Minutes, January 11, 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

Jan 11, 2024

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Erin Colwell (via Zoom), John Colvard (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruikshank-Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Jeff Burgess, Brandon Burgess, Bill Burgess, Karen Dickinson

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30

Commissioner Colwell moved to accept the December 14, 2023 minutes as written, Commissioner Colvard moved to second, motion passed.


Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of December 31, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $42,713.12 in the general operating fund and $ 116,267.50 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $773.27.

Customer aging status as of January 1, 2024 was:

60 days – 18 customers @ 60 days ($1753.08)

90 days – 3 customers @ 90 days ($ 333.00)

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $8429.50. Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1719.00, Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve Resolution 2024-01-11A for Commissioner Guimond to be is elected President, Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve Resolution 2024-01-11B for Commissioner Colvard to be elected Secretary, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve Resolution 2024-01-11C to enter into Contract with Velda Millard, Bookkeeper, DVM Solutions, LLC; Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve Resolution 2024-01-11D Authorized Signers for LWWD Cashmere Valley Bank. The authorized signatures are Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell and Bruce Harris and Velda Millard (DVM Solutions), and removing Jillana Haight of Evergreen Accounting. Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the auto-renewal of Zoom and iPage software licenses from the imprest fund. Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed.

Customer Status Report

Clerk Harris reported leak updates as of 12-16-2023 and 1-2-2024. Customers were notified.

No new meter installations.

Jeff Burgess reported that he has no water from his private well when the Homestead well is pumping.


Operator Cruickshank has adjusted the SCADA so that the Homestead wells will only pump at night. The chlorinator repairs have been completed.

The commissioners continued their discussion on the possibility of purchasing existing wells or redeveloping the Whispering Pines spring source. More information is needed.

Karen Dickinson will speak to her family about possible well sites.

Commissioner Colvard made a motion to 1) request a legal opinion on the senior and junior water rights in reference to LWWD, a municipality serving 180 customers, vs owner of a nearby private well that claims to have senior water rights. The private well owner claims that he gets no water when the district’s Homestead Well is pumping water to their reservoir and 2), request that Tumwater Drilling perform a current draw-down study on the 2 affected district wells and Burgess’s private well (BAP295) to determine impact. Commissioner Colwell seconded. Motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard will contact our attorney, Marc Marquis, after getting paperwork from Clerk Harris.

Clerk Harris will contact Lance at Tumwater Drilling to schedule a time that a draw-down study can be completed.

Adjourn at 11:20

Next meeting – Thursday, February 08, 2024

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

Feb 02, 2024 – 10am-11:30am

Special session to discuss the legal review of LWWD water rights

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond (via Zoom), Erin Colwell (via Zoom), John Colvard (via Zoom) – (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk,

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Burgess well (BAP295)

The commissioners immediately went into executive session to review the advice provided by Marquis Law, the districts legal counsel. Based on that discussion, Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the letter written by Commissioner Colvard, and reviewed by the attorney, to be sent to Mr. Jeff Burgess after the meeting.

The letter and additional information on the hydro study done in 2012 was mailed shortly after the meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:30

Next regular meeting – Thursday, February 08, 2024

9:30 – 11:30 am

Minutes, December 14, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes

Dec 14, 2023

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Erin Colwell, John Colvard (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruikshank-Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:31

Commissioner Colwell moved to accept the November 9, 2023 minutes as written, Commissioner Colvard moved to second, motion passed.


Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of Nov 30, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $47,981.41 in the general operating fund and $ 116,267.50 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $945.96.

Customer aging status as of Dec, 08 2023 was:

60 days – 0 customers @ 60 days ($0)

90 days – 7 customers @ 90 days ($ 923.98)

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $8,137.34 Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1587.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Clerk Harris reviewed the estimated impact of using an additional rate tier in the QwikWater billing program to capture high water users in such a way as to discourage over consumption without initiating a whole new ‘business rate’ which would be difficult to enforce. The impact would be immediate (2024) while research was being done to obtain a new water source.

Commissioner Colwell moved to approve the 2024 budget resolution 2023-12-14A (with updated 2024 rates), Commissioner Guimond moved to second, motion passed.

