Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes
Jan 11, 2024
Location: Fire Station #91
21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy
Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Erin Colwell (via Zoom), John Colvard (quorum established)
Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruikshank-Operator
Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Jeff Burgess, Brandon Burgess, Bill Burgess, Karen Dickinson
Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30
Commissioner Colwell moved to accept the December 14, 2023 minutes as written, Commissioner Colvard moved to second, motion passed.
Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants
Monthly financial reports: As of December 31, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $42,713.12 in the general operating fund and $ 116,267.50 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $773.27.
Customer aging status as of January 1, 2024 was:
60 days – 18 customers @ 60 days ($1753.08)
90 days – 3 customers @ 90 days ($ 333.00)
Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $8429.50. Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1719.00, Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve Resolution 2024-01-11A for Commissioner Guimond to be is elected President, Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve Resolution 2024-01-11B for Commissioner Colvard to be elected Secretary, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve Resolution 2024-01-11C to enter into Contract with Velda Millard, Bookkeeper, DVM Solutions, LLC; Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve Resolution 2024-01-11D Authorized Signers for LWWD Cashmere Valley Bank. The authorized signatures are Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell and Bruce Harris and Velda Millard (DVM Solutions), and removing Jillana Haight of Evergreen Accounting. Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the auto-renewal of Zoom and iPage software licenses from the imprest fund. Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.
Customer Status Report
Clerk Harris reported leak updates as of 12-16-2023 and 1-2-2024. Customers were notified.
No new meter installations.
Jeff Burgess reported that he has no water from his private well when the Homestead well is pumping.
Operator Cruickshank has adjusted the SCADA so that the Homestead wells will only pump at night. The chlorinator repairs have been completed.
The commissioners continued their discussion on the possibility of purchasing existing wells or redeveloping the Whispering Pines spring source. More information is needed.
Karen Dickinson will speak to her family about possible well sites.
Commissioner Colvard made a motion to 1) request a legal opinion on the senior and junior water rights in reference to LWWD, a municipality serving 180 customers, vs owner of a nearby private well that claims to have senior water rights. The private well owner claims that he gets no water when the district’s Homestead Well is pumping water to their reservoir and 2), request that Tumwater Drilling perform a current draw-down study on the 2 affected district wells and Burgess’s private well (BAP295) to determine impact. Commissioner Colwell seconded. Motion passed.
Commissioner Colvard will contact our attorney, Marc Marquis, after getting paperwork from Clerk Harris.
Clerk Harris will contact Lance at Tumwater Drilling to schedule a time that a draw-down study can be completed.
Adjourn at 11:20
Next meeting – Thursday, February 08, 2024
Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes
Feb 02, 2024 – 10am-11:30am
Special session to discuss the legal review of LWWD water rights
Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond (via Zoom), Erin Colwell (via Zoom), John Colvard (via Zoom) – (quorum established)
Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk,
Guests Present: Barbara Harris
Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 10:00 am
Burgess well (BAP295)
The commissioners immediately went into executive session to review the advice provided by Marquis Law, the districts legal counsel. Based on that discussion, Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the letter written by Commissioner Colvard, and reviewed by the attorney, to be sent to Mr. Jeff Burgess after the meeting.
The letter and additional information on the hydro study done in 2012 was mailed shortly after the meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:30
Next regular meeting – Thursday, February 08, 2024
9:30 – 11:30 am