Minutes, March 9, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris, Clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Craig Carney, Aubrey Davis, Helen Deems

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.

Commissioner Colvard moved to accept the minutes for the February 09, 2023, as written. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Public comments:

The commissioners discussed how public comments should be managed. Opinions expressed by the customers can be pertinent to water management or customer relations awareness so, it was decided that each comment will be managed on its own merit. Content and length of comment would be controlled as needed by the commissioners. This approach will be revisited if a more formal policy needs to be implemented.

The following comments from Jess and Susy Bevans were read into the record by Helen Deems since the Bevans’ were unable to attend personally:

“ This is concerning the water certificate request by Craig Carney for 3 water certificates for his plan to subdivide Lot 271718665005.

The Lester addition loop of 2 inch pipe is probably at maximum use right now. The addition of 3 homes would use more water that the 6 small cabins he was wanting to build last year. At the time it was determined there needed to be a study done to determine if the 2 inch line was enough. If there needs to be a new waterline put in for this subdivision to happen, we feel that the full cost from the study of feasibility to engineering to install should be Craig Carney’s responsibility.

The other question is – will there continue to be enough water to supply EXISTING customers. We were on CRITICAL shortage last year. Many more of the customers that were part time are now FULL time residents. Not just in the Lester Addition but the ENTIRE water district. There needs to be a study done about that before ANY MORE CERTIFICATES ARE ISSUED. The existing water district customers need to be guaranteed water before adding any new customers.

Thank You,

Jess and Susy Bevans”


Clerk Report

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC)

Feb 23, 2023, the water district received a new water availability request from Craig Carney and Aubrey Davis to issue a water availability certificate for a short plat of parcel 271718665005 (2.29 acres total) which would subdivide the larger parcel into 3 new parcels and 1 existing parcel which currently has a single family residence. The three new parcels would be platted as supporting a single-family residence. The sub plat plan portrays two new meter connections at the end of Fir Road and one new connection along Lake Wenatchee Highway.

Much discussion led to Commissioner Colvard recommending that the district request a preliminary evaluation from RH2 engineering regarding the ability of the existing Fir Rd water main’s ability to adequately support the increased capacity requirements and recommended alternatives if needed to support the 3 new connections that would occur in the future as the lots are developed. The cost of the preliminary evaluation by RH2 Engineering would to be borne by the customer. The water availability certificate will not be issued until the review is complete, and any additional recommendations evaluated by the commissioners. In addition, any required water utility easement copies would need to be provided when requesting a new service installation.

Other new service connection: Status of the three currently active new service connections in Mt. Park were briefly discussed.

Water Leaks

There are currently no new leaks reported during the last month. When the snow clears and after the first April baseline read, the review of any possible leaking conditions will be evaluated and repaired.

One time meeting time change

September’s commissioner’s meeting (only) will be moved from September 14 (Thursday) to September 15 (Friday) – still at 9:30 am.

O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of Feb 28, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $40,596.04 in the general operating fund and $113,515.82 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $1,002.17.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Customer aging status as of March 1, 2023:

60 days old- 9 customers @ ($836.00) total

90 days old- 3 customers @ ($293.06) total

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $4,043.97 Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,104.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.


Generator update: The repairs on the Kohler backup generator has not been completed. First Choice Electric was able to install the replacement 480volt line breaker but was unable to achieve operational transfer of the generator’s power output to the Homestead pump house. They plan on contacting the manufacturer, Kohler, directly to determine the problem. The Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County and FEMA has been extended to give the time need to remedy the problem.

Scada programming: Commissioner Guimond had requested operator Cruickshank to work with RH2 Engineering to determine a method of adjusting the SCADA control system at the Homestead pumphouse to resume pumping more slowly after an extended power outage to reduce the sudden drawdown of the aquifer. RH2 has stated that there may be available options in modifying the software and will provide that information to the operator and estimated cost to accomplish through using SCADA. The operator was unable to attend the March meeting to provide an update.

MIU replacements: ECD, as of March 8, was April 7, 2023. These electronic registers are critical to the meter read process and are manufactured in Israel. They are replacements for failed units installed in the Whispering Pines Water System prior to the merger in 2012. They have been back ordered since August 2022 with HD Fowler. The delay is a direct result of the Covid-19 material shortage environment.

