Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
May 8, 2014
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, President; Bonnie Klasell, Secretary; Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator
Professional: Dan Bannier, RCAC
Guests: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00am and acknowledged a quorum
Commissioner Harris moved to waive the reading of the minutes and sign 4/24/14 as presented, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
Project Issues
Construction Start Up Status Updates
Commissioner Klasell noted that we still have not received a signed contract or notice to proceed from Belsaas & Smith via RH2. She will follow up with Thomas to insure we get property copies for our records.
Overview of Change Orders during Construction
Dan Bannier presented a power-point presentation on various change order issues we need to be aware of to keep the project timely and avoid expensive cost overruns. Commissioner Klasell will contact RH2 to determine what procedures they have in place to handle the change orders, and responsibilities of the Board.
Amendment #7 for Control System Services
We have received an amendment from RH2 for the telemetry work on Phase 1, in the amount of $29,412. Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Resolution 2014-5-8A, authorizing the signing of the RH2 contract Amendment #7. Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
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Policy update for Operator’s use of Small Works Roster
Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign Resolution 2014-5-8B authorizing System Operator to waive competitive bidding requirements in emergency situation, Commissioner Bohn seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for April 2014; as of 4/8/14 our funds are $48,754.18 at the County; Imprest balance is $441.10. Past due accounts amount to $612.37.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $4,812.51. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, motioned passed. The only expense from Imprest last month was for $68.00 (postage).
Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for April in the amount of $1,326.50. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, motion passed.
Commissioner Klasell discussed the DWSRF budget status as of 4/30/14 and the remaining budget for Phase 1. We have spent $793,170.15 and have $1,533,964.85 remaining in the loan after A19 #28 is processed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #28 and supporting CPF warrant for $25,363.37, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.
System Issues
The emergency repair at the Brown Road well was completed last week; a new pump controller was installed, as well as several hundred feet of new conduit.
Charlie informed the board that the sanitary survey at the Lake Wenatchee Well was completed yesterday, and DOH appeared to be satisfied.
Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:25pm and reported that the next meeting will be held on May 22, 2014 at 10 am at the District 9 Fire Station, Commissioner Klasell seconded, meeting adjourned.