July 19, 2012
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, VP-Bonnie Klasell, Secretary-Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Clerk-Elaine Kinney
Guest Experts: Dan Bannier & Mark Peterson
Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Jim Ratley, Dwight Burke, Karen Dickinson, Charlie Cruickshank (operator), Rod Fountain, Mike and Norma Simon, Doug and Chrisy Lewis, Irv and Sunny Sonker, MJ and Vicky Griffith, Teresa Allnoch.
Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum existed.
Dan Bannier from Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) presented a Powerpoint presentation discussing how water rates are determined. The meat of the presentation is that first a budget is proposed and accepted by the Commissioners then from that the rates are set such that the district will have enough funds to pay the bills plus have a reserve amount which is required by the State. The $39.00 base rate is a little on the low side but the Commissioners felt that we should start there which will pay the bills and maintain the reserve. The average base rate for most districts is around $50.00.
The floor was then opened to the public for any questions they may have. There were a few questions that were answered by either the commissioners, Mark Peterson (our Lawyer) or Dan Bannier.
One of the questions asked was if the district had to have a public meeting before raising rates. Mark and Dan both answered that there is no requirement to do so but the Commissioners said that would probably would have a public meeting as a courtesy.
Commissioner Harris called for a short break. Any of the guests that wanted to leave could.
The regular district meeting started with the approval and signing of the minutes as presented for the July 12, 2012 Commissioners meeting.
Commissioner Harris motioned to adopt and sign the resolution to impose interim rate on district customers (719A), Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to make Commissioner Bohn the decision person working with Tumwater Drilling and Rh2 to determine when to stop drilling if no water is found. Commissioner Harris seconded, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Harris motioned to accept the Resolution to enter into a contract with Tumwater Drilling to drill a test well on the Dickinson Brown Road property, Commissioner Bohn seconded, pass unanimously.
Startup Process
The commissioners reviewed the final transfer resolution. There was one change designating Jim Ratley as Treasurer of WPWUA instead of Secretary/Treasurer.
The commissioners reviewed the Association easements and water right transfer documents. At the time of the meeting there is some doubt whether Lester Additions has a water right. They have a water certificate. Mark Peterson will do more work on the issue before the next meeting. He will be able to attend the July 26, 2012 meeting for the signing of transfer documents.
Commissioner noted that the insurance negotiations are done. We are waiting for our renewal.
There was much discussion with Mark Peterson regarding what the individual associations should do with regards to shutting down their operation. Mark felt that rather than completely shut down to moth ball operation by continuing to pay the $10.00 license fee to the State. Because of the insurance issue, he felt no more decisions should be made and the board for each association should disband.
Quickwater software: Commissioner Klasell pointed out that it has not arrived. Clerk Kinney will contact them and get it resolved.
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Office move: Everything has been moved except a file cabinet that is presently at Two Rivers. It will be moved next week.
Water Testing: Charlie Cruickshank provided a water testing schedule with the costs for each. It was pointed out that once we are one system, that some of the testing may be reduced.
Status of Wells
Brown Road: Waiting for permit
Mountain Park: Commissioner Klasell will continue with talking to Sharen George. The Taber well was discussed. Commissioner Harris pointed out that he has left messages with an offer of forty thousand dollars and never got a response. Commissioner Bohn will contact him and make the offer of forty thousand dollars and free water.
Pipeline reroute on Brown Road
Commissioner Harris pointed out the plan to connect the pipeline between the two Brown Roads.
There was much discussion as to whether the dirt road between the two Brown Roads is a non-maintained county road or private property. More investigation needs to be done.
Commissioner Klasell moved to have Commissioner Harris submit the easement form for Whispering Pines lots 3 & 4 Commissioner Harris seconded, passed unanimously.
Mark Peterson instructed Commissioner Harris what to do with the signed easement and which department to take it to.
Commissioner Klasell submitted A-19 Voucher #5 for $27,356.93 to pay the bills. Commissioners signed, along with payroll forms and a warrant form for the county.
Franchise Agreement
Mark Peterson felt that the commissioners should send the Franchise Agreement back to the county with the comments that our engineer has made regarding it.
Other Business
Jim Ratley pointed out that the $25.00 late fee that was stated in the letter to all district customers should be re-worded as a service charge for the notification and leg work that results in a non-payment or late payment rather than a penalty for non-payment. There was much discussion be the commissioners agreed on Jim Ratley’s concerns. Mark Peterson pointed out the county’s procedure when there is non-payment. The county will foreclose on the property after there is a lien on the property for non-payment.
The letter from our engineer Karen Kornher increasing the engineering cost estimate. Dan Bannier will review the proposal and talk to her to discuss it. It was pointed out that our funding was based on the engineering proposal and to increase it at this stage is not good. More work will be done on this issue.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.