PRV (pressure reducing valve), Scada computer replacement and meter vault order: No update currently available.

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.

Next meeting – April 13, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am DST

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Mar 09, 2023

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard (quorum established)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris, Clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Craig Carney, Aubrey Davis, Helen Deems

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.

Commissioner Colvard moved to accept the minutes for the February 09, 2023, as written. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Public comments:

The commissioners discussed how public comments should be managed. Opinions expressed by the customers can be pertinent to water management or customer relations awareness so, it was decided that each comment will be managed on its own merit. Content and length of comment would be controlled as needed by the commissioners. This approach will be revisited if a more formal policy needs to be implemented.

The following comments from Jess and Susy Bevans were read into the record by Helen Deems since the Bevans’ were unable to attend personally:

“ This is concerning the water certificate request by Craig Carney for 3 water certificates for his plan to subdivide Lot 271718665005.

The Lester addition loop of 2 inch pipe is probably at maximum use right now. The addition of 3 homes would use more water that the 6 small cabins he was wanting to build last year. At the time it was determined there needed to be a study done to determine if the 2 inch line was enough. If there needs to be a new waterline put in for this subdivision to happen, we feel that the full cost from the study of feasibility to engineering to install should be Craig Carney’s responsibility.

The other question is – will there continue to be enough water to supply EXISTING customers. We were on CRITICAL shortage last year. Many more of the customers that were part time are now FULL time residents. Not just in the Lester Addition but the ENTIRE water district. There needs to be a study done about that before ANY MORE CERTIFICATES ARE ISSUED. The existing water district customers need to be guaranteed water before adding any new customers.

Thank You,

Jess and Susy Bevans”


Clerk Report

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC)

Feb 23, 2023, the water district received a new water availability request from Craig Carney and Aubrey Davis to issue a water availability certificate for a short plat of parcel 271718665005 (2.29 acres total) which would subdivide the larger parcel into 3 new parcels and 1 existing parcel which currently has a single family residence. The three new parcels would be platted as supporting a single-family residence. The sub plat plan portrays two new meter connections at the end of Fir Road and one new connection along Lake Wenatchee Highway.

Much discussion led to Commissioner Colvard recommending that the district request a preliminary evaluation from RH2 engineering regarding the ability of the existing Fir Rd water main’s ability to adequately support the increased capacity requirements and recommended alternatives if needed to support the 3 new connections that would occur in the future as the lots are developed. The cost of the preliminary evaluation by RH2 Engineering would to be borne by the customer. The water availability certificate will not be issued until the review is complete, and any additional recommendations evaluated by the commissioners. In addition, any required water utility easement copies would need to be provided when requesting a new service installation.

Other new service connection: Status of the three currently active new service connections in Mt. Park were briefly discussed.

Water Leaks

There are currently no new leaks reported during the last month. When the snow clears and after the first April baseline read, the review of any possible leaking conditions will be evaluated and repaired.

One time meeting time change

September’s commissioner’s meeting (only) will be moved from September 14 (Thursday) to September 15 (Friday) – still at 9:30 am.

O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of Feb 28, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $40,596.04 in the general operating fund and $113,515.82 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $1,002.17.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.

Customer aging status as of March 1, 2023:

60 days old- 9 customers @ ($836.00) total

90 days old- 3 customers @ ($293.06) total

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $4,043.97 Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,104.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.


Generator update: The repairs on the Kohler backup generator has not been completed. First Choice Electric was able to install the replacement 480volt line breaker but was unable to achieve operational transfer of the generator’s power output to the Homestead pump house. They plan on contacting the manufacturer, Kohler, directly to determine the problem. The Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County and FEMA has been extended to give the time need to remedy the problem.

Scada programming: Commissioner Guimond had requested operator Cruickshank to work with RH2 Engineering to determine a method of adjusting the SCADA control system at the Homestead pumphouse to resume pumping more slowly after an extended power outage to reduce the sudden drawdown of the aquifer. RH2 has stated that there may be available options in modifying the software and will provide that information to the operator and estimated cost to accomplish through using SCADA. The operator was unable to attend the March meeting to provide an update.

MIU replacements: ECD, as of March 8, was April 7, 2023. These electronic registers are critical to the meter read process and are manufactured in Israel. They are replacements for failed units installed in the Whispering Pines Water System prior to the merger in 2012. They have been back ordered since August 2022 with HD Fowler. The delay is a direct result of the Covid-19 material shortage environment.