A notice would be sent out to the LWWD customers explaining the rate increase.

Moratorium on new water connections

Commissioner Colwell moved to approve lifting the moratorium on new water connections, effective January 1, 2024, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed. Resolution 2023-10-12A Moratorium on New Service Connections was withdrawn, effective Jan 1, 2024, until severe water shortages warrant revisiting the moratorium again.

New Water Service Form

Commissioner Colwell moved to approve the new Water Service Form to be effective December 14, 2023, Commissioner Guimond moved to second, motion passed. This new form fixes the new water service connection fee at a flat rate that would be reviewed annually or when conditions, such as inflation, warrant it. Under this change, the water district would provide the meter vault/meter and oversight by the operator during the planning and installation of the meter. The actual installation, supervised by the operator, would be scheduled, and billed to the customer by the contractor. This does not apply to water main extensions, if required.

Customer Status Report

Leak report

A large leak on the west end of Brown Road (1459 gallons per day) has been repaired.


The operator discussed water odors in Lester Addition area was mostly the result of extensive pumping affecting the chlorine absorption in the water as a result of the large leak on Brown Road.

Our main supplier of water meters and supporting equipment is no longer carrying Master Meter products. The operator agreed to locate another vendor for Master Meter products.

The SCADA laptop computer that controls the well pumping and balancing of the system had its hard drive go out in the last week. It had been repaired but the commissioners asked the operator to check with RH2 and bring a proposal to the January 11, 2024, commissioners meeting for its replacement since it is 10 years old.

The commissioners also discussed the possibility of purchasing existing wells or redeveloping the Whispering Pines spring source. The topic was tabled until the next meeting so that more information could be researched.

Adjourn at 11:30

Next meeting – Thursday, Jan 11, 2024

9:30 – 11:30 am

Minutes, November 9, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Nov 09, 2023

Location: LWFR Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Erin Colwell, John Colvard (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris – Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank – Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:34 am.

Commissioner Colvard moved to accept the minutes for October 12, 2023, as written. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Public comments (limit to 5 minutes each):

No public comments


  • Clerk Report
    • Leak report
  1. Skougstad #1033 STR– 231 gpd – emailed
  2. Schonberg # 1053 STR – meter read indicated big leak 1459 gpd. Verified – M Dickinson to repair asap – Phoned customer and water turned off until repaired
  3. Ogle #1076 STR– 287 gpd waiting on LWWD to repair next to vault
  4. Jim Davidson #1099 STR– 229 gpd STR in use -leak registered all year-STR mgr contacted.
  5. Ellison #1087 – slow 109 gpd, he said he was going to visit soon to check again.
  6. K. Dickinson #1086 STR and wedding venue 453 gpd – Mgr McCargo contacted and said leak has been repaired.
    • New meter installs

LWWD connections that are grandfathered because they were started before the moratorium: Carney (3) – Lester Addition, and Turner (1) on Brown Road. Ryan Barr (1) & Naik (1) in Mt Park division.

A new service request has not been received from Craig Carney because the short plat has not been completed. When his requests for new service and deposits ($46,500 for 3 parcels) are received and approved by the commissioners, then a watermain extension to lot 4 needs to go out for bid in spring 2024. There are concerns regarding the rock wall and the possibility of having to cross under highway 2 to a 2” main on opposite (north) side.

Ryan Barr – Per Mike Dickinson, not installed yet. Barr has made $2500 deposit.

Naik #1147 (Otis Childers Construction in Mt. Park) has not contacted us and he’s beyond the water certificate for 1 year (9/21/2023) – no new request yet for off North Shore Drive – an email was sent Oct 8 requesting that he contact us.

  • Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of Oct 31, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $56,308.83 in the general operating fund and $ 101,487.50 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $967.95.

