February 13, 2014 Minutes

                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                           Commissioners Meeting

                                                               February 13, 2014

                                                            at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Elaine Kinney

Guests:  Barb Harris (via Skype), John Klasell

Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, and acknowledged a quorum 

Commissioner Klasell moved to waive the reading of the minutes and sign as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.


Commissioner Klasell distributed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for January 2014; as of 2/8/14 our funds are $31,685.27 at the County; Imprest balance is $310.22.  Past due accounts amount to $1,835.83

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,725.32.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed. Warrant includes $209.85 for the Imprest office supplies/postage

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for December in the amount of $1,621.50. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated DWSRF budget status as of 1/31/14. Scope and budget amounts were submitted to Cathy @ Dept. of Commerce, they have not been approved yet but she feels they will.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #24 for $10,466.66 and supporting CPF warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the recommended O&M budget for 2014. Commissioner Klasell moved that we sign Resolution 2014-213 accepting this budget, motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.

Project Issue

Tree removal: Commissioner Klasell moved that all trees will be fallen, the brush and rootball removed by LWWD and the timber will be placed on the affected properties and will not be sold by LWWD, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Commissioner Harris volunteered to start composing a letter to be sent to the affected property owners.

Review and approve Phase One Plans:  After review of the plans the following questions will be asked of RH2 before the plans can be approved.

  • ·         Why is there a 70 foot by 8”ductile pipeline coming up driveway on lot 3 instead of the nearby utility easement
  • ·         Sleeve on Brown Road irrigation line and why would construction stop if pipe not found
  • ·         Provide Bid item detail.

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The approval was tabled until the Feb. 27 meeting giving RH2 time to address the issues.

Review and approve Bid documents:  After much discussion, the Commissioners agreed to authorize Marc Marquis to spend up to 2 hours reviewing the documents and report back.  The Bid documents will be approved at a later date.


Policy for handling latecomers to LID regarding short plats:  After much discussion of the matter-

Commissioner Harris feels that those who started a short plat or lot line adjustment prior to the LID formation in Dec 2011 should be given the option to join the LID or to be excluded and that those property owners that started a short plat or lot line adjustment after the LID was formed in 2011 would be required to participate in the LID.  The difference in the wording would emphasize the importance of the benefit of the LID and the responsibility to fund the construction.  These new parcels would enjoy the same benefits as the original LID participants and therefore should be required to participate in its funding. The requirement to participate in the LID after it has been formed but before it has been finalized is the recommendation of LWWD legal support, the Dept of Health and the Chelan Co Assessor’s Office. 


Commissioner Klasell feels that all short plats should be given the option of opt in or out because she has been

advised that they cannot short plat unless they can show that there is water available. It therefore becomes a moot point. The parent parcel remains in the LID regardless.


Commissioner Klasell moved that any short plat formation that occurs after the established LID in Dec 2011, the affected parties will be sent a letter inviting them to join the LID and a second letter giving them the option to opt-out, along with the information of what would be involved if they chose to join the district at a later date which would be the cost of the final LID assessment plus inflation & interest. Commissioner Bohn seconded. Commissioner Harris voted no.     Motion passed


LWWD Construction roles:  Commissioner Klasell will serve at the contract administrator and Operator Cruickshank will serve as the project inspector.


Preconstruction Meeting: Commissioner Bohn will coordinate and attend the meeting.  He would prefer to meet at 10 am at the upper end of Lakeview Drive.  Commissioner Klasell will inform RH2.


System Issues


Lakeview Drive leak:  Charlie reported that as of now, it is not an issue.  It will be further assessed in the spring.


Charlie also reported that the LWWU ran out of water because a cable broke in the pump for the reservoir.  They are being provided water via the pressure tanks.  The Commissioners authorized Charlie to obtain the necessary parts and fix the break.  In the discussion, clerk Kinney suggested adding Charlie’s cell phone number to the LWWD website for emergencies.  Charlie agreed to have this done.


Other Issues


Parcel 271718330245 Ballantine:  It is suggested that the travel trailer parked there during the summer is drawing water from an exterior faucet located on the garage.  Clerk Kinney will contact Dave Leonard, the former owner of the property where the garage is located, to find out if it has water being provided to it via the property in the Brown Road Water system which is still owned by Dave Leonard.


Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting at 12:27 pm and reported that the next meeting will be held on Feb. 27, 2014 at 10 am at the District Nine Fire Station.