PRV (pressure reducing valve), Scada computer replacement and meter vault order: No update currently available.

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.

Next meeting – April 13, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am DST

Minutes, February 9, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Feb 09, 2023

9:30 am

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond (via zoom), John Colvard, Erin Colwell

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Operator; Bruce Harris, Clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Colvard called the meeting to order at 9:40 am.

Commissioner Colvard moved to accept the minutes for the January 12, 2023, as written. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Public comments: None

The commissioners discussed how public comments can better managed. The subject will be reviewed again at the next meeting.


Clerk Report

Training: The required new commissioner training has been completed by the LWWD commissioners for Open Public Records (RCW 42.56), Open Public Meetings (RCW 42.30) and Records Retention/Management (RCW 40.14).

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC): No new requests have been received. There are currently four new installation service requests (three in Mt. Park and one on Brown Road) for new meter/vault installations to be done this spring, 2023. Clerk Harris has also notified the owner of parcel 271718430100 that his water availability certificate was approved at the Jan 12, 2023, LWWD commissioners meeting. This was a requirement of the Chelan County Planning Department prior to completing the short plat.

Leaks: No new leaks have been reported during January 2023.

Water Facilities Inventory (WFI): Washington State Department of Health has asked for an update to the annual LWWD WFI by March 15, 2023.

Ipage email client set up and Zoom

Individual client setup of the LWWD staff email accounts have been completed and tested. Zoom communications testing will be completed on the afternoon of the commissioner’s meeting. Since Zoom communication meeting software is a new purchase, all personnel felt it be well advised to test the link before anticipated travel out of the area.

CVB Signature Cards

Cashmere Valley Bank is finishing up on the authorized signatures for LWWD. This usually occurs at the beginning of the year when new commissioners start their term in office.

Capital projects planning for 2023

A discussion was started to understand and prioritize upcoming projects and research what advanced planning was necessary. The items to explore are:

Completion of the Kohler standby generator: Finalizing tasks and possible funding if needed.

Installation of meter/vaults: Start planning on how to utilize the limited meter/vaults in inventory and what additional components need to be ordered soon. Both new and replacement parts for meter/vaults are becoming less available.

PRV calibrations: Could be viewed as maintenance, but because of the cost needs to be included in the cash flow planning for this year.

Upgrade the Homestead pumphouse computer (not identified in the 2023 budget): It has been seven years since the original laptop computer was installed to run SCADA which is used to monitor and control the entire system operation. RH2 has recommended replacement with an upgraded model to handle newer software. Operator Cruickshank will explore this further with RH2 to understand the cost impact and integration into the possible change to SCADA programming for changing the pump control after extended power outages.

Replace meter reading laptop and associated equipment (not in the 2023 budget): This was brought up because of the age of the computer reading equipment used to gather water usage data. The Win 7 Operating System software is no longer supported by Microsoft on the laptop itself. The clerk will explore what the impact might be – no timeline.

Approve O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of Jan 31, 2023, Treasurer’s Report shows $43,898.47 in the general operating fund and $113,515.82 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $489.05.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $6,276.75. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,575.00, Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.


Commissioner Guimond had request operator Cruickshank to work with RH2 Engineering to determine a method of adjusting the SCADA control system at the Homestead pumphouse to resume pumping more slowly after an extended power outage to reduce the sudden drawdown of the aquifer. RH2 has stated that there may be available options in modifying the software and will provide that information to the operator and estimated cost to accomplish through using SCADA.

MIU replacements: Still on back-order since early fall of 2022 with HD Fowler.

Generator update: The repairs on the Kohler backup generator has not been completed. First Choice Electric has been overwhelmed with the loss of employees and heavy workload but has committed to getting it done within two weeks.

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.

Next meeting on Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 9:30 am.

Minutes, Dec 08, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Dec 8, 2022

9:30 am

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris (Quorum Present)

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Operator; Bruce Harris, Clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Carol Kasper, Allan Warman, Cleve Borth

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:40 am.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for the November 10, 2022. Commissioners’ meeting as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion carried.