Customer aging status as of Nov 03, 2023 was:

60 days – 16 customers @ 60 days ($ 1334.54)

90 days – 5 customers @ 90 days ($ 495.25)

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $16,618.80 Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,528.00, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

  • Administrative
  1. Website – still accessible by customers but unable to be updated.
  2. Contacted:
  3. Keith Fast who contacted LWI web master – no response.
  4. Emailed Kris Norby for recommendations – no response.
  5. Payroll deductions – Commissioners signed request for Chelan County to have Family Medical Leave and Washington Cares deductions taken from employee checks (does not apply to commissioners).
  6. Bookkeeper contract – Jan 31, 2024 Evergreen Accounting contract ends.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to sign the contract with Velda Millard, DVM Solutions, LLC, as submitted in draft form at the Nov 09th meeting, to provide bookkeeping services for the water district. Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed. Velda Millard will be paid an hourly rate for training from November 10 until January 31, 2024. On February 1, 2024 she will be compensated at an hourly rate for bookkeeping services as shown on the draft contract until a monthly fixed rate can be negotiated. The commissioners will sign the updated contract at or before the December 14, 2023 meeting.


  • Operator updates

Operator Cruickshank discussed the routing of water mains especially through Lester Addition and the possible reasons for sulfur and chlorine odors in the water.

  • New water source
    • Discussed RH2’s well map of the area
    • Discussed rate change analysis to curtail consumption and generate revenue for a new well. The discussion will continue at the December 14, 2023 meeting.

Adjourned at 11:30

Next meeting – Thursday, Dec 14, 2023

9:30 – 11:30 am

Minutes, October 12, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Oct 12, 2023

Location: LWFR Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris – Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank – Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Ann Johnson, Jeff Burgess

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:57 am.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for September 15, 2023, as written. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Public comments (limit to 5 minutes each):

Jeff Burgess stated that he is still not getting water from his private well.


Clerk Report:

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC):

No new water availability requests have been received since the last commissioner’s meeting.

Water Shortage and Leak Status:

Additional long-term planning is needed regarding additional capacity and/or water sources.

Clerk Harris contacted RH2 Engineering to develop a map of wells producing at least 15 gallons per minute.

Clerk Harris reported that Commissioner Colvard determined that there are no grants for 2024 that the district could use for an additional well.

LWWD Snow clearing for 2023/2024 season: 2 bids were received for snow clearing for 23-24 winter season. Commissioner Colwell motioned to award the bid to Leavenworth Electric; Commissioner Guimond seconded; Motion passed.

The LWWD website is unable to be updated and needs repair. Commissioner Colwell motioned to have Clerk Harris hire someone to take over the repair and maintenance of the website; Commissioner Guimond seconded; Motion passed.

The contract with Evergreen Accounting is not going to be renewed by the accounting firm because of the limited resources available to service their accounts. LWWD will be searching for a replacement bookkeeper to handle the monthly account processes for LWWD.

O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of September 30, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $57,155.99 in the general operating fund and $ 100,737.92 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $920.40.

Customer aging status as of Sep 1, 2023 was:

60 days – 0 customers @ 60 days ($ 0.00)

90 days – 5 customers @ 90 days ($ 495.25)

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $4,347.58; Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,815.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.


Operator Cruikshank was directed to have the leak at the base of the vault checked out and repaired on the Ogle meter connection on Brown Road.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the Moratorium on New Water Connections until another water source can be developed to resolve the water shortage. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed. The 2 commissioners who were present at the meeting signed the resolution.

Potential sources of water were discussed and will be presented to RH2 Engineering when the well map is complete.

Jeff Burgess, whose well has been running dry this summer, agreed to contact Tumwater Drilling to determine the cost of digging his well deeper to be at comparable depth as the surrounding wells.

Water rates were discussed. The consensus was that the rate for water use over 350 gallons per day (21,000 gallons per 2 month billing period) needs to be higher to discourage excessive water use and to raise funds for a new water source. Figures will be brought to the November 9 meeting for discussion and a vote of the commissioners.

The meeting adjourned at 12:15pm.

Next meeting – Thursday, November 9, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am

Minutes, September 15, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Sep 15, 2023

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris – Clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Chelan County Commissioner Shon Smith, Jeff Burgess, Jim Paris, Kristi Weihs, Jill Joplin

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:35 am.

