Lake Wenatchee Water District
Continuation of 10/10/19 Public Meeting
October 30, 2019
Station 91
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bruce Harris, Commissioner Jim Cook, Commissioner Cleve Borth
Staff Present: Bookkeeper Bonnie Klasell
Guests Present: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00
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Addition to Agenda – Tree falling on Upper Tank/Damage:
Commissioner Harris discussed damage to the tank from a windstorm on October 25th. Bonnie has submitted a claim with CIAW and will contact Charlie to verify an adjuster has called. If Charlie has not been contacted, she will follow up with CIAW.
Water Rate Update: Discussion on capital expenditures and budget items for the five years, to assist in establishing a new rate structure in 2020. This is necessary to insure enough funds to handle projects identified in our Comprehensive Water Plan as well as establish a larger emergency fund. Bonnie will present various rate structure scenarios at the November meeting for the commissioners to review and vote on.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 12:00pm
Next meeting November 14, 2019