No public comments


Monthly financial reports: As of November 30, 2022, Treasurer’s Report shows $40,529.64 in the general operating fund and $111,015.82 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $888.41.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the October financial reports as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $4195.41 plus an additional $266.57 for Chelan PUD, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1009.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Search: Allan Warman attended meeting and expressed interest in commissioner position. Clerk Harris will check with Chelan County Auditor to determine if he is eligible, since his principal residence is outside the water district boundaries.

Zoom communications: Commissioners approved the purchase of a Zoom membership for approximately $150.00 per year.

Clerk Report

New Water Service Connections and Water Availability Certificates (WAC):

New water service request from the owner of parcel 271614700055 (Mountain Park) was submitted. The LID of $13,000 was paid by previous owner. Received $2500.00 deposit for new meter installation in the spring when the snow is gone. Clerk Harris will notify customer of approval.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the new service requests for parcel 271614700055, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Another new water service request from the property owner of parcel 271614700030 in Mountain Park was submitted to the district. Received a deposit of $13,000 for new connection and $2500.00 for meter installation in the spring when snow is gone. Since all Mountain Park water LID members have either connected or refused water service, adjoining parcel 271614700030 has asked to have the one remaining connection under the class B designation. Clerk Harris will notify the customer of approval.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the new service requests for parcel 271614700030, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Water availability request from customer account #1037 in Whispering Pines on Maple Drive was approved to change designation of a ADU to SFR. Clerk Harris will email Water Availability Certificate to owner.

Commissioner Harris motioned to approve the Water Availability Certificate for parcel 271718925200 with restsruictiion that there will be no additional water use infrastructure added under this certificate, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Once the above three connections are completed, the Mountain Park independent west portion of the Lake Wenatchee Water System will be full at 14 connections, with no additional connections available until a redesign is initiated.



There was a large leak in Mountain Park on parcel 271614700121. The water has been turned off at the meter. Clerk Harris will communicate with owner to not turn on the water until a plumber is on sight to determine and fix the leak.

Generator: The startup load testing for the repaired Kohler 38KW backup generator was performed on November 7, 2022. The Electrical Installer determined that there was still a failed circuit breaker on the generator panel controlling the output to the pump house itself. He will be ordering a replacement breaker prior to the next test. When the load test is successful, the Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County and FEMA will be closed on the supporting grant.

Replacement Power Feed to Telemetry Pole: Leavenworth Electric will backfill around new power pole in the spring when the snow is gone.

MIU replacements: Still on back-order with HD Fowler.

Snow Plowing Report: Snow removal by Leavenworth Electric is satisfactory according to Operator Cruikshank. Commissioner Guimond notified Mr. Sarabia that he did not get the contract to remove snow.

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.

Next meeting on Thursday, January 12, 2022, at 9:30 am.

Minutes, November 10, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Nov 10, 2022

12:30 pm

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond (via phone), Bruce Harris (Quorum Present)

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Operator; Bruce Harris, clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for the October 14, 2022 Commissioners’ meeting as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion carried.

No public comments


Monthly financial reports: As of October 31, 2022, Treasurer’s Report shows $36,341.08 in the general fund and $102,537.07 in the reserve fund for a total of $138,878.15. Imprest balance is $909.41.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the October financial reports as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $18,866.61, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,414.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Clerk Report

Water Sulfur smell: Several customers had complained of a sulfur smell in the water during October. This was traced back to a partial clogging of the chlorine injector tubing. Chlorine is used to mitigate the effect of the sulfur smell in the well water. Even though the smell can sometimes be noticeable, it does not affect the safety of the water.

New Service Connections and Water Availability Certificates (WAC): No new WAC’s or Water Availability requests were received in October.

Meter MIU’s: Twelve MIU’s (meter information units) to replace those with expired batteries on still on back order from the supplier.


Generator: The startup load testing for the repaired Kohler 38KW backup generator was performed on November 7, 2022. The Electrical Installer determined that there was still a failed circuit breaker on the generator panel controlling the output to the pump house itself. He will be ordering a replacement breaker prior to the next test. When the load test is successful, the Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County and FEMA will be closed on the supporting grant.

Replacement Power Feed to Telemetry Pole: Chelan PUD was able to finish the connection of the newly installed underground AC feed to the telemetry device that coordinates the communications between the reservoirs, wells, and pump houses. This replaces the solar battery charging process that was failing to provide consistent power to the transmitter/receiver. A huge thanks to John and Kathleen Colvard for providing extension cord power to the unit for the last couple of months while the construction took place.