Commissioner Colwell moved to accept the minutes for Aug 10, 2023, as written. Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Public comments:

Jeff Burgess voiced his concerns that his personal well on Brown Road was being adversely impacted by the LWWD homestead pumphouse wells located approximately 200 and 400 feet from his well. Several times through the summer of 2023 his well would run dry, especially over holidays and weekends.

The commissioners were aware of Mr. Burgess’ concerns and had taken several measures during this period to help increase the availability of aquifer water.

Kristi Weihs was concerned about the water quality as well. It was explained that the excessive consumption/pumping of the water, especially on weekends, resulted in a much lower contact time of the chlorine in the system. This creates a more dramatic sulfur smell even though the water is safe to drink.

The Commissioners agreed to continue exploring alternatives and to expand the search to acquire a proven existing local well and search out funding opportunities to drill for a new water source if necessary. In addition, efforts will be made to continue leak detection and enforcement.


Clerk Report

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC):

No new water availability requests have been received since the last commissioner’s meeting.

The new meter connection for parcel 271614700030 was installed in the Mt. Park section of the system. This connection was requested in 2022 and is not a part of the main Homestead well infrastructure.

Also parcel 271718340575 was connected based on a request from June 2021. It is currently a vacant lot.

Water Shortage and Leak Status:

Because of the dry conditions experienced over the summer of 2023, extra meter runs were made to isolate excessive use or unidentified leaks. These additional meter reads were done on July 30th and Sept 07 because of pumping issues at the Homestead pumphouse and critically low aquifer levels.

SACDA software pumping cycle modifications requested by the commissioners were also installed by RH2 Engineering to specifically focus reservoir filling operations to between hours of 10 pm and 5 am. This would allow the aquifer more opportunities to refresh during the daytime hours. According to Mr. Burgess, the SCADA control system changes did not appear to correct his situation.

Excessive use reports were also generated on these special meter runs which identified several customers who either had new leaks or were overconsuming under dry conditions. They were contacted by the clerk.

The commissioners agreed that the additional reports from the meter runs confirmed the concentration of use was, once again, focused over weekends where rental activity increases the population and resulting water use. The commissioners felt there needed to be more frequent oversight of the water use/leak situation.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to, effective immediately, continue reading the meters during the winter months, resulting in a bi-monthly cycle year-round until further notice; Commissioner Colvard seconded, motion passed. Clerk Harris will contact the bookkeeper regarding this change.

Even though it was agreed that additional long-term planning is needed regarding additional capacity and/or water sources (new well), the commissioners felt a near term solution was required as soon as possible for handling immediate shortages and strains on the aquifer.

Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the clerk or water system operator to coordinate with RH2 Engineering to provide a map of the existing private wells in the impacted area and the possible aquifer influence the well would have on the wells in the local vicinity; Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to have the clerk provide an email notice to the LWWD customers summarizing the current situation and the alternatives that the commissioners are reviewing to remedy the situation, both short and long term; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

In addition to the most up to date map of existing private wells within the district service area, Commissioner Colvard would continue to identify possible funding solutions for either the purchase of a private well or drilling of a new well.

LWWD Snow clearing for 2023/2024 season:

Requests for email bids were sent out to prospective snow removal contractors on the small works roster for the 2023/2024 season. The commissioners will award the winning bid at the Oct 12, 2023, meeting.

O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of August 31, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $52,234.82 in the general operating fund and $ 99,671.98 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $981.66.

Customer aging status as of Sep 1, 2023 was:

60 days – 5 customers @ 60 days ($ 1253.93)

90 days – 0 customers @ 90 days ($ 0.00)

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $6,807.87, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,671.00, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.


Generator update: Yakima Generator completed their installation of the final components to the Kohler backup generator and performed the start-up procedure with system operator Cruickshank and clerk Harris present. The output of the generator, using a ‘full pump house load demand’ was measured at using only 54% of its total generating capacity. The repairs were successful, and the generator was then registered by the vendor (Kohler representative) for its five-year warranty. The clerk is now working with Chelan County Natural Resources Department to close the interlocal cooperation agreement (FM-5182-19-R) opened in 2020 to share FEMA grant funding with four other water districts or associations.

