as written, Commissioner Colvard moved to second, motion passed.


Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of March 31, 2024, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $45,855.58 in the general operating fund and $160,547.50 in the reserve fund. The Imprest balance is $1000.00.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $4047.47. Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,461.00, Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.

Customer Status Report

Clerk Harris will read meters on June 25, 2024.

Clerk Harris reported that there is new EPA oversight for larger municipal water systems (3300 connections or more) for updated reporting and protocol for internet security concerns. Commissioners discussed our procedures and processes. If a security concern occurs, the computer system will be shut down and managed manually.

Craig Carney, no new information on the MOU for a main extension.

Ryan Barr, no new information on meter installation.

D&D Realty, Commissioner Colvard reported on his discussions with the DOH and with Attorney Marc Marquis regarding ADU’s (additional dwelling units). ADU’s that are a part of the residence will use the same single water connection. The Water Availability Request form will be reviewed by the commissioners to determine if the form or supporting district Operation/Directive needs to be more specific regarding ADU’s.

Michael Lesky requested a Water Availability Certificate for new construction. He already has water service and a meter.

The Lake Wenatchee Water District Consumer Confidence Report for 2023 has been loaded on the LWWD website and distributed to those customers without email addresses.


Commissioner Colwell reported on her research on grants that might be available.

Clerk Harris reported that he placed a legal ad in the Leavenworth Echo and Cashmere paper requesting applications for the Small Works Roster.

Operator Cruickshank reported that the leak on Fir Drive will be repaired on Friday, June 14, 2024. It was waiting for utility locator markings before excavation. The leak appears to be on the district side of the meter.

Operator Cruickshank was asked by the commissioners to expedite the repair of the leak of the isolation gate valve. The repair also involves work at the reservoir.

Operator Cruickshank ordered 6 vaults and 4 have arrived. He reports that he has enough for current needs.

Operator Cruickshank does not have any information yet from Tumwater Drilling regarding the cost and feasibility of re-energizing the three district wells.

New Water Source

Commissioners discussed future needs of the water system. This will be addressed in the upcoming 2026/2032 update to the six-year water district Comprehensive Plan by RH2 Engineering.

Clerk Harris was asked to research the current Comp Plan for information regarding water rights and current capacity for the next commissioner meeting.

Adjourn at 10:50am

Next meeting – Thursday, July 11, 2024

9:30-11:30 am

Minutes, May 09 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

May 09, 2024

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Erin Colwell, John Colvard via phone (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruikshank-Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30 am

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the April 11, 2024 minutes as written, Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.


O&M and Payroll Warrants

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $9,501.61, Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,660.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Monthly financial reports: As of April 30, 2024, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $43,495.14 in the general operating fund and $161,267.50 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $973.90.

Customer aging status as of May 07, 2024 was:

60 days-16 customers @ 60 days ($1,390.00)

90 days-0 customers @ 90 days ($0)

Commissioners reviewed the bids for the Lake Wenatchee Highway water main extension to service lot 4 of the Craig Carney short plat. Commissioner Colwell motioned to authorize Commissioner Guimond to sign the memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the district, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed. The contract was awarded to Dickinson Plowing and Excavation for $4,638.06. Construction is to begin after receiving the signed MOU from Craig Carney and 50% deposit of $2,320.00. Construction to be completed by July 31, 2024. Clerk Harris will contact the bidders and Craig Carney.

Customer Status Report

Clerk Harris read meters on April 25, 2024. This will be the baseline for the start of the upcoming summer billing cycle.

Leaks were reported for customers, #1076, #1099, #1137 and #1086.


The generator closeout inspection was completed and approved by the Washington Emergency Management Division (WAEMD) on April 17, 2024.

Clerk Harris completed this year’s WSRMP survey request for updated information on the district to calculate the member insurer’s 2024-2025 premium. When the evaluation of the member’s financials in the insurance pool is complete, the annual renewal rate will be invoiced to LWWD in the fall.

Notification of a 2024 Drought declaration for all of Washington State was announced on April 16, 2024. When the normal available water storage potential drops below 75%, a declaration is made. There are grants available to mitigate the impact of the draught at the local level and Commissioner Colwell will contact Washington State Dept of Health for more information regarding the grants. Clerk Harris will compose and send out water conservation letters to remind the customers of the ongoing situation.

In addition, it was suggested that LWWD consider rehabilitating some or all its source wells. Commissioner Colwell motioned for Charlie Cruikshank to contact Tumwater Drilling to get an estimate of the cost and feasibility of rehabilitating the 3 LWWD wells to improve the flow, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Adjourn at 11:30

Next meeting – Thursday, June 13, 2024

9:30-11:30 am

Minutes, April 11, 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2024

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruikshank-Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Craig Carney

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the Mar 14, 2024 minutes as written, Commissioner Colvard moved to second, motion passed.


Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $9,069.09. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,647.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Customer Status Report

Clerk Harris will read meters on April 25, 2024. This will be the baseline for the start of the upcoming summer billing cycle.

Clerk Harris reported that the LWWD website is up and running and has been brought up to date with minutes, agendas, resolutions and the 2024 budget. He will notify customers that it’s now available for viewing.

Craig Carney presented 3 Applications for New Water Service and payment for the 3 short plat connections. Clerk Harris will request bids from 3 vendors on the small works roster and will compose a Memorandum of Understanding for lot #4 that will require a mainline extension in the county road easement. The MOU will specify a deposit of 50% of the accepted bid.

Operator Cruikshank reported that the vault for the new Robert Turner parcel (271718430150) had been damaged over the 2023/2024 winter season and has been replaced with a new vault.

Commissioner Colvard reported on his discussions with the county regarding the ADU application for the D&D Realty parcel. He will contact Attorney Marc Marquis for his advice.

Clerk Harris will email the owner of Mt. Park parcel 271614700055 about his timetable for connecting to the system. If the installation is to be delayed further, the new vault located on his property will be picked up to be used on other customer installs due to limited supply. The owner can request a replacement vault when he is ready to complete the installation.


Operator Cruikshank reported on LWW repairs, a leak repair in the Brown Road pumphouse and a broken cable indicator in the LWW reservoir.

Commissioner Colvard reported on discussions regarding water rights and new water sources. He will ask Attorney Marc Marquis about LWWD water rights.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to purchase 5 single vaults and 2 double vaults. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard requested that Operator Cruikshank notify him whenever damage is done to a vault.

Discussion about Carson property. Still waiting for the letter from Dickinson family regarding definition of ownership of this property as it relates to the transfer agreement terms.

Adjourn at 11:05 AM

Next meeting – Thursday, May 9, 2024  9:30-11:30 am