Snow removal: The 2022-2023 winter season for snow removal has been secured.

Commissioner Harris motioned to approve the Leavenworth Electric and Excavation’s bid for the 2022/2023 snow removal season at the three pumphouse locations, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed

Meeting adjourned at 1:47 pm.


Next meeting on Thursday, December 08, 2022, at 9:30 am.

Meeting minutes, October 14, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting


October 14, 2022

12:30 pm

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris (Quorum Present)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris, clerk

Guests Present:

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for the September 08, 2022 Commissioners’ meeting as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion carried.

No public comments


Commissioner Search: No interested people have come forward for the open commissioner position even though several individuals have been approached. Any interested candidates are encouraged to consider helping the community and being a part of the decision team that supports our water system. The district requires a three-member commissioner board configuration to provide for tie breaking votes as well a more diverse input to the management process.

2023 LWWD Insurance: LWWD was informed that the premiums for the 2022-2023 insurance with the Water & Sewer Risk Management Pool (WSRMP) were going to be raised approximately 7% for the next annual cycle.

Monthly financial reports: As of September 30, 2022, Treasurer’s Report shows $38,800.52 in the general fund and $103,437.07 in the reserve fund for a total of $142,237.59. Imprest balance is $925.98.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the September financial reports as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to approve O&M warrant $5,604.08, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve payroll warrant $1,531.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Clerk Report

The water availability certificate (WAC) for parcel 271614700055 was issued to the new owner in the Mt. Park division. He was made aware that the number of connections for this class B system was limited to 14 total per DOH regulations and that a deposit was required to guarantee his meter installation. His connection would be number 13.

A new WAC was re-issued for parcel 271614700045 in Mt. Park to move the previously agreed to water connection point (LWWD water main) from Lake Wenatchee Highway to North Shore Drive. The July 15, 2022, original certificate was re-issued September 21, 2022, to improve the pressure available to the lot.

No change in the status of the Brown Rd parcel 271718340575 new water service request where a deposit of $2500 was made in a previous year. LWWD is awaiting his decision to go ahead with the installation of a single vault/meter per customer feedback on vault location in the county road easement.


Generator: Startup for the generator and written procedures will need to be completed. When that has been accomplished the Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County and FEMA Training will need to be closed on the supporting grant.

Power Issue: Chelan PUD was unable to install the power pole due to encountering solid rock before the proper pole installation depth was attained. Leavenworth Electric agreed to provide trenching through the existing miscellaneous utilities in the road to provide underground AC power to the telemetry pole. The project is about 75% complete.

Leaks: It appears the meter/vault located near the intersection of Brown Rd and Lake Wenatchee Highway (parcel 2771718330300) has a slow leak at the service line/vault connection point. It will be investigated and repaired as soon as possible.

MIU Replacements: Five MIU’s are scheduled to be replaced before the end of October when the meters will be read again. Operator Cruikshank will prioritize replacing the non-working but active water user MIU’s first. MIU’s are installed on each meter to transmit the usage data to the meter reader equipment.

Snow removal: There has been no bids submitted for the 2022-2023 winter season. Snow removal is still required so the district is keeping the bid ending date open until someone has been found.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.

Next meeting on Thursday, November 10, 2022, at 12:30 pm.

Minutes, September 8, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting


September 8, 2022

12:30 pm

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris (Quorum Present)

Staff Present: Charlie Cruikshank, Operator; Bruce Harris, clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for the August 11, 2022 Commissioners’ meeting as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion carried.

No public comments


Generator: Discussed issues with Power Systems West and the electrician. Now that the generator is operational, training is needed for the generator start-up.

Motion: Commissioner Guimond moved to approve a warrant for $1083.00 for training to be scheduled during the second week of October. Seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion carried.

Power Issue: Chelan PUD is unable to install the power pole due to encountering solid rock before the proper pole installation depth was attained. Leavenworth Electric agreed to provide trenching through the existing miscellaneous utilities in order to route underground AC power to the telemetry pole.

Operator Cruikshank determined that the temporary power line from the neighbor’s garage had a power failure which caused improper pumping of well pumps due to no AC power to the telemetry repeater. The water levels in the reservoirs were extremely low, even though the SCADA system was indicating full. After the operator’s repairs, it took 48 hours to recover water levels in the reservoir. This episode of power loss further prioritized the importance of installing a reliable permanent AC power feed to the telemetry system.