Meeting adjourned at 11:25 am.

Next meeting – Thursday, Oct 12, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am

Minutes, Aug 10, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Aug 10, 2023

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris – Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank – district water operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Birgit Jansen

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:35 am.

Commissioner Colwell moved to accept the minutes for July 13, 2023, as written. Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Public comments:

A LWWD customer, Birgit Jansen, voiced her concern for water source availability if we allow new connections to the system (new construction) especially in such a dry period as we are currently experiencing. It was explained to her that most of the new construction currently in progress was with customers that already had LWWD metered connections on an existing vacant lot and that those customers made the personal choice to build at this time. They had requested approved water availability certificates for the Chelan County Building Department many months back to validate their water source before starting the construction plan review process. These certificates did not add any new customers when the connection was already there. Nevertheless, the discussion helped focus attention on the need to review possible new water sources for the district as more people continue to become full time residents in our water district.


Clerk Report

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC):

No new water availability requests have been received since the last commissioners meeting.

Water Shortage and Leak Status:

During the last part of July and first week of August there have been occasions where the operator had reported that the reservoir levels in both tanks were, at times, unable to be maintained without using both Homestead wells at the same time. This caused other downstream non-LWWD wells that were on the same aquifer to drop to critically low levels.

It was agreed that most of the extra water drawdown in the system was attributed to high weekend visitation along with increased summer rental activity. Once this weekend high water usage dramatically reversed late Sunday, it allowed for reservoir levels to recovery.

Even though it was agreed that additional long-term planning needed to be done regarding additional capacity and/or water sources (new well), the commissioners felt a near term solution was required as soon as possible for handling immediate shortages and strains on the aquifer.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the water system operator to coordinate with RH2 Engineering to review and optimize off hours pumping cycles of the Homestead wells, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

The above revision to the pumping cycles in the homestead pump house is seen as a short-term solution. The operator suggested that we could also consider a portable water processing facility using Lake Wenatchee as an additional summer source. He was going to ask RH2 for their opinion as to whether this is a doable alternative in the current environment and under the current water rights belonging to the district. There was also discussion of requiring the limitation of irrigation to weekdays only, preferably at night, during summer months.

In addition, the commissioners discussed researching funding options for adding an additional well as a long-term solution. Commissioner Colvard asked the system operator to consult with Steve Nelson of RH2 Engineering for the purpose of obtaining the latest map of existing private wells within the district boundary. The map of existing wells would serve as a starting point to evaluate whether there are existing opportunities in the purchasing of a private well and water rights for further development or to focus on drilling a new one. Either option would require new infrastructure to pump, treat and transport the water to the system for reservoir storage and distribution. Commissioner Colvard commented he would provide to the next meeting what he could find out regarding funding or grant opportunities.

LWWD Small Works Roster:

There were no new applications submitted to the LWWD small works roster following annual ad run in the Leavenworth Echo/Cashmere Record newspapers on July 19 and 26th, 2023.

LWWD email issues:

The email environment has become very difficult to manage for the water district due to constant email bounce back returns – so much that it became necessary to move off the ipage service platform. Today’s new email filtering protocols administered by the receiving service providers to catch scams and spams has made it necessary to migrate to another servicer provider as soon as possible. A decision to switch to a new internet service provider (ISP) for email service was made by the commissioners at a previous meeting. This switch has just been completed and appears to be working fine. The LWWD website should not be impacted and will remain on ipage for now.

O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of July 31, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $52,613.13 in the general operating fund and $100,757.41 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $909.63.

Customer aging status as of Aug 1, 2023 was:

60 days – 5 customers @ 60 days ($ 1147.00)

90 days – 0 customers @ 90 days ($ 0.0)

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $5,232.26, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,458.00, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.


Generator update:

Commissioner Colvard provided an overview of the status of scheduling the installation of the replacement activator board and load testing against the Homestead pump house facility. Once the part has arrived, Jim Kabrich of Yakima Generators will schedule a time to do the installation and test while the system operator is present. If this activator replacement component board is successful, the generator will officially go through startup registration and warrantee initiation (5 years). Commissioner Colvard will check on the estimated delivery date for the replacement part.

