Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
May 9, 2013
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 am and acknowledged a quorum existed
Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 04/25/13
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #15 for $41,587.43, and supporting warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.
Commisioner Klasell moved to sign the Payroll voucher for April in the amount of $1159.00 Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2999.70 which includes reimbursing the Imprest account $63.89 ($33.00 postage, $27.75 mileage to Elaine Kinney, and $4.14 late fee to Wenatchee World as the loan reimbursement from DWSRF was late last month) Motion seconded Commissioner Harris, passed.
Project Issues
USFS Permit-Commissioner Klasell reported that the site visit is scheduled for June 7th. Amelia said that it will be just the Botanist and the Archeologist but she is working on getting someone from the Fisheries. Amelia from the USFS said that they don’t need anyone from LWWD to go with them. Commissioner Harris will let the neighbors know.
Additional Funding Options-Several options were discussed by the Commissioners. No decision was made. The commissioners will do more work on this. As soon as there are concrete dollar amounts that are needed, decisions will have to be made. The options range from commercial lending sources to using RCAC for short term financing if needed.
Easements for the maintenance road. Waletsky indicated that he will sign it but has not gotten it notarized and McCarthy also indicated that they will sign as well.
Morse/Farr Well Covenant – Mr. Farr’s attorney sent an email saying Farr would sign the covenant if we put a 20 year limit on the use of the well, with penalties for exceeding that time frame. The commissioners agreed that they cannot commit to a time limit and will continue to work with the two parties.
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Service Line Connection – The district has received additional changes to the original meter locations. The clerk will keep these changes in a file on the district computer for future reference.
System Issues
Water service turn off – We had a customer who called wanting to know what the procedure is to shut off his water to have work done on his line. The Commissioners agreed that if the customer knows where the shut off is and can do it, they can shut off their water. If they are having difficulty, we would have our operator assist.
Commissioner Bohn has not had an opportunity to locate and map the shut-off sites for each lot in the former LWWUA and Mtn Park areas.
Our operator, Charlie, feels that the clean-up of the creek area near the old WPWUA pump house needs some professional help. There is a tree that needs to be removed that he does not want to tackle for safety reasons.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Commissioner Bohn take a look at the site and if he feels there is a need to have professional help to hire Mike Dickinson, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Charlie reported that the new meter was installed on the Mtn. Park Well on 05/08/13.
The district had a customer from North Shore call about a low pressure issue. Charlie reported that one of the Dickinson’s broke a line which drained the reservoir. Mike Dickinson fixed the break. It was decided that one of the Commissioner would write a letter to Mike and let him know that in the future to call the district and let us know what he is going to do. Water health and safety issues may need to be evaluated by the operator before proceeding with the repair.
Billing Issues
It was decided that the clerk would send a group email each time bills go out to alert the customers that a bill has gone out.
Martinez has been removed as a customer as they are not using District water at this time. They will be a part of the regular system and billed appropriately once the construction is complete.
The Commissioners will schedule a workshop before the next meeting to draft updates to the Administrative and Operating Directives per RCW requirements
Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:00 pm, Commissioner Bohn seconded.
The next meeting will be on May 23rd at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.