MIU Replacements: Operator Cruikshank will replace the non-working MIU’s with 1st priority given to active water users and 2nd priority to vacant lots. MIU’s are installed on each meter to transmit the usage data to the meter reader.

Leaks & System Updates: Operator Cruikshank expressed the need for an additional well and for commissioners be aware of land for sale and/or wells being drilled. Commissioner Guimond will contact the Forest Service about their water systems and the possibility of connecting to them.


Commissioner Search: There have been no interested people for the open commissioner position even though several individuals have been approached. The search will continue.

Commissioner Harris motioned to approve Resolution 2022-09-08a to hire a replacement clerk. Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to approve Resolution 2022-09-08b for the emergency installation of a new telemetry AC power source. Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris made a motion to give a partial refund for a new water service connection for parcel 271718665110 for $900.00. Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to remove the lien from parcel 271718430010. Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to approve the payment of the lien removal fee (parcel 271718430010) to Chelan County Auditor’s office with the LWWD debit card (up to $275).

Monthly financial reports:

As of August 31, 2022, Treasurer’s Report shows $35,121.92 in the general fund and $86,887.07 in the reserve fund for a total of $122,008.99. Imprest balance is $830.51.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the August financial reports as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve O&M warrant $5,504.31, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve payroll warrant $2,905.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Clerk Report:

Commissioner Harris had the 3G phone interface cell module replaced at the Verizon store for a 4G model. Verizon is upgrading their systems to 4G and above by the end of 2022, which required the district to upgrade in order to continue providing inexpensive portable cell service for billing and clerk questions.

There have been no new responses to the ad placed in June for new contractors to be added to the small works roster.

Commissioner Harris asked our operator to question RH2 Engineering about the capacity of the 2” mainline along Lake Wenatchee Highway in Mountain Park to handle more than the current 4 connections. He had capacity concerns if 2 more connections suggested actually occur.

Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.

Next meeting on Friday, October 14, 2022 at 12:30 pm. ** One Time Change of date**

Meeting Minutes, August 11, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Special Commissioners’ Meeting

August 11, 2022

10:00 am

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris (Quorum Present)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris, Clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for the Aug 04 Commissioners’ meeting as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion carried.

No public comments


EMERGENCY POWER ISSUE: The telemetry repeater station is failing to communicate between the pump house and the wells to balance the system. The water operator was not able to purchase the special replacement solar rechargeable batteries due to supplier problems. Because the batteries will no longer be available, the Chelan PUD was asked to review the alternatives to provide direct 120-volt AC to the telemetry pole. The operator and clerk were present for the onsite discussion. The PUD recommended an overhead service connection to a new power pole next to the telemetry repeater as the best solution for a permanent supply of AC power. A similar conversion from solar/rechargeable battery to AC was accomplished at the Lake Wenatchee well reservoir several years ago when tree growth blocked the sun to the solar panels.

This emergency installation solution will eliminate the need to borrow power via an extension cord from the nearest neighbor, John Colvard. The PUD service representative recommended to start the installation ordering process as soon as possible because of the flow time required. They will not schedule the PUD new power pole installation until payment is received. Estimated completion of the total project is mid Oct 2022.

Motion: Commissioner Harris moves to approve the payment of $3,925 to the Chelan County Public Utility District (PUD) for installing new service including pole, secondary handhole, overhead secondary service conductor, underground secondary service conductor and single-phase service connection. Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the Capital Projects fund 682.705 warrant as presented in the amount of $3,925.00. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.

Next Meeting: September 8, 2022 12:30 pm

Meeting Minutes, August 4, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting

August 4, 2022

12:30 pm

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris (Quorum Present)

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Operator

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for the July Commissioners’ meeting as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion carried.

No public comments


Generator: Waiting for Mike Brunelle, First Choice Electric, to test the load of the generator with the operator present.

Power Issue: Telemetry repeater has dead batteries which are no longer readily available. Operator Cruickshank is having a lithium battery block built. AC power is temporarily provided from neighbor.