LWWD meter installation:

There was some concern about the amount of time a customer will hold on to meter inventory before installation occurs. The clerk agreed to present a suggested modification to the ‘Request for New Water Service’ form that might resolve that situation in the future. The new form will be reviewed at the September 15th , 2023 meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 10:55 am.

Next meeting – Friday, Sept 15, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am (this is a one-time change)

Minutes, July 13, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

July 13, 2023

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris – Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank – district water operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Colvard called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.

Commissioner Colwell moved to accept the minutes for Jun 08, 2023, as written. Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Public comments: none


Clerk Report

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC):

No new water availability requests have been received since the last commissioners meeting. Activity on the existing new water service installations have not been completed.

Leak Status:

The leak at parcel 271718330300 at Brown Road and Lake Wenatchee Highway has been determined upon inspection to be inside the owner’s residence and will be repaired as soon as possible. Other property owners were discussed that had excessive use but were not flagged as a leak.

LWWD Small Works Roster:

The annual submission of the small works roster ad to request to be on the Lake Wenatchee Water District list of available small works candidates was approved by the commissioners and will run in the Leavenworth Echo/Cashmere Record newspapers on July 19 and 26th, 2023.

LWWD email issues:

The email environment has become difficult to manage for the district because of constant email bounce back returns due to new protocols administered by the received service providers to catch scams and spams by other users on the ipage platform not associated with the district and out of our control. A decision to switch a new internet service provider (ISP) for email service only was made by the commissioners. This will be an ongoing process over the next month. Every effort will be made to minimize impact with outgoing communications to our customers. The LWWD website should not be impacted.

O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of June 30, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $48,812.09 in the general operating fund and $100,757.41 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $922.20.

Customer aging status as of July 7, 2023 was:

60 days – 10 customers @ 60 days ($ 1557.98)

90 days – 0 customers @ 90 days ($ 0.0)

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $4,776.88, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,707.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.


Generator update:

Commissioner Colvard provided an overview of the electrical inspection provided by Jim Kabrich of Yakima Generators on July 11, 2023. The preliminary finding concluded that the exciter circuit board was in a failed state and would need to be replaced. This board is one of the last components in the circuitry before the 277/480 volt output can be transferred to the pump house input electrical transfer panel. Yakima Generator will be replacing the board and reinitiating the startup procedure for the Kohler 38kw backup generator which will trigger the 5yr warrantee as well as registering the district as the owner and operator.

LWWD water usage:

The LWWD operator, Charlie Cruickshank, reported to the commissioners that the water available from the aquifers is lower earlier in the summer this year and the system is having a hard time keeping up, requiring constant intervention on well monitoring to keep the reservoirs adequately full.

The commissioners brought up the topic of adding a new well to the system and agreed to explore well logs for existing potential well sources as a first step. The shortage of available water in the aquifers at this time of year combined with excessive customer irrigation is taking a toll on the system. It was agreed to email the customers to conserve water and voluntarily cut back on irrigation as well as monitor for leaks. The district wants to raise their awareness of the potentially critical situation we could be in if the dry summer continues.

Meeting adjourned at 10:55 am.

Next meeting – Aug 10, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am

Minutes, June 08, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Jun 08, 2023

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard (via zoom), Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris – Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank – district water operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:35 am.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for May 11, 2023, as written. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Public comments: none


Clerk Report

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC):

A water availability certificate (WAC) was issued for parcel 271718925275 (Brent and Laura Heslop) for the purpose of building a septic system on the parcel. The property is already served by the water district and has a water meter.

Other new service connections: The clerk was asked to remind the property owners with the new service connections that it is their responsibility to contact their contractors for scheduling the installation of the vault and meter or new service line. The chosen contractor would then contact the LWWD operator for oversight of the installation.

Leak Status:

The status of the leak at parcel 271718330300 at Brown Road and Lake Wenatchee Highway was prioritized to the top of the list of contractor repairs and installations.