Motion: Due to the emergency nature of the lack of permanent power to the telemetry, Operator Cruickshank will make application to Chelan PUD to get AC power to the telemetry pole and determine the scope of work. Operator will use small works roster to hire excavation and electrical work as needed. Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

MIU Replacements: Before the August 25 meter readings, Charlie will replace the MIU’s that have failed to transmit for at least 2 times in a row.

Leaks & System Updates: There have been several customer complaints of sulfur smells in the water. Operator Cruickshank explained that power outages reset booster pumps and need to be manually set to optimal settings. He has also made changes to the chlorinator to help with sulfur smell. The water is perfectly safe when there is a sulfur smell, but he is working to diminish the smell by adding more chlorine. In August, as usual, the well pumps are starting to cavitate due to low water levels. This appears as small bubbles in the water, which is also safe.

EPA/DOH Earthquake Seminar: Waiting for links and copies of the presentation.

Administrative: Update on Clerk and Commissioner Search: There were no replies to the email request sent to district customers. Several people were personally asked by commissioners, but they declined. Commissioner Harris will perform the administrative clerk duties until a permanent clerk can be hired.

Secretary Appointee: Resolution 2022-08-04a to change the secretary position was motioned by Commissioner Guimond and seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed.

Financial Policy Manual: Resolution 2022-08-04b to update the policy was motioned by Commissioner Guimond and seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed.

Monthly financial reports:

As of July 31, 2022, Treasurer’s Report shows $37,613.27 in the general fund and $90,812.07 in the reserve fund for a total of $128,425.34. Imprest balance is $805.39.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the July financial reports as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve O&M warrant $5042.68, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve payroll warrant $2095.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Clerk Report

Customer requested a Water Availability Certificate for his undeveloped parcel # 271718330065 for camping and RV use. Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the water availability certificate, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. Commissioner Harris will email the certificate to customer with instructions to consult with operator before digging.

Parcel 271718430010: Commissioner Guimond will phone customer on 8-5-2022 to arrange a meeting to discuss letter.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.

Next Meeting: September 8, 2022 12:30 pm

Meeting Minutes, July 14, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond, Helen Deems (Quorum present)

Staff Present: Helen Deems, Clerk; Charlie Cruickshank, Operations Manager

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm

Commissioner Harris Moved to accept the Minutes for June Commissioner’s 2 part meeting as submitted. Commissioner Guimond seconded, Motion Carried.

Public Comments: Commissioner Harris shared Bonnie Klasell’s email regarding information and opinion on Lien/legal expenses recovery for long standing overdue account (parcel 271718430010)

Commissioner Harris – “American Rescue Fund” – has Drinking Water Infrastructure Grants (Chelan County received 15 million but deadline for competing applications is soon). Mike Stanford of Fire District will email an application to Commissioner Harris when it becomes available in a few days. Commissioner Harris was asked if there were any pending infrastructure rescue situations where the grant money might be used. Commissioner Harris said he would forward the information to the LWWD Commissioners for further review and discussion.


Well/Reservoir security – Commissioner Harris asked about precautions being taken at Lake Wenatchee Reservoir to prevent vandalism and shared concerns about cyber threats. Operations Manager Charlie confirmed that everything is secure, and Password protected and requires double authentication as of at least 6 months ago when he discussed SCADA security with our RH2 Engineering rep.

Generator Update – Commissioner Harris reported that the generator is working and at correct voltage output now after latest part replacement/service call. Commissioner Harris has emailed reps to schedule load testing and training date with the electrical installer contractor, the Kohler generator manufacturer service rep, Charlie (including his back-up, Steve Allen) and himself; no fault has been assessed.

Water Usage – Leak Monitoring; large consumers – Commissioners discussed recent leaks -about half have been resolved only 1 Customer was not reached even by mail to service area. Clerk has a tracking sheet for follow-up. In addition, a customer emailed clerk asking about Amazon “Eye on Water,” a device that is attached over incoming pipe. Charlie said he reviewed device online and the less expensive ones do not shut water off, just alert to running water. He did not know if the device would cause problems with our meter MIUs. Commission agreed that the interested customers could purchase device on their own, but we would advise that they would need to install it on their own property away from our meters MIUs (including saddle and 3’ extension) to prevent conflict.

After reviewing possible solutions to curb overuse of water during dry season, Charlie suggested that during his well checks he could pay a visit and check on how water is being used and suggest conservation to prevent well drawdown; Commissioner Harris suggested sending an email communication to Customer base reminding them to conserve, especially during the dry summer months where overuse could have a substantial impact to other users.