Misc. Administrative:

Evergreen Accounting has confirmed the completion of the annual operations audit for LWWD.

LWWD computing platform email issues:

Ipage, LWWD’s computing support platform, has been having increasing and problematic issues with email bounce backs from large receiving platforms resulting in excessive clerk time to resolve. Commissioner Guimond motioned to proceed with researching options to use a local computing development contractor to evaluate what solutions or platforms can be used to solve the long-standing email performance problem, Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

LWWD 2022 Consumer Confidence Report:

The commissioners reviewed and approved the 2022 Consumer Confidence Report – no samples from 2022 were found positive for Total Coliform. Commissioner Guimond motioned to accept the report results as given and Commissioner Colwell seconded; the 2022 Consumer Confidence Report was approved for release to the public. The clerk will load the report on the website and distribute notices of its publication to the LWWD water users.

O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of May 31, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $49,577.92 in the general operating fund and $100,757.41 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $934.97.

Customer aging status as of Jun 1, 2023 was:

60 days – 6 customers @ 60 days ($ 445.47)

90 days – 0 customers @ 90 days ($ 0.0)

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $4,237.34 Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,326.00, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.


Generator update:

Commissioner Colvard discussed some of the communications he had with the responsible parties assuring the repair of the generator. Under the direction of RCW 64.50 the claim of a ‘notice of construction defect’ was initiated to obtain an outside expert opinion of the generator’s condition and identify possible resolutions. Clerk Harris agreed to email the documentation collected to date to Commissioner Colvard to assist in his communications with the parties involved. A meeting is scheduled for July 11, 2023 to technically evaluate the generator on site. A report on the condition of the generator and recommended repair/replacement options will follow.

Scada programming:

RH2 Engineering has not reported back regarding adjusting the SCADA control system at the Homestead pumphouse to resume pumping more slowly after an extended power outage.

Future security requirements for water systems:

The LWWD operator, Charlie Cruickshank, informed the commissioners that new requirements for enhanced security protocols will be required of municipal water systems soon. Details of what will be required are expected in the next couple of months.

Meeting adjourned at 10:23 am.

Next meeting – July 13, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am

Minutes, May 11, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

May 11, 2023

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris – Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank – district water operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for April 13, 2023, as written. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Public comments: none


Clerk Report

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC):

A water availability certificate (WAC) was issued for parcel 271614700090 (Lorie Witmer) in Mt Park for the purpose of rebuilding a failed septic system on the parcel. The property is already served by the water district and has a water meter.

Other new service connections: Status of the two active new water service connections in the Mt Park water system were briefly discussed. They are for parcel 271614700030 (Keith Wall), 271614700055 (Ryan Barr). The installer has been contacted by the customer regarding the meter’s exact location and scheduling.

Another new water service on Brown Rd, parcel 271718340575 (Morisoli), was reviewed and the customer will contact the installer for service line connection using the existing double vault/meter. While the service connection is being made and tested, improvements to the meter vault surroundings will be made to avoid dirt and outside water infiltration during the snow melt cycle.

Leak Status: The large leak at parcel 271718925210 on Maple Drive has been repaired. Because this is a customer service line issue (broken personal water hydrant near the meter vault), the cost of repairs will be borne by the owner.

O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of April 30, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $44,578.33 in the general operating fund and $113,515.82 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $971.88.

Customer aging status as of May 1, 2023, was:

60 days – 18 customers @ 60 days ($1790.66)

90 days – 0 customers @ 90 days ($ 0.0)

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $18,403.26 Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1450.00, Commissioner Colwell seconded, motion passed.


Generator update:

After much discussion, Commissioner Colvard recommended that the water district should use RCW 64.50 to claim a ‘notice of construction defect’ to initiate a process to obtain an outside expert opinion of the generator’s condition and identify possible resolutions.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to retain Yakima Generators and David Steward Engineering Consulting to schedule an initial evaluation and assessment that caused system failure of the Kohler Generator. The evaluation should be scheduled in July or August of 2023. Notices of intent will be sent to the potential responsible parties and the cost of the evaluation will not exceed $5,000. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Notice of defect letter per RCW 64.50 will be generated and mailed to the responsible parties notifying them that an outside expert will be performing the evaluation and they are invited to observe. The professional evaluation will be used to determine whether to repair or replace the generator and document for warrantee/insurance purposes.

Scada programming: RH2 Engineering has not reported back on a method of adjusting the SCADA control system at the Homestead pumphouse to resume pumping more slowly after an extended power outage to reduce the sudden drawdown of the aquifer. RH2 is also evaluating the cost of replacing the Homestead pump house control computer.

MIU / vault status: Replacement MIU registers ordered from HD Fowler have been installed. The new service vaults have been placed near where they will be installed as soon as the contractor is available.

Chlorine equipment leak: Normal chemical wear and tear has corroded some of the connection fittings of the chlorinator system in the Homestead pumphouse. Replacement parts are not available currently.

Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.

Next meeting – June 08, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am DST

Minutes, April 13, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris, Clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Craig Carney

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for March 09, 2023, as written. Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Public comments: none


Clerk Report

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC)

Parcel 271718665005 WAC: Craig Carney and Aubrey Davis had requested a water availability certificate from the district to support their short plat of parcel 271718665005. At the last commissioners meeting there was concern about adding additional meter connections to the smaller 2” water main on Fir Rd without engineering reviewing the hydraulics of the local distribution main.

RH2 Engineering evaluated the impact of the three new connection points and concluded the reduction in pressure during peak instantaneous draw down (PID) would be noticeable but not significant on Fir Rd.

The three new parcels would be short platted as single-family residences. The short plat plan portrays two new meter connections at the end of Fir Rd and one new connection along Lake Wenatchee Highway. In addition, a required water utility easement would need to be provided at the time of requesting a new service installation.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the water availability certificate for parcel 271718665005 and Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Parcel 271718545030 WAC: The request for Rodolfo and Liane Gonzalez water availability certificate was discussed. There were no concerns regarding construction of a single-family residence on this site.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the water availability certificate for parcel 271718665005 and Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Other new service connections: Status of the two active new water service connections in the Mt Park water system that were discussed are for parcel 271614700030 (Keith Wall), 271614700055 (Ryan Barr). The installer has been contacted regarding the meter’s location and scheduling.

Another new water service on Brown Rd, parcel 271718340575 (Morisoli), was brought up as being on hold awaiting customer confirmation on location. The clerk will make contact to confirm installation requirements or to have deposit returned.

O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of Mar 31, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $45,658.18 in the general operating fund and $113,515.82 in the reserve fund. The Imprest balance is $925.13.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Customer aging status as of April 1, 2023:

60 days old- 3 customers @ ($276.00) total

90 days old- 2 customers @ ($278.19) total

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $3,281.44 Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,006.00, Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.


Generator update: The repairs on the Kohler backup generator continues to be a problem. As of the April 13, 2023, commissioner meeting, First Choice Electric reports that the Kohler machine is not generating the correct output voltages. The line breaker contact switch has been replaced but they were unable to obtain operational 480v 3 phase output power to the Homestead pump house.

Commissioner Colvard will be contacting Jim Kabrich, a Kohler representative at Yakima Generators, to schedule an evaluation of the current condition of the machine and recommendations. First Choice Electric and Power Systems West will be invited to attend.

Scada programming: RH2 Engineering has not reported back on a method of adjusting the SCADA control system at the Homestead pumphouse to resume pumping more slowly after an extended power outage to reduce the sudden drawdown of the aquifer. RH2 is also evaluating the cost of replacing the Homestead pump house control computer.

MIU / vault order status: MIU registers have arrived at HD Fowler. The electronic registers are critical to the meter read process and the failing units will be replaced prior to the first meter read process at the end of April. Additional meters, single and double vaults have been ordered.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the purchase of 12 new meters, 2 Ford double vaults and 3 Ford single vaults for new 2023 customer meter installs and for future inventory, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

PRV (pressure reducing valve): Routine but necessary recalibration has not been scheduled yet. It is expected to be done during the summer (2023).

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.

Next meeting – May 11, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am DST