Other System updates from Charlie – PRV Maintenance? – Charlie confirmed tested every 3 years; MIU replacements? Charlie said he would need a couple days immediately following August Meter Read of 8/25 since there are 8 to do; he will check to see if it will work to do those 8/26 and 8/27 to help facilitate Bookkeeper records.

EPA/DOH Earthquake Seminar – 2 Commissioners and Operation Manager attended – good discussion of interagency cooperation and resources – organizers said links and copies of presentation materials will be available for all registered participants soon.


Review financial Policy (appendix C) of Administrative and Operating Directives – Commissioners agreed to table approvals and have clerk revise language regarding tasks to make our document more generic rather than specific to clerk or bookkeeper thus avoiding extra updating as organizational changes take place. Clerk will make updates for review and approval and resolution at August meeting*

Review, Update, Approve Water Availability Certificate form – After a few line changes, Commissioner Harris moved to approve the form with stated changes, Commissioner Deems 2nded, Motion carried.

Approve: Monthly reports and warrants-

Treasurers Report: shows $32,415.41 in the general fund (account 682.701), and $90,812.07 in the reserve fund (total $123,227.48 at the County). Imprest balance is $896.30; $1.10 was paid for 811 referrals, $102.60 to post office for 6-months box renewal. July 1, 2022, Customer Aging Report shows 15 accounts over 60 days for a total of $2,348,56 and 2 accounts over 90 days for a total of $7,752.45. After discussion of simplifying Bookkeeper tasks, Commissioner Harris agreed to email Bookkeeper to allow Quick Books Balance Sheet (like she shared last meeting) to replace Treasurers Report (and data entry that report requires), if pending expenses and Imprest statement are also emailed for review.

Commissioner Deems motioned to approve the June 2022 Financial Reports as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $5,077.17, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to sign the June payroll warrant for $2,126.00; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Clerk Report

Customer correspondence – 3 emails added thanks to CCR letter: cc JH for Customer Database updating.

water avail/service apps updates

Parcel 27164700044 New Water AvailRequest (exist cust#1147 to develop adjacent lot 44?) new meter connection for single family 2500sqft. Commissioners reviewed to find inconsistency with Parcel ID on Request Form submitted compared to email description (Typo suspected). Operations and Commissioners discussed best water main source which should be the 2” main across the Lake Wenatchee Hwy from the parcel. Commissioner Harris moved to approve water availability certificate for upper lot after confirmation of the correct parcel id for the parcel without a meter. Even though the water main to be used is across Lake Wenatchee Hwy, the meter vault will remain in the highway easement next to the parcel. Clerk to make contact and confirm and issue Certificate.

Parcel 271718340575 Unassigned Brown Road – needs single vault not double but the parcel owner has not returned communications on timing of the installation.

Parcel 271718665110 16654 Fir Road -(no Service app or connection fee $13K received). Corner house is being currently under construction.

3g phone upgrade update – need to take unit from Bookkeeper and have transferred/activated in Wenatchee Verizon store; Could have Verizon bill LWWD or use debit card for 1 time $146 expense– commissioners tabled for later. LWWD has until 12/31/2022.

Authorize/Approve small works roster advertisement – $50 for 2 times (Wed printing) in Business Classified in Leavenworth Echo and Cashmere Record. Need approved copy before noon Friday. Commissioners Agreed to have clerk sign acceptance, place ad to run 2 Wednesdays starting 7/20/22 and have publication bill LWWD.

Parcel 271718430010 response update – After further discussion on the timeline of events behind the history of this parcel, Commissioner Harris Motioned to have Commissioner Guimond deliver our proposed settlement letter to the attorney for consultation and serve as the point of contact working with the attorney. Commissioner Deems seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Resigning Clerk and Commissioner – Commissioners accepted Commissioner/Clerk Deems’ resignation ending her term July 31, 2022. Commissioner Guimond proposed commissioners actively recruit candidates for both positions over the next 2 weeks and then consider sending Lake Wenatchee Water District Customer base a communication encouraging potential candidates to inquire.

Meeting Adjourned 3:45pm

Next meeting – August 4, 2022 – Week EARLY!

(Clerk to post on web and Fire station door July 31)